Chapter 11 • The town of the possessed

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"What do you mean, town of the possessed?" Eunha exclaimed as she followed the tall man down the path and into the little village.
It might have been her own fault for not expecting anything supernatural, but as he'd mentioned a little town where they would get them normal food, she imagined a fairy-tale like scene.
Warm, cozy, cute, human.

"What do you think? It's a town and the people are possessed. If you'd payed better attention when we were in the library, Bunny, then you would have seen it on the map...maybe those 21+ novels were a bit too distracting for you?" Jimin teasingly answered, smirk covering his face as he walked beside the short girl.

She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore his comment though a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. She focused on the vampire again, voice soft as she spoke.
"Could you explain a bit more about this town?"

Namjoon glanced down at the girl who was watching him with hopeful eyes. Even though he intimidated her, he was her only option for an actual useful answer. The other two appeared too much of an idiot.

"A long time ago a group of traveler's settled here, not knowing that these grounds belong to those in the spirit world. At first nothing happened, but as the humans built more and more houses, that upset the spirit's. They tricked them into signing a contract so that they could take over their bodies as best as they could. This is the outcome." He held out his hands to point around him.

"They look like zombies." Taehyung muttered, mouth agape as a dumbfounded expression covered his face. They watched as one of the possessed, a man in his forties this time, repeatedly walked into a wall. The same kind of nonsense was leaving his lips as the woman from earlier, though no other reaction seemed to come from him.

"That's because the spirits are not used to their human forms. They don't know how to function properly." After walking into that wall for five minutes straight, the man seemed to give up trying to enter the house and walked backwards. His feet stumbled across some stones making him lose balance. Almost in slow-motion, the possessed fell backwards, arms and legs flailing around as he tried to get up again. It was a sad sight to see.

"They are harmless, don't worry."

The four started their walk again, eyes fixed on the little sign that said 'shop'.
"So are they still human then?"

Namjoon threw Jimin a side-glance before nodding in response, "More human than you might expect them to be. Where else do you think I get my food? There are no other towns around and I live in a too secluded area for travelers, who do not mean to find me in the first place, to come across."

Jimin scrunched up his nose in distaste, "There are spirits possessing their bodies, doesn't that affect the taste or something? I mean, they look and smell dead. They can't possibly taste good.."
As if to support his point, another brain-dead figure passed by them, a foul smell attacking their senses.

Eunha quickly put her hand under her nose to lessen the stank politely as possible, while Taehyung didn't seem to care about the person's feelings and loudly started gagging.
The possessed male didn't notice this however, he strolled past them without even acknowledging them.

"Oof." Jimin let out a short breath, his face now looking absolutely disgusted.
Even Namjoon, who was used to these creatures, was bothered by the smell. Nevertheless, he nodded his head and looked down at Eunha fondly, "That's why I'm so thankful Eunha is here, finally something delicious."

The girl's eyes widened in response, a blush appearing on her cheeks. After looking around nervously, Eunha suddenly let out a gasp as she pointed at her wrist. "Oh would you look at the time! We should really get our food, wouldn't want to stay here all day, now would we?"

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