8 | The Host Club (1582)

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Music Room number 3. It's the same room that Tamaki told me to visit when he gave me the tour of the school. Man, that seems like such a long time ago... Well at least now I can find out why he really wanted me to visit it.

I did have a good idea, I had a feeling the Host Club was in there, due to the fact that on the way up the many stairs, Natsumi and Yasuko kept mumbling "music room" over and over again.

Why a host club would be in a music room beats me. You think they would have it in an empty class, the garden or something along those lines. But, a music room of all things. I expect to hear some music whilst I'm in there, and not recorded music I mean full on live piano solo.

Some places should be on main floors. A certain club should be one of them. I swear, this staircase with the fancy red carpet and titanic feel to it, goes on forever. I don't have physical education this semester so I'm totally too out of shape for this. Something that neither girl on my left nor right can understand as they proceed to run up each step.

There it was.

Huge pink double doors with golden door-pulls stood in front of us. A sign right above the doors read "Music Room Number Three". Natsumi squealed.

"So are you excited?" Yasuko asked shaking my tired shoulder.

"If I say yes, can we go in?" My heart was beating faster, and I don't think it was because of the mountain I had just climbed. Natsumi bit her bottom lip and then pulled down on the gold lever.

A blinding light first greeted us, and I swear I saw a couple of rose petals fall down.

"Welcome!" A chorus of voices announced. When my eyes adjusted I completely forgot I was in a music room.

This whole place looks like three or four rooms put together! Looking around, I noticed a huge golden chandelier, the white and pink ceiling, the red couches and most importantly the group of males standing/sitting in the middle of the room. I recognized all of them.

The first person I noticed was Morinozuka. Since he was taller than everyone, he caught my eye quickly, and from the looks of his slightly raised eyebrow he saw me too in the midst of all the girls fluttering in from behind us to go sit on the upholstered. Next there was, to my surprise, Kyoya who had a very good poker face on. Those glasses were really deceiving. Honey was looking as cheerful as ever next to Tamaki who was simply smirking. The guys from the airport, the twins, were there too.

Something clicked.

I ran into them! I wasn't seeing doubles, it was really them all a long! Here I was thinking I was going crazy. Last but not least there was...Haruhi? Why was she in a boys uniform? Last time I saw her, she was wearing girl clothes. Maybe she was a cross dresser?

"Sora-chan!" Honey came running over to me. He jumped up and gave me a weird hug type thing. It was a little person thing I'm guessing.

"Honey-senpai!" I exclaim once he release his grip on my arm. He looked up at me with twinkling eyes and gave me a sweet smile. Mori came up from behind him and scooped him up, and put him on his own shoulder. He acted as though Honey weighed nothing, but in comparison it makes sense.

Natsumi and Yasuko gave me quizzical looks, looks like I'm the one who has some explaining to do later. Just then, an evil smirk appeared on Yasuko's face and she whispered something to Natsumi who seconds later smirked as well. She waved her fingers at me and then the two of the walked off to sit on the biggest seat of them all.

They left me.

I have no idea what to do.

Do i just stand here, or what?

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