4 | Kyoya (1649)

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Daddy's home! I think as I run down the large stairs to meet my father at the doors. I jumped into his arms as we laughed together. He spun me around then kissed my cheek before setting me gently back down on the tiled floor. He ruffled my hair and then spoke to me with his low voice.

"How's my little girl doing? You've grown since I last saw you!" He gave me a big smile.

"I've missed you so much daddy! Mom says I've grown a full inch!" I exclaim rather proudly. I returned his smile with a big goofy one, making him chuckle.

"Well speaking of your mother, why don't we see where she is." He took my hand and led me into the family room while someone took his suitcase away.

I was around eight when that happened. He was a way for a month and a half, I'm pretty sure that's when he went to the U.S.A to discuss some business with a huge airline company over there. He never talked business much in front of me.

That reunion couldn't be more far from what it was back then, to what it's like today. I was laying on my bed, scrolling through the internet when I heard a knock on the door. I yelled for whoever it was to enter and it turns out it was the same woman who brought me a tea my first night here. She informed me that my father was home from his trip and he wished to see me. I asked her if I had to, and she chuckled and said it was unquestionable. Dang...

Taking way more time than I needed to to make my way down the stairs. I even stopped to talk to the gardener whom was watering the indoor plants. He was quite surprised that I asked him how his day had been going but it was a nice chat if I do say so myself.

I solemnly walked into the grand family room. The big fake fireplace was turned on, illuminating the rather large room. We only ever come in here on special occasions now, so I was wondering if this really was just a welcome home thing to dad. Eyeing the room wearily, I walked across it and sat down on the three person couch, with the two love seats on either side. One of the love seats had my father sitting in it, and the other, my mother.

Dad offered me a smile and I gave a small one back. I'm still mad at him for bringing me here, but then family is all I have at this point in time, so might as well make them think I can stand them. If this was a special occasion then maybe if I act nice and sweet I could get out of it...

"It's so nice to see you Sora-chan." My dad said leaning over his chair and patting my hand that was resting on the arm of the couch. He leaned back as I acknowledge him. He looked rather nervous, maybe because he was wondering why I was acting so polite around him.

"Sora, your father and I wanted to ask you if you could do something, a favour, if you will." Leave it to my mom to skip the sappy "hello's" and get right to the point. I wish she did that when I got here. Would have made my ever growing headache from the flight a lot better.

When I didn't respond to her, my dad cleared his throat and my blank stare was turned from my mother to him.

"I have a rather important meeting, with a rather important family. This family has a son that's your age and he will be attending the first part of the meeting then afterwards we were hoping that you could...entertain him while we continue with the other half."

What? I did not want to entertain some boy for and hour. Especially since I did not know him. Also, from my personal experience boys that attend meetings with their parents before getting out of school are just going to only do things to help themselves and are only concerned with either money or their future company. As much as I like what money can do, I at least understand that there are better things in this world.

"As much as I would love to, I have other plans made." I simply state. Maybe this nice facade can still work.

"Well I'm sorry sweetie but this meeting is really important to your father and me. We figure if we can make a good impression on his parents and you keep him happy then they might consider helping us out." My mother pleaded.

"Who is this family anyways that they can help out and airline company and a beauty guru?" Curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask. Airplanes and makeup really don't go together in the same class.

"Well, the Ootori family is well known for their health-care business and with their help we can change the first-aid training program for our stewardesses, change how to take care of an emergency situation and so much more." Uh huh... I just gave him a blank stare.

"This would be an excellent opportunity for your father, and if he get's it, it would make him even more popular which would make this family more well known and then in that case more people will buy my new product." My mother added on

"I'm not going to do it. I recognize the family so I know that they are living around here, so why can't his precious son go back to his own house once he isn't needed anymore. Frankly this whole thing can be avoided if he just stays home. Why should a guy my age even be in a meeting like this?"

Before my father or my mother could say anything to counter my excellent argument the door man came in to inform that our "special guests" have arrived.

"You are doing as I say, and there is no way you are getting out of it. Cancel all plans you have had for the day. Sora, you must make a good impression on this boy or bad things could happen to our company, do I make myself clear?" My father lowered his voice so the entering guests couldn't hear, but the look on his face could be seen from ten kilometers away. I nodded and then left the room, bowing to the Ootori family as they walked further into the room. I quickly spotted the guy my age simply by his lack of wrinkles. He had a stern face just like the rest of them. We made eye contact and he just pushed up his glasses. I smirked at him and made my way upstairs, thinking of ways that I could either actually listen to my parents or make things more fun.

--- --- ---

Not feeling completely rebellious today I decided to actually help my dad out by trying to make this guy happy. Which wasn't very easy. This guy barely laughed, found things "interesting", and frankly he was a stick in the mud. But, I like a challenge, so this kept getting better and better.

I took him for a walk in our garden. I feel bad for the gardener now, this place was larger than I remember, a lot more flowers and bushes and not to mention the flamboyant cherry blossoms. Speaking of cherry blossoms.

"Hey, even though every single fact I've told you today that I thought was cool, you've said you already knew it, I have another cool fact for ya that I learned on my travels. Cherry blossom trees are speculated to be native to the Himalayas. How about that?" I purposely try and bump shoulders with this Ootori guy, even though he stands taller than I.

"I did a project on Cherry Blossoms in the first grade. Received top marks for my write up on the origin of the tree." He looked down at me and had some what of an evil smirk on his face. I don't even know why I try to impress Ootori-san. I let out a very exaggerated sigh and then just walk in silence with him. I thought I could hear him chuckle from beside me, but brushed it off because this guy it seems does not have one chuckle in him.

A light breeze ran through the pink trees and multi-coloured flowers, causing the weaker petals to float off into the wind. I don't know why I don't come out here more often.

"It's beautiful isn't it? I used to come out here all the time with my mother when I was younger to play and help plant flowers." I said, being in a trance from the falling flowers. Before Kyoya could reply, we were ushered back inside by one of the staff. The meeting was over and the Ootori family was heading home.

Trying to entertain Ootori Kyoya is a lot more difficult than I could have planned. We walked inside without another word. My father was shaking hands will all the people who came for the meeting. I can't tell one from the other sue to the same coloured suits, same wrinkles and same straight faces.

"Goodbye Araya. I will probably see you again soon. Try and come up with more interesting facts for next time, hmm?" Ootori-san smiled then left out the front door with everybody else. Well, if I'm going to see him again soon I guess the meeting went well. When the door shut I looked at my parents who were just standing there.

"Your welcome." I said, then off I went, back up to my room to do some googling about "interesting" things.

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