13 | Who's Who? (1576)

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Goodbye weekend and hello weekday. 

There I was, sitting at the dining room table eating my breakfast when...

Absolutely nothing happened. I finished my breakfast, got changed into the school uniform and waited for the car to come around. It was unusual for the car to be late coming around to the front, but since I was a tad early getting ready I sat down on the stairs. 

What I believe to be five minutes later, the black vehicle finally pulled up the drive way and stopped right in front on me. The driver went to get out of his seat, but when I saw the door being opened I told him to stop and sit back down, today I felt like getting my own door. 

I hopped off the steps with my bag on my back and headed for the car. I flung it open and very ungracefully got in. Taking a deep breath I leaned my head back on the rest, closing my eyes. I heard someone cough and so I opened one eye. 


Furrowing my brow, I opened the other eye. Sitting across from my was a very amused looking Kyoya and a smiling Tamaki. I put my face in my hands, rubbing my eyes with my palms. Taking another deep breath, I looked up and smiled. 

"Good morning, Kyoya, Tamaki." I bowed my head a tad, still smiling. It wasn't the most genuine smile but I'm still in the process of making friends, so I kind of have to act happy all the time. 

"Good morning, my little darling. How is a beauty like you doing this fine morning?" Tamaki smoldered. Heck, maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it would be. I'm being complimented before nine o'clock, and I'm so not going to complain. 

"This little beauty is fine, what about you handsome fellows?" I placed my bag on the seat beside me, and fixed my dress to make myself a bit more comfortable. To say the least, Tamaki looked a bit surprised and Kyoya was giving me a questioning look before turning back to his normal poker face. Tamaki went back to himself to. 

"I'm a lot better now that I can look at your beautiful face." My week is starting off rather splendid. 

"Speaking of which... why are you guys even in my car?" I asked, trying to sound as pleasant as possible.

"Well, Tamaki thought it would be a good idea to drive you to school to get to know you better." Kyoya said, matter of factly. I nodded and then the car settled into a silence as the chauffeur drove out of the long drive way. 

"Do you normally do this with guests? Like, drive them to school and such." The silence was eating me alive, I'm one of those people who get really anxious when it comes to silence in groups, so I try and stray from it as much as possible. 

"No, it's just since you're new to Ouran completely we figured this would be a nice surprise for you." Kyoya smiled, if it was real or not; I still don't know. 

"So why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, my little princess?" Tamaki finally spoke again, looking at me with his big eyes. I chose my next words carefully. It's not like I had anything to hide, it's just that I like to leave a little mystery. What's the fun in that, anyway?

"I started traveling when I was around nine? Yeah, nine and since then I've been around the world several times. The most I've ever been in the same country was four times, one of those trips back was due to me leaving some luggage in the hotel lobby. Also, I once won a chocolate eating contest in Belgium." I thought for a moment and then smiled at the two boys.

They didn't get a chance to reply to my little auto-biography because the driver informed us that we had arrived. Again, I didn't wait for him to get out of the car, instead I opened my own door and thanked him for the drive. I waited outside the car for about ten seconds for Kyoya and Tamaki to come out, but I'm too impatient to wait any longer so I started to walk off. 

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