Chapter 7 • Joonie

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The green coloured leaves had slowly started to morph into dark orange crumpled up pieces, the farther they walked. The three were heading north where Taehyung's friend lived. Supposedly, he was one of the smartest creatures around and would definitely recognize the bird signature.

Not to do Jimin dirty, but Eunha finally felt like she was getting somewhere. Although she still had to see if Taehyung was telling the truth, he did seem to know where they were going. He was confident with every step he took, comfortable in both his surroundings and his body.

"We only have to go up this hill. There is an abandoned house there- Well not really abandoned since Joon lives there, but it looks abandoned." The demon was walking backwards as he pointed out the way they had to go. Eunha smiled, excited that they had gotten to their destination rather quickly; it had only taken them one day.

It was getting darker by the minute now, but if that was a result of day turning into night, or because they were that deep in the forest, she wasn't sure. Maybe a mix of both.

Jimin rolled his eyes and kept on walking. The moment the demon had joined them the tension had gone up immensely. Eunha tried to lighten up the mood multiple times, but was constantly silenced by a snarky comment from the elf's mouth.

"You must feel right at home here, birdy. Got enough twigs to make a nest, and trees to hide from the rain." Jimin mockingly stated as he kicked away a random stone, hands stuffed in the pockets of his tight jeans.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, casually humming in agreement, "You probably do too. The place is hidden from the outside world, which makes it easier for you to run from your problems. Your family for example, though you can't run from your own thoughts, must be hard eh."

Jimin clenched his jaw in anger, abruptly turning around to face the demon. When his deathly glare found its target, the boy shut forwards, hands clutching Taehyung's collar.
"You really want to go there, Taehyung."

Jimin spat the name in fuming anger, face close to the demon's one. As the elf was standing higher up the hill, the two almost had the same height.

"Says you, Jimin. You're the one starting this." Taehyung's expression mirrored Jimin's as his eyebrows furrowed in fury. The two had a stare-down, trying to intimidate the other by radiating as much dominance as they could muster.

Though Eunha felt highly frustrated by the explosion of masculinity, she couldn't help but notice how their words seemed to have deeper meaning. They weren't simply bickering because the didn't like each other, there was more to it. The two had a past and she was sure of it.

"Soooo, how long have you two known each other?" Eunha casually asked, hoping they would answer her questions if she didn't make a big deal out of it.

Their heads turned her way in surprise, before looking back at each other. The two seemed to come to a silent agreement as they shared one fierce glare before fixing their attention elsewhere, Jimin no longer holding the demon's collar.

They ignored the girl's question, making her sigh in disappointment.
Well, at least they had stopped their staring contest. Though she wasn't sure who had won it as both boys seemed equally frustrated.

"Okay then, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You said we had to go up this hill?" Without waiting for a response the girl started the slight climb, panting as she reached the top in minutes.

Her eyes widened at the sight. Taehyung had said there would be an abandoned house, but this was no normal house. It was a mansion.
The building stretched all across the hill, brick walls towering high into the sky as it stood there with pride.

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