Chapter 36 • Never alone

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Four white flowers were softly placed onto the grassy earth in front of a grave stone. Eunha intertwined her cold fingers, keeping her hands near her heart as she closed her eyes and thought of the ones she'd lost.

Praying that they were alright, praying that they would learn to do better in a possible future life.

So much had happened in a relatively short amount of time and Eunha wasn't quite sure how to handle it all.
The first few weeks after the fight with Jaehyun she was nothing more but an emotional wreck. It was understandable after all she'd been through, but she still felt like a nuisance. She felt weak for crying, though the others quickly told her that tears weren't for the weak; they were for the strong.

Lots of days were filled with the girl being strong.

She had lost her sister, so young, so sweet, so innocent. She was still a bud, not being given the time to bloom, to make mistakes, learn and develop.
It hurt Eunha's heart to know that she would never see that little button grow up into a beautiful woman.

She had lost her father. A man who she had always believed not to have a lot of depth. Thinking of him gave her lots of mixed feelings. She had loved the father that had taken care of her when she was little, though she wasn't sure how much of the real him she knew. He had been capable of selling his own son. He had committed suicide, taking his own daughter with him. It made her sad.

Her brother she had lost years ago. She was beyond the period of mourning, though the guilt she felt for helping end the person that once was her kind brother, it was a whole different kind of monster that she had to battle.

Last and probably the most shocking of all, she had lost her mother.
Jungkook had found her lying unconscious behind the thrones, a blue empty bottle tightly clutched in her fist.
One leftover droplet was enough for Jin to recognize the potion as one meant to kill. How Jiyoo had gotten her hands on such a thing was a mystery to them, but that didn't change the fact that she was gone.

Her sudden emptying of heart was a lot clearer now; it had been her way of saying goodbye to Eunha.

Heaving out a sigh, the girl did the same. She stood up from her crouched position, pressing a kiss to her fingers and running the tips along the edge of the grey stone.

It had taken her a long time to come to this point, and though she was sure there would be days filled with struggle, she was ready to say goodbye now. And so she did.

Turning her back to the stone that held so many memories for the girl, she walked away from her past, entering the house in front of her.

The hall was empty and quiet, but in a good way. It was relaxing.
Moving towards her room, Eunha ran up the grand black staircase, trailing her fingers along the smooth surface of the railing. She walked down a hallway, climbing another marble staircase that lead her to the level with her bedroom.

Opening the familiar door, Eunha stepped inside, quickly walking into the spacious closet and switching her floaty dress for a comfortable large sweater and a pair of leggings.
Once she re-entered her room, the girl couldn't help but wander her eyes over the beautiful painting on the ceiling. The pastel tones perfectly matching the colours of the pink room.

She could still remember the first time she'd stayed here, she had just met Namjoon and this was her room for the night. Every little detail in the prettily adorned chamber had drawn a soft gasp from her lips. It was an extravagance she had never known, so wonderfully mesmerizing that if she hadn't been so awfully tired that day, she could have stayed up all night enjoying the atmosphere of the pink room.

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