2 | Honey and Mori (2033)

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Three days. Three days I have been back at the Araya Mansion. That's three days of me wanting to jump from the roof. I need to get out of here I thought to myself everyday. Everyday I never did. Well until today, deciding that roof jumping is a bit to extreme for me, I settled for going for a walk.

I haven't been here in a while so I took out my laptop and researched good shops, cafes, restaurants etc.. By the time the afternoon came around my mother had convinced me to wear her new lipstick and mascara when I went out. I said a silent hallelujah when that was all she wanted. When she told me she wanted me to wear some of her product. I thought I was going to get the full deal, foundation, liner, eye shadow; the whole package. Since I usually wear mascara and lipstick anyways, it wasn't that much of a change. I'm not going to lie either, the lipstick was nice and my eyes have never looked fuller. I would never tell her that but still.

Proper shoes are important on a walk around town. That is a piece of information that I would have liked to realize before I left the house. I was an hour into my walk when my feet started to throb. I was in the middle of what looks like the out skirts of the city. Wow, did I wonder off...

I found a nice bakery to grab something to eat, and for the most part sit down in. It was cute, and very quaint. I remember reading about this place online and everyone said they had the best strawberry cheese cake in town. I wanted to find that out for myself, so after what seemed like forever of waiting in line I got up to the register and placed my order.

The line wasn't even that long it was pretty much just some blonde haired kid with his very tall dad ordering pretty much every cake on the menu. The kids father just sat down on the opposite side of the table as his son munched away on the what looks like seven cakes. They don't even look related to come to think of it. The "dad" had neatly, messy black hair with a stern face on and the little boy had bright blonde hair with a huge smile on his face.

Once I finally got the plate of cake, I sat down I tried the cheese cake. Man, were all those people right. This cake was the best cake I had ever eaten in my life. I don't even know how to explain it, but the blend of the crumbs on the bottom, the smoothness of the actual cake part and the strawberries was just magical.

Checking my phone, I looked and saw that I had been in here for twenty minutes. Much to my dismay, I finished the last bite of the cake. Then I realized that I could buy another one, and so I did. When I say "another one" I mean 3 more slices. Maybe if I come here enough and become a valued costumer they'll give me the recipe if I beg... Mentally shrugging I walk out onto the sidewalk, hearing the dingle of the bell as the door closes behind me.

It's always disappointing to fine that the sunny day you were enjoying is taken away by the over cast of a hundred clouds. I sure hope it doesn't rain, the last thing I need is to get caught in the middle of a down pour. I silently cursed myself for not checking the weather and then walked towards the downtown area.

The only thing I hated about walking is that there's always the chance of walking into trouble. In my case running into trouble is always inevitable and if I didn't run into it by now, it will eventually come sooner rather than later. Soon is like right now. When I turned the corner after walking out of the bakery I let out a small shriek as I was met face-to-face with 3 very scary looking guys.

Looking at the first man, I saw that he had a bit of scruff coming from his jawline and covering all around his mouth and chin. His dark hair was super messy, but not as messy as the guy beside him. His friend had long brown hair reached his shoulders, so it was about the same length as mine, and he was wearing what looked like hand-me down clothing considering it didn't really fit him properly. The third guy looked like any other guy on the street. Clean cut black hair, cleanly shaven and he was wearing a navy blue suit which looked rather expensive. Snapping out of my gaze I remembered the situation I was in.

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