6 | Ouran Academy (1434)

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After about three hours, I finally thought I knew the school like the back of my hand. Tamaki had shown me the different libraries, gymnasiums and music rooms. With one room in particular -music room number three- he said that after school I should go there and check it out. He never did tell me why.

Maids rushed to get me ready and out the door for I wouldn't be late. I had to get help with the uniform because even though I did love dresses, puffy dresses were my kryptonite. Not to mention, the colour of this dress really clashed with my skin tone and hair; needless to say daddy won't have to worry about boyfriends whist I'm here.

When the driver closed the door to the car, I looked out the window and saw that a couple of the maids were at the front door, waving goodbye. Well, that is until my mother shooed them inside to continue working.

"So Araya-sama, are you excited for your first day of school?" The man in front asked. He is an older gentleman, so his voice was a bit scratchy. He has been working for our family ever since I can remember. I laughed at his question.

"Um, sure. I can't wait, I'm bouncing back here with excitement." I reply, flatly. He chuckled at me and I laughed back.

"Just put on a smile and picture annoying people in pain." The driver said seriously, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. I was a bit shocked at his comment, but shrugged at the simplicity and genius of it. No doubt, I surely will be using that technique.

I can just picture it now: girls trying too hard to be noticed, boys flirting their way through life, teachers not having a care in the world and the most dreaded; the high pitched squeals of girls who see a hot boy do something cute. I have seen them do that so many times, that I have grown tired of it.

Not going to lie, I was one of those girls at one point in my life. It was a dark time of boy bands and lip gloss. I understand the girls who do that, but at the same time I don't because if I were a guy those squeals would totally turn me off. But, that's just me.

The car pulled up at the school roughly five minutes later. This school is huge. I've seen airports smaller than this. I saw a clock tower about the same size as Big Ben, the school itself looked like two Buckingham Palace's. I was in complete awe.

"You can sit there all you want, but I'm not moving this car until you get out." The driver said. I looked at him as he tried to hide a smile. "Remember what I said; just smile and wave and pretend like you care." He actually smiled this time and I thanked him for the ride.

--- --- ---

I made it! I made it all the way to lunch without doing anything rash. Well it's not like I had the chance to, I mean the teachers treated the students like royalty and then some. Also, my class mates pretty much just stuck to themselves. Never even noticed me until the attendance was taken.

The dinning hall was huge. Several long tables meant for royalty were lined up parallel to each other. I'm not going to mention that exquisite food choices. Students were eating off silver platters, the chandelier casting crystal shadows on the walls. This is not what I pictured a school cafeteria to look like.

I ordered my food, it was something that I didn't know how to pronounce, but since I'm all for trying new foods and things I went for it. I was walking down the isle between two very occupied tables when I finally reached the end of it. Barely anyone was sitting here, so I thought why not? I'm not a fan of crowds so I figured staying away from as many people as possible might be the best idea.

Just as I sat down though, two girls jumped on the bench right across from me. The girl on the right had long black hair, which was so straight and perfect, there was nary a hair out of place. I couldn't help but notice her brown, almost black eyes looking right back at me.

"Hi Araya-san. I'm Kanda Natsumi, but you can call me Natsumi. I'm in your history, religion and physics class by the way." How she knew that; I have no idea. I didn't even know I had religion this semester. I figure it was one of my afternoon classes. Natsumi did look familiar, I think I did see her earlier in history but then again, all the girls look the same here.

"I'm Chino Yasuko, but I have a feeling we are going to be friends so you can go right ahead and call me Yasuko." The girl on the left introduces herself. Again, she had slick black hair but hers was put up into a pony tail, with several strategically place strands of hair falling out. From where I was sitting I could tell that the yellow dress really suited her. "I'll be in the same classes as you can Natsumi." She smiled at my and I smiled back.

Now I remember! I did see both of these girls in history and physics! They sat together and just talked quietly to themselves. When I walked into the class though, they waved at me. How could I forget that? I choose not to dwell on that thought. The thing I do think about is what class do I have last period. I know I have history and physics right in the morning and religion right after lunch but after that; it comes to me in a blur.

"Its nice to meet you Natsumi and Yasuko, might as well call me Sora. Make it easier on all of us." I smiled brightly at the two girls in front of me. They both gladly returned it back. Then, we continued to eat lunch together, making small talk and asking questions about each other.

Spending all my time traveling and moving from place to place has taken a tole on me I guess. I have never experienced the pleasure of having a best friend. I know I just met these girls, but something inside of me is telling me to not make any snide comments; try and befriend them. Secretly I've always wanted a best friend, so maybe two will be something totally new. I actually thought I was going to spend my time here at Ouran a loner. It's what I'm best at after all.

The sound of the clock tower going off interrupted my thoughts, and our conversation that was currently about my trip to New Deli. All three of us got up and put our trays in the designated spot then made our way to religion.

"If you're nervous about your first day here, you really shouldn't be. I know it looks like a big school but really it's just a lot of long rectangles put together with some grass. And, I think we can all agree that religion is going to be an easy A for you." Yasuko and I laughed at Natsumi. She said it with such a straight and serious face that I was hard not to laugh at her.

"What!" She asked, looking flustered. He face was slowly turning red which made us laugh harder. When I think about it, it wasn't even that funny but I guess we were just in a laughing mood. Natsumi huffed and started walking faster to get away from the two of us. We ran to catch up with her before she could get lost in the sea of students.

"Are you guys almost done now?" Natsumi looked like she had finally had enough of our shenanigans.

"Nope." Replied Yasuko, making a popping sound on the 'p'. Our laughing had died down, so now we just giggled frantically.

Whilst we were walking to class, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that we were being watched. It sounds strange considering we are in a hallway filled with people and someone is bound to be looking at a group of giggling teenagers but this just felt off. I peeked over my shoulder and quickly got a glance at a boy that looked strangely familiar. A boy with dark hair and glasses looking directly at me.

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