9 | Noticing (1069)

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Today, Natsumi and Yasuko were at the fountain on time so we walked to first period together. We did not run. We walked. Also, we didn't bump into anyone! See what happens when you take your time?


We made it to history in just the nick of time. Once Yasuko stepped foot in the class, the bell rang. The three of us went to our seats and sat down; Natsumi in the middle, Yasuko on her right and I on her left.

The teacher began to take attendance, so the whole class stopped talking.

"Araya, Sora." My name was always the first one called.

"Present." I replied in a dull tone.

This would be where I would zone out and think about more important things like what's for lunch, what am I going to wear tomorrow.. oh wait, the same thing I do everyday. I really dislike having uniforms. I get how they make the school look more prestigious, and how it stops the students from showing off designer clothing but really couldn't they have chosen a differ-

"Ootori, Kyoya." Wait, what?

"Present." He's in this class?

"He's in this class?" I whisper to Natsumi. The teacher kept reading off names.

"Yeah? You didn't know that?" She gave me a very weird look, it sort of read 'are you stupid?', but then again I could be translating wrong.

"Huh." I turn back to face the front and put my head on my hand. I tried focusing on what the teacher was saying, but I was too busy scolding myself for not noticing that Kyoya was in this class.

"Now class, who can add more detail about The Edo Era, specifically the Ikedaya Inn."

A sudden movement startled me from my daze of thoughts. Whatever Kyoya was writing down, he immediately stopped and and got his laptop from his bag. Not long after he was typing away. So something about The Edo Era reminded him to do something. Probably get eggs on the way home. Because you know, eggs and Edo Era both start with "E". It makes sense you know. Well if he's the one who did the shopping

--- --- ---

The morning classes went by slower than a tortoise with no motivation. Every five minutes seemed like an eternity, the clocks seemed to stop and my eyes got droopier and droopier. I was the happiest person alive when the bell for lunch rang.

Natsumi and Yasuko don't understand the meaning of "come on, hurry up! I'm hungry!" because they were taking their merry little time walking towards the dinning hall. Halfway there I told them I would meet them at our table, my patience runs low on an empty stomach.

When I finally made it, the line wasn't that long so, I got my food in a matter of minutes. Which again, felt like forever. When I was walking to our normal spot I noticed something else, well two things. 1) I'm the least observant person ever and 2) I pass Hikaru and Kaoru every day in the dinning hall.

They sit closer to the kitchen than we do, so in turn to get lower on the table to our seats, I walk past them all the time. The twins caught my eye and I shot them a small smile and continued on my way. In seconds flat, I was sitting down enjoying my soup.

I was almost finished my creamy, awesome soup when Natsumi and Yasuko finally sat down across from me. This is exactly why I sped up, it took them like an extra 15 minutes to get here; and that's fifteen extra minutes that I used eating my soup.

We never did talk much at lunch, I mean we see each other practically all day so there isn't much to talk about. I usually just do my favourite past time: eavesdropping. It is a bad, un-lady like habit, I know, but my parents never told me anything while growing up, so I learned to eavesdrop.

"Tamaki-san is the best looking one out of all of them"

"He is not! Haninozuka is! He is just so cute in every possible way!"

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, Haru-chan has them all beat."

That last comment almost made me spurt out my soup. Man, these girls really take the host club seriously. I'm quite surprised I haven't heard them talking about it before. Yasuko gave me a funny look after my almost-accident.

"Sorry, I just thought of something funny. Ignore me." I give a really sarcastic smile and Yasuko glares at me. I laugh -with no soup in my mouth- and we continue with our lunch. And eavesdropping. I know Natsumi and Yasuko do it to.

Can't hide anything from Sora.

Sora is like a hawk.

--- --- ---

"Have you seen my textbook?" I ask Natsumi, once we were settled in religion. She shook her head and got her own textbook from her bag and placed it on the wooden desk. "Well, it looks like I'm sharing with you then." I get up and take the desk that's beside her. I usually sit in the desk in front, while Yasuko sits in the very back. She really hates this class so she just takes a nap in the far corner.

"So, like we were discussing yesterday, who can tell me what are the five most practiced religions in the world today?" The teacher droned on and on and on. I understand why Yasuko hates this class, but I don't understand how she can sleep through it; I mean, the teacher speaks loud enough to speak over the entire country.

That may or may not be an exaggeration.

"So did you hear about the ball that the host club is planning on doing?" Natsumi asked me once the papers were handed out.

"Um, no?"

"Well they are holding a ball on Friday and Yasuko and I were planning on going, do you want to tag along? We can get ready at my house." She offered, writing her name on the worksheet.

This ball could be fun, I haven't been to one in years. I agreed, and soon all my thoughts were not on Christianity, or Islamic religion but on all the possible outcomes that could happen if I go to this ball.

Several of which end with someone leaving on a stretcher.

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