Chapter 9 • Map of the East

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"In here we should find answers. I believe I had a map lying around somewhere."
Namjoon glanced over his shoulder to look at the three, all had curious expressions on their faces. Especially Eunha and Jimin were surprised by all the beautiful rooms the mansion had, never having seen such breath-taking extravagance.

"The library, of course." Taehyung agreed. The house was familiar to him as he himself had lived here for three years after he met Namjoon. Everything looked the same as he remembered, which surprised him slightly; he had only been ten when he moved here.

Eunha opened her mouth to ask them what kind of map they were talking about, yet nothing but a with wonder-filled breath left her pink lips.
Namjoon had pushed open two huge mahogany doors, allowing them to relish on the mind-blowing view of the spacious library.

The girl's heart seemed to skip a beat as she took a step into literal heaven for her book-loving self. "Wow."

A proud smirk grew on Namjoon's face as he as well admired the collection he had consistently gathered throughout his life. "It took me a long time, but here we are. Welcome in my personal library, you can grab some books if you want to, just make sure you put them back in the correct place after."

Jimin's shoes squeaked on the black glossy marble tiles, white scribbles causing a fancy looking marble effect on the floor. This room alone must have cost a fortune. The space was filled with huge shelves made of a shiny wood, black as well. The shelves were mounted with books, piling up with such a big amount that they reached the ceiling.
At the corner of almost every isle stood a comfy leather seat, inviting them to sit down and drown themselves in the many stories waiting to be enjoyed. And to be honest, that was all Eunha wanted. To let go of all the hardships in life, forget all her worries, and just dream away with a nice book on her lap, hands wrapped around a too big mug of steaming tea.

The short girl calmly walked towards a random shelf, passing a statue of a naked woman in process. Her eyes quickly admired the beautiful work, smile decorating her face as she turned her focus on some random books.

"That's a nice sculpture you got there." Jimin stated casually as he observed the polished lady in front of him. The figure arched her back, breasts perking forwards, butt sticking out temptingly. Her head tilted backwards slightly as her hands waved through her luscious hair. Her features were like a goddess, though the fold of skin by her waist, the two dips on her lower back, and the perfectly noticeable stretch-marks decorating her thighs and hips made her much more human. The fragile realism made the statue all the way prettier.

"The beauty of a supposedly ordinary woman. They are all perfect to me, though they don't seem to notice that. The same goes for men. I've got statues of all genders placed around the mansion, they add in a lot of ambience."

The three males followed the youngest into a random isle, their conversation about the statues falling still as all seemed to agree with each other.

Eunha mindlessly grabbed a book from the shelf in front of her, flipping to the first page as she was still in awe by the fact that there was a whole library in this mansion. It was a lot more clearer how the vampire had gotten so smart.

"Yeah, you don't really need that one right now. If you ever want to lend it though, just let me know." The girl looked up in surprise as Namjoon swiftly grabbed the book from her hands, putting it back in its rightful place.

A cute laugh from Jimin made her turn around in confusion, why was he so amused?
When said boy noticed her confused look, his laugh turned into a playful grin as he pointed at something on the cover of the book she had been holding.
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Immediately a fiery blush appeared on her cheeks as she realized she had been trying to read an erotic novel.
Without saying another word, Eunha turned around and walked away from the shelf with the pornographic volumes, hoping to find a bible or something, while the guys laughed at her reaction.

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