Chapter 8 • A silent 'yet'

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"I couldn't find a lot of food and didn't know what you two like, so I just grabbed some random things."
Namjoon had taken only a couple of minutes before returning to the blue room. In that time, Eunha had warily sat down on the sofa, Taehyung and Jimin on either side of her.

"I've got some sweets and salts. Wine or water to drink depending on what you prefer."
As soon as the attractive man put down the tray with food and drinks, Eunha and Jimin looked at it suspiciously. Bowls filled with fresh strawberries, some cream to dip it in, chocolate, biscuits, peanuts, crisps and some blocks of cheese.

She thought he said he couldn't find any food? This was more than she had seen in a very long time.

Eunha felt her mouth water as she stared at the goodies, she's always had a sweet tooth.
She suppressed the sudden feeling of hunger and instead focused on the man in front of her.

Namjoon, who had grabbed a leather chair from somewhere, reached for a fancy looking cup, pouring in a dark red wine as he stared at the three in front of him. The vampire crossed his long leg over the other, black jeans stretching around his knees because of this action.
He slowly put the rim of the cup to his lips, eyebrow raising in question as he took a sip.
"Aren't you hungry?"

The girl glanced at Jimin who mirrored a look of uncertainty. Could they eat this, or was it poisoned or something.

"I know that my hunger has been satisfied by all the anxiety you radiated today, but you guys should probably eat something, you need it." Taehyung stated, amused as the girl rolled her big eyes at his words.

"Why don't you eat first?" Eunha questioned carefully, her soft voice merely a whisper as she turned towards Namjoon.

As a smirk grew on his handsome face, Eunha realized the mistake she just made.
Cheeks coloured pink as she quickly corrected her previous statement.
"The food on the table I mean."

"I almost thought that was an invitation." The vampire tilted his head, sparkling eyes observing Eunha, "Why do you want me to eat first? Do you not trust me, baby girl?"

Eunha frowned at the nickname, while Jimin glared at the creature in what appeared to be either disgust or cringe.
"Don't call me that, that's weird."

But damn did her heart sway as this attractive man oh so casually called her that with his dominant voice....What?

"Why not, you're a girl right? And your aura is pure like that of an innocent baby. I think baby girl is very fitting. Don't you, Tae?"
The demon who had been following their interaction quietly, nodded his head in agreement.
"It seems perfect, though I prefer calling you princess."

"Why would we trust you?" Jimin interrupted sharply, "You have given us no reason to."

"I haven't given you a reason to doubt me either, have I? Instead of killing you for stepping on my grounds, here I am inviting you inside, offering you food and even wanting to listen to your request." Namjoon put the cup in front of him on a little table. His elbows resting on his knees after, hands clutched together in the space between them.

"Exactly. It is strange how you are being so....nice? It doesn't make sense." Eunha added, tilting her head to the side as she tried to read the man in front of her.

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