Chapter 14 • Jimin's past

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"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Ignore that. Let's just go back to eating dinner, your chicken wings. Are they tasty? I mean, I know they are cold, and probably a bit old, but you seemed to enjoy them? If not then you can have some of m-"

"Stop rambling."
Eunha took in a short breath, lips pinched as she observed the boy in front of her. He was glaring at the ground, obviously angry, though she didn't understand why he was silent. Was this the calm before the storm? Because if it was, then she really needed to search for shelter; she feared for the thunder as he was quiet as a statue right now.

Jimin clicked his tongue, taking in a deep breath, before quickly licking his lips. He turned his head sideways to look at Eunha, noticing the uncertainty on her face; it was like she wanted to run away from him, but didn't know if moving would be a smart thing to do.

A sly grin decorated his face as he raised his eyebrows, "You look like a terrified bunny. Don't worry though, I'm not angry at you. I expected the question, especially from your curious self. It just makes me mad to even think about it..."
He trailed off, eyes looking at his food but not actually seeing anything.

As Eunha waited, she grabbed the bottle of water in her hand, taking a few gulps from the cool drink to satisfy her dry throat. Before she could properly put the thing down, Jimin reached out and snatched the bottle out of her hands, quickly drinking the water until there was no more.

He had just finished her water. Without asking. How rude.
Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she stared at the side of Jimin's face.
And they had kissed indirectly, but that was besides the point. She wanted to save some water for after dinner. Now she had to open a new bottle, which meant that she was tempted to finish that one as well. She wouldn't have enough for the next couple of days.

She opened her mouth, ready to complain to the elf, but he cut her off before she could even get one word out.
"I will tell you. I need to get it off of my chest anyways, and if you ask Taehyung about this he will probably lie to make me look bad."

Her anger was forgotten as she sat up straight in anticipation, legs folded beneath her and hands resting on her thighs as she waited for Jimin to start.
The latter took in another breath, head turning to look at the girl.

"As you already know, I'm kind of the disappointment of the family, maybe even of our whole specie. I'm the oldest son, yet I can't shoot an arrow properly, I can't fight, I'm not good at politics nor does it interest me, heck I don't even have the supposedly natural height. Growing up my father always told me I was too soft, too weak, too dumb, too useless. I would get beatings and scoldings regularly, especially since my younger brother does fit their idea of the perfect son. But no, it just had to be me who was born first, the mistake of the universe."
He shook his head, orange hair softly moving with the motion. His hand shot up to push the soft locks back, eyes looking down at the ground between his legs.

Eunha could tell how much the past hurt him, it was clear in his voice and eyes. He truly believed that he was a disappointment, a mistake.
Fury filled her body like a dripping tap, slowly but steadily.

"My mother tried to fill my free hours, the few ones I had in between classes, tutoring and scolding sessions, with chores. She believed that as I apparently wasn't of meaning as their oldest son, they could at least use me for the house holding. It got to a point where I only slept for a couple of hours a day, while still having to go through all these ridiculous classes. It broke me completely."

The tap let through more water, a small frown now appearing on the girl's face.
"That's awful! Instead of punishing you for what you can't do, they should have been supporting you to learn and improve those things. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being soft and kind. You are your own person, embrace the qualities you have, don't force to change them." Eunha rambled in anger. If there was one thing she hated, then it was people not accepting others for who they are.

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