Chapter 13 • Differences of the Gods

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Eunha squinted her eyes as the group walked through another open field, the bright sun preventing her from seeing properly. Two days had passed since Hoseok joined them. The forest becoming less crowded with trees the more they moved east.

A smile was stretched on the girl's face as she heard the angel let out a loud laugh.
The moment he stated that he would be tagging along, Taehyung had groaned loudly. It was true that he didn't know the man, but even his aura alone was enough to make him feel sick; too much positivity, warmth and happiness. The journey would become way more tiring with the energetic Hoseok as their company.

Jimin on the other hand was stoked, finally someone fun with them. Even though he loved teasing Eunha and could talk to her casually as well if he wanted to, the demon had been annoying the living daylights out of him. He also limited the time he could spend with the girl as both fought for her attention. Now with Hoseok, there would be someone keeping Taehyung in place. They were born enemies after all.

The elf didn't really mind Namjoon, yes he was difficult to read, but he was mostly calm and kind enough to have some small talk with. He also appeared to be a person that could naturally lead the group. Something Jimin had never been able to do. He respected him because of that.

In the end it had been Eunha who made the final decision. She liked the idea of the angel helping her on her mission, feeling like it would bring her closer to a positive outcome. So she shut the whining demon's mouth by telling him Hoseok could come, anyone who didn't like the idea of that could leave.

No one, not even Taehyung himself, knew why he decided to just accept this and silently follow the others on the way like an obedient little puppy. He had no actual reason to be in their presence, not with the guardian angel around that was. There would be no more protecting to do.
Still, he stayed. He was determined to help, even though the feeling confused him. Why did he want to help? Sure he got free food this way, but was that really why? He could find his food in so many places.

Nevertheless the reason, he tried to act as he normally did, keeping his thoughts on a low, and focusing his attention on the other four instead.

"So, I've been thinking, if there are people with the powers of a god, and you angels work for a god, then what is the difference?" Eunha was slightly panting from all the exercise, as she finally voiced the question that had been running through her mind.

Namjoon let out a short chuckle, "Sharp."
As the girl had directed the question at Hoseok however, he waited for their newest addition to answer.

"The Gods we angels work for are more like almighty spirits. Something natural and full of good, purity, love and light. Sources that give us our strength and keep us on the right path. Their energy inspires us and as they can't physically move, we have our jobs to protect those who can't protect themselves. We help spread the Gods intentions that way."
Hoseok thought about his words before carefully letting them slip past his lips. He knew the topic was difficult to explain and understand. You had to experience it in order to get it, but as Eunha was a human, she couldn't.

Luckily for him, she was very open-minded.
"So the Gods you work for are more like a feeling, a force that inspires you to be good, rather than an actual person who tells you what to do?"

"Exactly." The angel showed her his bright smile, happy she had understood him so quickly.

Jimin grabbed Eunha's arm to steady her as she climbed over the huge roots of an old tree. She mumbled a thank you as her feet hit the steady ground again, quickly smiling at him. The elf smirked at her, asking her if she was falling for him, at which she rolled her eyes.

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