16 | Spa Afternoon (1394)

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They made a schedule.

When I say "they" I really mean Tamaki.

After the whole fiasco of my failing grade, I've been having to visit the Host Club a lot more.

In all seriousness, Tamaki spent two hours last night working on a plan that would give me the "best learning experience at my time at Ouran Academy." His words, not mine. It goes like this:

Monday - Honey
Tuesday - Mori
Wednesday - Tamaki
Thursday - Kyoya
Friday - All of them.

How that is the optimum lay out of tutors through out the week, I don't know and I chose not to ask. I've already gone through one week of this and even though my physic knowledge has gone up, my patience has gone down.

These boys are like drugs. And not the fact their addictive and probable life ruining but in the sense that there should be a recommended daily dose that should not be exceeded. The hour and a half long tutoring sessions surpassed that daily dose by an hour and twenty minutes.

To make everything worse, I had to attend the real Host Club meetings everyday due to the fact my lessons were after.

To begin with, I'm not a very social person, I'll talk when I have to but other than that I much prefer to be inside, by myself. I have a bubble, and I really hate leaving my bubble. The only thing I hate more than leaving my bubble is when someone enters my bubble, permission or not. Personal space is a big issue that lots of people have seem to forgotten. 

"Are you even listening?" Someone asked.

"No." I could have said yes, but then he would have asked me what he said, I wouldn't have known and he would have judged. I just wanted to save myself those extra three minutes.

"Miss Araya, if you want to improve your mark then you have to listen. I would rather not waste my time, and yours."

It's just tutoring. Not that big of a deal. Calm your sass. But his words did intrigue a little sass in me.

"Is your time really that valuable?" I set my binder down on the table in front of us and scooted closer to Kyoya. I stared at his face intently, just waiting for an answer.

"If you must know, it is. You're not the only one with tests and projects coming up. On top of that I have business affairs to attend to and the less time I waste the better." His voice was suddenly very sharp.

"Well then if you have more important things to be doing I guess I won't keep you." I slammed my books shut, grabbed everything and then left.


---        ---        ---

"The less time I waste the better."

Who does he think he is? Some fancy King who has subjects to rule? No. He is just an asshole with a lot of money. That's what everyone in this school is, assholes with money. Well, except for that one angel boy to whom I talked with on the stairs. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him in a while maybe it was my imagination? But he had to have been real because Yasuko saw him too... 

I may have over reacted with the book slamming but if he wanted to be dramatic I could to.

I was currently sitting in the back of the family car driving home. The driver tried to make small talk but I wasn't feeling it. That Kyoya got me in a bad mood and I'd rather just not be around people at the moment.

Just then I got a call on my cell phone, looking at down, and I seen that it was only Natsumi.

"Hey girl! I was wondering if you wanted to come and have a spa afternoon with me and Yasuko!"

I internally cringed at the invitation but remembered that we haven't hung out in a while so I reluctantly agreed.

"Yeah that'd be great! Where? I'm in the car right now so I can go right now." I put on my best fake happy voice.

"I'll send you the address and we'll meet you there, what do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Not bothering to wait, I closed my phone and got the place. Telling the driver where to go, I leaned back on my seat, looked out the window letting my mind drift off.

"Sora! Sora sweetie, mommy has some plans for us!"

I dropped the dolls I was playing with and jumped up to greet my mother. It was hard to see past my long bangs but even still I could see her beautiful face. Looking up, she brushed my hair out of my face and gave me a warm, loving smile. 

"How about you and I go to the spa and enjoy a nice relaxing day together, hmm?" Mother squeezed my arms and I squealed in delight. 

""Yes! Yes! Yes!"  She picked me up and off we went to the car, all the way to the family spa. 

I was too young at the time to get the full spa treatment, but I got my hair cut, and my nails did along side my mother. At times like these I wonder why in the heck I can remember something as irrelevant as that, but can't remember a simple equation I learned the day before. 

Ahh, the wonders of the human mind. 

When I finally pulled up to the spa, I waited for the driver to come and open the door. In that couple seconds I mentally prepared myself for the next three hours. 

"Did you hear about what happened with Gorou and Ayumi?"

"Oh my god no! What happened?" 

"They were totally caught making out in the science lab during lunch yesterday! Her father found out and is so displeased with her that he is thinking about pulling her from all of her after school activities." 

"No! You are making that up!"

"That is the one hundred percent truth." 

"Now that you mention it, did you hear about..." 

Yasuko and Natsumi gossiped the entire time. I mean, that's what you're supposed to do at a spa but still, three hours worth of scandal and rumors? I'm beginning to question whether or not Ouran Academy is a clean as I thought. 

Then again, the school does have a club just for girls can speak to hot boys. How did they even manage to create such a thing? Most schools won't let girls where spaghetti straps... 

"Speaking of grades, Sora-chan how's the tutoring coming along?" Both of the girls turned to look at me, earning a quick glare from the lady trying to put on the face masks.

"Good actually. I have a quiz coming up on Wednesday so that's when we'll see if the Host Club is as good at teaching as they are with flirting." I shrug a little and close my eyes as the spa lady rubs the goop under them. 

"Do you feel any smarter?" Yasuko asked. I opened one eye to give her a questioning look. What kind of question is that? 

"Um...sure?" Natsumi laughs a little and I crack a smile.

"Who is the better teacher?" I kind of miss them gossiping at this point. This is when I know I wouldn't be a good famous person because I wouldn't be able to deal with all the questions in an interview. 

"Honestly? Probably Mori-senpai. As quiet as he is, it gives me time to think and when he does speak it's nice and slow and I can just understand it better." It is difficult to concentrate sometimes because at random times I get flash backs to that picture I saw in Yasuko's book and I can't get it out of my head. During moments like that I thank the lord I'm a girl and he has no indication of what I'm thinking of. 

"Forget physics, you and Mori should go to the science lab to practice some chemistry." Yasuko bursted out laughing at her own joke and Natsumi and I just stared because that was a terrible joke and I wish I didn't even hear it. 

"You do know you aren't funny, right?" Natsumi questioned the now giggling Yasuko. 

"Don't lie, I'm hilarious." 

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