14 | He's Attractive (1464)

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"Sora-chan! Would you like some cake?" Honey asked once I entered music room number three.

"Um, no thank you Honey-senpai, I'm not here to visit, I just came up here with Yasuko who wanted to buy a photo-thingy you guys have for sale." I smiled down at the boy who looked sad for a moment, but then smiled brightly back and walked off with Mori.

I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the club room, before realizing it would be easier just to go stand by Yasuko. Fixing my bag on my shoulder, I quickly made my way over to the girl talking to Kyoya.

They were having one of those conversations that don't make sense when you just start listening in the middle of it. They were going on about next months issue with costumes, shirtless poses and stuff like that. I was stunned to say the least when I heard her accept the shirtless option. I must have also made a noise or something because the two people turned to look at me.

"What about you Miss Araya, would you like one?" Kyoya asked, with a seemingly fake smile.

"I'm going to have to decline." Maybe it wasn't the best idea to match his sarcastic smile, but hey, I'm a sarcastic person. Kyoya nodded and then continued with Yasuko.

Several minutes later, I finally heard their goodbyes and then Yasuko grabbed my arm and we walked out together.

"So can I ask why you got a book full of shirtless pictures of the hosts?" Without a thought, Yasuko let go of my arm to shuffle through the book. She then held up a picture of a very refreshing looking Mori on the page.

So that's why.

Maybe I should have gotten one of those books for myself...

Yasuko must have guessed that I realized why so she put the book back in her bag and we continued to the front entrance where our respective cars were parked.

--- --- ----

Hormones are stupid.

As I lay down in bed, trying to go to sleep I couldn't help but think about that picture of Mori. What teenage girl wouldn't? His body was perfect and pretty much just everything in that picture was perfect. I wonder what the rest of the Host Club looks like in their pictures...

I need to stop.

Well, this does bring me to a very important question: What did they do for the pictures of Haruhi? I highly doubt they could take shirtless pictures of her, I don't even think- scratch that- I know she wouldn't even let them take a picture of her. I have to remind myself to ask her that tomorrow.

Also, did Honey have a good body? He eats cake 24/7 but I also know that he is some secret military weapon. Plus, wouldn't it be weird to have half-naked pictures of a boy who looks 12? How would some poor girl explain that to her parents is they saw her looking at it?

Here I was contemplating whether or not to actually buy one, but know I'm thinking that maybe there is just too much hassle that comes along with it. If anything I could get Yasuko to send me pictures of it. Wouldn't that be stealing though?

My mind needs to stop and I need to go to bed. This is getting ridiculous. I tried going to bed around ten and now it's 11:30. No wonder I'm always so cranky in the morning. I could just sleep in tomorrow to even it out. But, then I would be late. I can't win in this situation.

Maybe if I just checked my laptop it would help me go to sleep.

--- --- ---

"Why are you so cranky this morning?" Natsumi asked once I barked at her for being too loud.

"I felt like being a philosopher last night." I never even looked at the girl, I jut kept looking forward. The bags under my eyes were probably ridiculous; but thanks to my mothers fear of having an ugly child she made me put on a crap tonne of under-eye concealer. It was a time when I was sort of grateful for her narcissistic persona.

Natsumi and Yasuko didn't really talk to me on the way to class that day. Or during class that matter, they could tell I wasn't feeling it so I mentally thanked them for it.

One person who I could also tell was having a bad day was non other than Ootori Kyoya himself. I wondered if I should go up to him and ask him what was up, but then I realized I wouldn't want someone to come and ask me that so I just stayed in my seat.

The day passed by rather quickly, and of course Yasuko had to go to the Host Club to praise the hosts on their excellent pictures.

I didn't stay to visit though. Once we walked in, the room was full and the first thing I heard was squealing clapping.

"I'll wait for you out here, or at least anywhere but in there." Yasuko never even noticed me, she just kept walking like she was in a trance. I huffed out and walked right out the door to sit on the stairs.

There's something about sitting on carpet stairs that is just comforting, I don't know why but it just is. As soon as I sat down, the tiredness I was feeling all day suddenly crept up on me. Fixing my bag so it was more comfortable on my back, I finally realized that I could be here for a while. Looks like it's reading time for me.

Grabbing a book from my bag (I had three in there), I found my page and entered the land of fantasy, fake relationships and false hope. I'm not sure how much time had past before I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I'm feeling a sense of deja-vu but that could just be me.

I looked up from my book, and over my shoulder to see a shadow being cast over me. I couldn't see their face right away due to the lighting coming from the grand windows but soon my eyes focused and I wished they focused sooner.

Standing above me was an angel cast from heaven above.

His hair was the perfect shade of brown, a little bit messy but it still looked styled. The school uniform looked 10x better on him then any other boy I had ever seen. His eyes; they were just so captivating. I couldn't help but stare, a little longer than I should've I think.

"What book are you reading?" He asked me, with his angelic voice.

"Oh...um...it's nothing, just a normal book with the cliche happenings." I sputtered out. He took a seat next to me and he smelled very nice. Everything about him was nice.

"I see. So is there a reason that you are sitting alone on the stairs reading a normal book with cliche happenings?" He nudged my shoulder with his and I died a little inside.

"My friend is in there" I jerked my head in the direction of the club room. "so I just decided that I would read my normal book with cliche happenings out here." I shrugged and smiled at the boy on my left. He smiled back and anything that was left alive inside of me died.

"Well you looked lonely so I thought I would say Hi." The attractive male finally said, breaking that five second silence that was bestowed upon us.

"And that was very kind of you." I smile slightly as the two of us converse quietly. Nothing too deep, just small talk; the talk you would do with someone on the train for example. I'm not sure how long we talked for; five minutes, eight minutes maybe even ten minutes. One thing was for certain: I did not want to stop talking to this angelic boy beside me.

I must be the Queen of jinx.

"Sooooooraaaaaa" Yasuko sang out. All good thing must come to an end I guess. 

'Yaaaasuuuukoooo" I sand back, and the brunette boy just laughed. "It was really nice talking to you. I hope we see each other again sometimes soon." I smile, grab my bag and get up from the stairs. He says goodbye and gets up. He saunters off with his hands in his pockets, all the way out the door. 

"Who was that?" Yasuko asked once we greeted each other. She was holding another book, I didn't want to ask her about it due to the fact that if it was another provocative one; I wouldn't be able to sleep. 

"I....I don't know." I answer back truthfully. 

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