Chapter 32 • Sweet home Alabama

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The hall was deadly silent and completely deserted. The sound of their footsteps echoed in the cave-like tunnel, making Eunha all the more nervous. She expected something to jump in front of her out of nowhere, but nothing happened.
There were a few lit torches here and there, showing the group that there should in fact be someone inside, why else would the torches be lit?

The group followed another curve, momentarily stopping as they saw the corners ahead. Jungkook signed for the others to wait, letting go of Eunha's hand that he had been holding until then and creeping closer to the junction. Taking a deep breath the soul-keeper peeked around the corner, first checking his right and then his left. His eyes wandered back to his right, using his telepathic powers to inform the others,

"I see a huge set of doors, slightly ajar. There's more light coming from the other side, so my guess is that it'll lead us to a room of some sort. If  we turn left it will just lead us to more tunnels. So shall we go right?"

Eunha shivered as Jungkook's alluring voice filled her mind as a whisper. He'd done this before the first day they  met, and just like then was it a weird experience. She tried to ignore the impact his voice had on her, instead focusing on his question.

A door or more tunnels.
She figured it wouldn't hurt to check what was hidden behind the door, they just had to be a bit more careful.

Having read her mind, the soul-keeper nodded his head, motioning the others to follow him.
The group of eight inched closer to the source of light, Jungkook already peeking through the opening.

"It's a room. A fancy room."

"Let's go inside." Eunha mouthed, choosing to trust her intuition that was telling her to enter the room.

The guys seemed to contemplate her decision, but as none of them had a better idea, they complied. They would have to confront the might-eater anyways, there was no point in being all sneaky and careful if it didn't get them anywhere.

With that in mind Jungkook and Jin pushed open the doors, revealing the luxurious room hidden behind. It was as if they had walked through a portal, from the earthy yet empty stone tunnels to a room that could be easily compared to the ones she had seen in Namjoon's mansion. Though the colour scheme was quite a bit off.

On the black marble tiled floor was spread a huge royal blue carpet. The walls were papered with a darker blue, a golden design crawling over the surface. Even though there were no windows, the walls had these huge velvet red curtains hanging from the ceiling. Chandeliers hung around the place specifically shining on a pair of throne-like chairs. The upholstery was an emerald green, the arms and legs made of a polished wood. All with all it looked like a person had just bought random things that they thought looked fancy without actually caring if it all went together.

Eunha's eyes wandered further around the room, widening as she took in everything around her. Jimin stepped next to the girl, reaching out to hold her hand as a sign of comfort. The anxiety she was feeling must have shown on her face because the moment they'd reached the hide-out, the guys seemed to always make sure that someone was holding her hand. Skin contact helped her calm down, it helped her ground.

"What's that for?" Jin's voice was soft, though it still seemed to echo through the silent room.

The group looked in the direction he was pointing, just now noticing the long table piled with all kinds of food. Mostly sweets and fruits, but also something savory here and there. It looked like underneath the dishes someone had scattered around glitter and pink petals, decorating the white tablecloth. The chairs were a pastel pink and yellow, decorations and fairy lights hanging from the wall behind it. Though nothing could compare to the huge funfetti birthday cake standing at the end of the table. It had multiple layers and was covered in colorful sprinkles and whipped cream. It was everything Eunha would have wished for when she was little.

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