5 | Tamaki (1283)

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"Sora-Chan!" My mother called out. As per usual, I was in my bedroom but this time I was reading a book and not on the internet. I was just getting to the good part when she called out my name. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and made my way to where I heard the voice. The huge portraits of her that hung on the walls just stared right at me, they always creep me out. Why would anyone want a blown up picture of themselves?

I pondered that question as I made my way down the stairs. I met up with my mother right outside the door that lead to the gardens. She ushered me to follow her out into the abyss of trees and flowers.

"We need to discuss where you are going to be going to school." She stated plainly. So, as it turns out, I will be attending school here, but for how long; I don't know.

"OK.." Mother didn't want to have this conversation, so neither did I. She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but then closed it again. The two of us just walked around the garden for a minute or two in silence, and then we came across a bench underneath an arch of roses. Once we sat, my mother finally continued on with our conversation.

"Well, we can't have you going to a public school because that just wouldn't be good for the company." She started off, I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Some of my girlfriends have children who go to either Lobelia Girls' Academy, or Ouran Academy. Both are excellent schools and I have arranged for you to write the entrance exam for both of them."

This "discussion" was very one sided. I didn't even want to come here in the first place, so what makes them think that I want to go to school. I'm not writing two entrance exams, I know that.

Haruhi told me about Ouran, and what it seems to me is that if you are rich, you can get into that school. Or, in her case; if you're just really smart. And an all girls academy just doesn't seem like the greatest thing on earth to me. I mean, I'm sixteen years old, I have hormones just like everyone else, and I would actually like to have boys at the school that I'm being forced to attend. Thank you very much.

"Okasan, I'm not going to an all girls academy. So, you can just cancel that right now." I stated. Might as well let her know, just in case I actually got accepted in there. A thought popped into my head, I remember Haruhi telling me the story about why she got her hair cut so short. "Wait, the entrance exams have already been taken. Isn't it too late for me to enroll?" I asked, well, more pleaded than asked..

"Yes, but I talked to the headmaster and he said he would make an exception." My heart sunk to the bottom of my chest. If I only had a plan B. "Oh! And he said he has a son that will gladly take you on a tour around the school!" Yippee.

--- --- ---

By some magical coincidence, I actually took the test three days later and got accepted. Mother was beaming about how I could now show off her line of makeup to all the girls at the school. Father was happy that mom was happy.

A week after the entrance exam, and two days before school actually started; I had to take a tour of the school with the chairmain's son as my guide. I'm still debating whether this is a good or bad thing. I mean he could be attractive and absolutely heart-stopping OR he could be attractive but his personality could be repulsive.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast that morning. It smelled so good that I didn't really mind it was seven o'clock in the morning. When my eyes got into focus, I saw one of the maids carrying a tray with all my favourite breakfast foods on it to my bed. She lay the small wooden table on my lap and bid me good day.

I didn't waste any time to devour the delicious food. I felt like I hadn't eaten in forever. Maybe locking myself in my room after dinner was a bad idea... Anyways, once the food was gone I got dressed and made my way down the stairs to wait for this boy. He was supposed to be here at nine o'clock but at 9:30, I gave up and just curled up on the couch reading one of my favourite books.

The thing I loved about books is the fact that it's possible to get lost in them. With television and films, if a scene is boring or just not very interesting people tend to lose interest and think about other things; but with books you never stop picturing what is going on, and you are forced to use your imagination. The only way to ever lose focus with a good book is to stop reading, and I thought that was freaking cool.

Even though I have read this certain book several times, it never gets old. I could read it all day, everyday. Sadly, this was not one of those days. Much to my dismay, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Sighing I looked up to find a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes staring at me. I figured who this was; it was the chairman's son. I continued to read my book.

"What is a princess like yourself doing inside on a day like this? The sun is almost shining brighter than your eyes, you should be enjoying it to it's full potential before the clouds come." He took his hand and used his thumb and first finger to lift my chin up, just for I was looking directly at him. I scoffed, and shut my book. I pushed him away from me, then I stood up. He was only a little bit taller than me, but that was no surprise. From what I've gathered, all the boys around here are mostly tall. Well, except for Haninozuka.

"This princess was waiting for you. Now, I do believe that a high school tour is in order?" I ask, fixing my shirt. Without any sort of hesitation, he held out his hand for me to take, and then the both of us went to his car all the way to Ouran Academy.

"So, Miss Araya, why don't you tell me about yourself. I'm sure a girl as beautiful as you has beautiful hobbies." The blonde haired man asked once we were seated in the back of the black car. I gave him a flat look; I don't understand why he keeps complimenting me. Don't get me wrong I love being complimented and if there was a place where I could just sit and be complimented for an hour I would gladly go there.

"Well, I love to travel. My favourite place to visit is Monte Carlo and I've played the violin in thirty different countries." I respond, looking forward. I think that didn't make me sound boring. If I was spending the rest of my day with this guy then I wanted both of us to be interested. "What's your name anyways?" I ask, looking directly into his bright blue eyes.

"Suoh Tamaki. But, you can call me Tamaki." He smiled and I gladly returned it. So maybe this day wasn't going to be a bust.

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