10 | Mini Dance Party (1409)

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Thursday after school, Natsumi, Yasuko and I went to visit the host club again. I wasn't so surprised with the blinding light and dramatic rose petals. I had plenty of time to mentally prepare myself for that on the demanding trek up the mountain of stairs.

Out of all the money this school gets, you think they could afford to get a couple elevators. I mean, out of all the students someones parents have to have a job working with elevators, right? Like, they could give the school a discount and everything probably. Look at me, thinking outside the box.

Or should I say: elevator.

Actually, no. No I shouldn't...

Today, I sat down with Tamaki instead of Haruhi. I figured I'd ask him about the ball, considering he is the "King" he should know.

"So, I heard you guys are planning a dance for tomorrow night." I bring it up with him once the instant coffee was placed on the table by the not-so-pleasant looking Haruhi. I was quite surprised on how well it tasted, I might have to get one of the maids to buy some.

That sounded really conceited.

"Yes we are my darling. I sure hope you will be attending, it would be a pleasure to dance with such a beautiful princess such as yourself." He did that thing he always does where he takes his thumb and index finger to lift my chin for I can stare into his eyes. I have to admit, this guy was good. Wherever he's from I want to visit.

I'm pretty sure when Yasuko and Natsumi explained the host club to me, they told me where he's from but by that point I stopped listening. Seriously, I think they told me everything there is to know about the club and the hosts. Well, besides the fact that Haruhi is a girl of course.

"I think I might come, it sounds like fun. Is the whole school invited?"

"Anyone who wants to come is invited, but mostly we are expecting only our guests show up." Kyoya showed up with his black book.

"Why are you holding this dance party anyways?" Might as well ask now.

"You ask a lot of questions." Hikaru and Kaoru walk by and I send them a glare. Weren't they supposed to be, I don't know, flirtatious towards the guests?

"We are trying to help an old friend." Kyoya answers, not even acknowledging the snide comments from the twins, he did however write something down. It's probably another grocery list. I nodded and then stood up from the upholstery.

Barely any guests were left, so I figured that I should head home to. Since I haven't talked to Haruhi since my last visit, I went to go say hello, and then also say goodbye.

"Hey Haruhi!" She looked up from the book she was reading and sent me a smile. "I was about to head out so I thought I would say goodbye."

We exchanged goodbyes and I asked her if she was going to the party. With a reluctant face she said yes and I laughed at her enthusiasm. In the middle of our conversation and girl with short brown hair came up to Haruhi.

"Are you ready to start the waltzing lessons?" She asked. I had to stop myself from laughing. I can just picture Haruhi trying to dance and I was not a pretty picture. Haruhi nodded and walked off with the other girl. I waved her off and headed for the door.

"Sora-chan! Wait!" Honey-senpai called out. I stopped and turned around to see what he wanted. "Why don't you stay for a bit and have some cake with me and Usa-chan?" He ran up to me holding a stuffed pink rabbit. Since he gave me the cute puppy-dog eyes I really couldn't refuse. For an 18 year old, he really does possess the spirit of a six year old. I respected that.

Together we went and sat down at a table with, non other, than strawberry cheesecake on it. I laughed at the memory of when we first met and ate a piece with the boy. Honey was telling me a story of when he ate seven cakes in one sitting when I heard music.

"Oh my goodness! I love this song!" I jumped up from my chair and danced with myself. I heard Honey laugh at my foolishness but I don't care this was a ball! I twirled around in circles, letting my dress poof up the slightest. Humming along to the tune I easily got lost in the moment.

The next thing I know, I may or may not have ran into someones back.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I swear!" I bowed my head a little and when I looked up I saw Mori staring at me. He didn't have much emotion on his face.

"It's alright. But, would you like to have a partner?" He extended his hand and I smirked. Gladly taking it, I placed a hand on his shoulder and one of his hands found my waist and we began to dance to the music together.

We didn't really match the beat at first, which made me laugh and Mori just smile at me. Once we got the rhythm I couldn't help but stare back at him. For a giant like himself, he was a really good dancer. Not to be mean to giants or anything, but I was pleasantly surprised. The song ended but another song started again.

"Let me dance with Sora-chan, Takashi!" Both of us stopped dancing and Mori bowed while I curtsied back. Mori stepped back and Honey took over. Considering the height difference the dance was a bit more awkward but we finally got the hang of it.

Well, mostly we just twirled around, taking a few steps here and there. I was having a blast and Honey and I just laughed at each other. I lifted Honey off the ground and then spun him around like what you do with kids.

Finally, after we were all out of breath, (Mori and I danced right after, again) we just plopped down on one of the red seats. I looked up and was mesmerized by the colour and sparkle of the chandelier. I smiled to myself, just being content with today.

"Thank you Sora-chan! That was super fun, I can't wait to dance with you at the party!" Honey exclaimed, looks like someone is back for round two.

"Hm" Mori agreed, well at least I think he agreed. It's hard to tell with him. Heck, it's hard to tell with any members of the host club. We sat there for a good five minutes, making small talk and just enjoying each others company.

"Well, I best be off. Goodbye Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai." I lifted myself off the couch and waved goodbye to Mori as Honey hugged me. They followed me out the door, Honey on Mori's back of course, and headed towards where I guess Haruhi and the rest of the club were.

My foot steps echoed in the hallway as I made my way to the front. I called the car not to long ago so it should be there by the time I am. These are the moments I enjoy most, I love having fun and hanging out with friends but alone time will always be my favourite time.

I stopped to admire the garden from one of the many gigantic windows. This is a very beautiful school, and I'm actually kind of glad I'm here. I mean, I would still leave in a heart beat, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't feel any remorse.

Natsumi, Yasuko and I have grown really close in the past two weeks and I really hope our friendship lasts. I've never had friends like them and they make me happy in every single way. I wonder what my life would be like if they were in three of my four classes, or even any of my classes for that matter.

A good guess would be that, I wouldn't be walking down this corridor right now, I wouldn't have went to the host club, I wouldn't have been going to the dance party and I would have probably persuaded my father to let me leave by now.

It's amazing how the little things can really change a persons life.

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