Chapter 26 • The New Plan

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"Wakey Wakey, princess. Breakfast is ready, don't want to let it get cold, now do you?" A teasing low voice filled her ears first thing in the morning as a finger kept poking at her squishy cheeks. Eunha's plump lips pulled in an annoyed pout, disliking the thought of having to wake up. She was happy where she was now, her mind still half asleep so that she didn't really know if she was dreaming or not. Besides, who would want to be woken up by the amusement of a demon. Definitely not her.

Lazily swatting at the hand that kept torturing her cheeks, the girl decided to turn around and bury her face deeper into the crook of the neck she had been sleeping on. She felt the body stiffen slightly in either surprise or panic, maybe both. Unknowingly sniffing her nose the girl was met with the nice scent of vaguely washed clothing, a tinge of something fresh and the slight smoke of the bonfire from yesterday. The scent was subtle, nice. Definitely Yoongi.

Eunha decided to no longer torture the man and loosened the grip of her arms that were circled around his waist, slowly pulling her body back. She let out a soft yawn, before lazily blinking up at him, her big eyes still sparkling with some tears. "Goodmorning Yoonyoon."

Taehyung let out a disappointed sigh, slightly shaking his head, "Sure, I am nice enough to wake you up so that you can eat the food before it's either cold or the pigs have scuffed everything down, but he gets a sweet greeting. Of course, totally fair."

"Morning little lamb." Yoongi mumbled, straightening his posture so that he could crack his back, a satisfied moan leaving his lips at the popping sound.

"Did you sleep well?" Eunha questioned him, totally ignoring the demon in front of them.

"Yes." A lie; he hadn't. Hearing other people breath and feeling them move in their sleep wasn't something he was used to. He kept waking up, startled by every little sound and movement, but he didn't want to tell them that. Because even though he couldn't close his eyes and get the rest he wished for, there was something nice about feeling their presence and body heat in the chilly night. Comfort that naturally reigned because they were together, bundled up. It was something different than shivering in his little hut with nothing but loneliness and darkness to keep him company.

"That's good, I did too. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable in my sleep. I tend to move around a lot and can't really sleep without holding something, I hope I didn't bother you too much?"
Still groggy from just waking up, the doll let out a little hum in response, lazily shaking his head.
Eunha nodded understandingly. She too didn't feel like speaking in the morning.

"Here, eat, pumpkin." Jin pressed a bowl of a fragrant rice dish into her hands. Honestly, the visual alone was enough to make her mouth water, but when the scent hit her, her tummy automatically let out the loudest roar she'd ever heard.

"You keeping a beast in there or something?" Hoseok teased, his eyebrows raised in both amusement and surprise. Eunha let out a slight giggle of somewhere in between joy and embarrassment. "Yup and I'd watch out if I were you. If she gets too hungry, she might attack." She softly patted her stomach, moving to take a bite from her warm breakfast after.

"We could've used that beast's help a couple of times throughout our journey, maybe we should stop feeding you? You know, so we have a weapon next time we get attacked by a huge monster or bloodthirsty scarecrows?" Jimin commented, his eyes sparkling mischievously as a bright grin spread on his face. He bumped his shoulder against Eunha's teasingly, the smile widening once he saw her roll her eyes.

"Why did the scarecrow win a prize?


Eunha glanced at Jin in question.
"Because he was outstanding in his field."

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