3 | Haruhi (1034)

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The beach is the best place to go during vacation. It might not be the warmest place at this point and time, but I loved the sound of the waves crashing up against the sand and rocks. This beach in particular, was crowed today. It was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves and hearing the children laugh as they splash each other with water.

I guess you could say this was a "commoner" beach, but I don't like to put labels on people. It's not the money that makes a person. I liked the commoner beaches better than private ones because there is always so much more life at this kind of beach, and it just warms my heart.

Having enough of just sitting on my towel, I shook off the collected sand and stuffed it in the little tote bag I brought with me. I kicked off my sandals and walked towards the water, bag in hand. Just letting the cold ocean water run over my feet, I slowly made my way down the shore line looking at the shells that the children have collected up on the sand.

Just as I was about to pick up a really cool looking rock a strong wind came and blew my floppy hat away. I try and be fashionable and Mother Nature just doesn't agree with me.

I run after my white, now sand stained hat hoping someone will help me and grab it. I'm not the fastest runner on solid ground, and who can run fast on sand in the first place? I was considering giving up and just going out to buy a new hat when a nice girl, about my age it looks like, caught it while it tumbled down the beach.

"Is this yours?" She asked after jogging up to me, hat in hand.

"Oh yes, thank you so much. I was about to give up chasing it." I laughed and placed the hat back on my head. It might have been a good idea to brush off the sand but I was too happy to care at the moment. "Hey, why don't I take you out to lunch for helping me?"

She looked a bit shocked at first, her short hair covered her wide eyes as she pondered my question.

"I...I...I don't know" She replied.

"Come on! It will be fun. You can pick anywhere you want to eat, and I'll pay." Not even bothering to wait for an answer, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her along the beach up to the road. I made sure to hold on to my hat for good measure.

--- --- ---

We ended up going to this place that I had never been before. The girl from the beach whose name is Fujioka Haruhi, told me what was good on the menu, and what was better just to be left back in the kitchen. Once the food was on the table we both dug in, barely talking in between bites. She was right about the order, I was enjoying every single bit of it.

She told me some about her, and I told her some about me. We had a lot of things in common, like the fact we dislike people who flaunt their money. At first she thought I was being hypocritical because I was paying for lunch and all, but then I told her it was the least I could do and then we just stopped talking about it.

Although she didn't possess that much money, she told me she was going to this fancy school meant for filthy rich people. As it turns out, she's going there on a scholarship.

"Man, you must be smart.. so if I ever need a tutor I know where to go!" We both laughed and continued to tell stories about our lives.

I felt bad knowing that her mother was gone, so to make it up to her I offered her some ice cream. Food may not be the best option to help someone when it's on the lines of death but, ice cream is ice cream so she accepted.

Haruhi doesn't talk much, so I ended up asking a bunch of questions to which she answered hesitantly. Soon, she was asking me questions about my life, and it surprised me because I never thought this girl would actually converse with me. In all she was a very pleasant girl, I was growing fond of her every second. I could tell she was warming up to me too by the way she talked and actually laughed at my lame jokes.

"So do you know what school you'll be going to, Sora?" Since I'm a grade higher than her, Haruhi called me senpai before I actually convinced her that I hated that title and I would make her pay me back for lunch if she called me that one more time.

"I don't know, Haruhi. I haven't really discussed educational matters with my parents yet. I might be going to the same school as you, and I might not." I replied honestly. School hasn't crossed my mind all break. Apparently it hasn't crossed my parents minds either. There aren't many schools around this area, and I know my mother would never put me in a school for "lesser people", so the odds were in my favour of going to the same school as Haruhi.

The two of us ended up spending the day together, just walking around down and looking at the different booths that were set up along side the road. I was having fun with Haruhi, and I think she was enjoying herself too. So, if I ended up being in the same school, at least I would have one friend.

I walked Haruhi home due to the fact she lived only five minutes away from where we were.

"Goodbye Haruhi! I hope we see each other again!" I waved goodbye and headed down the steps of her appartment complex. I don't even bother with trying to walk home and instead just call the car again. These walks were pointless if I was always going to end up getting a car back.

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