Chapter 4 • Firestones

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The couple had been walking all day, leaving Eyvenor far behind them.
Apart from the occasional bickering, the journey had gone quite well; peaceful silence, some sarcastic remarks, smirks from Jimin and a lot of eye-rolling on Eunha's part.
Though the boy still felt offended that the in his eyes dwarf-sized human, had called him short.

Jimin tilted his head upwards to glance at the sky, his hair moving in the soft breeze of the summer evening. "It's getting dark, we should find a place to sleep."

Eunha nodded, looking at her surroundings.
The further away from Eyvenor they got, the more uncomfortable she felt. It was like someone was watching her, evil eyes closely following her every move; it made the top of her head tingle and her toes curl up in uneasiness.

As the gentle wind touched her bare skin, goosebumps formed on her arms.
Jimin glanced at her, eyebrows raised in a playful manner. "Are you seriously being like that?"

Eunha, who had unconsciously started to rub her arms in attempt to warm them, looked at Jimin in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

The boy shrugged off his jacket, smoothly putting it around her shoulders, "You could've just asked if you wanted my jacket, no need to act like you're cold." He smirked at her, quickening his pace.

Eunha's eyes widened. "I-I didn't, I don't.. Hey! Jimin, I don't need your jacket!"

He glanced back at her, the corners of his mouth slightly tucked upwards, "I'm just playing with you, I know you didn't fake it." Jimin scoffed playfully while rolling his eyes, "Humans and their gullibility."

Eunha smiled, her fist landing a soft punch on his shoulder to stop his teasing. The boy however, didn't seem to appreciate it. He stopped walking and glared at her, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. "Why did you punch me?"

The annoyance was clear in his voice, making Eunha's eyes widen, she hadn't been trying to anger him. "I didn't mean to annoy you at all, it was just a, well, kind gesture, I guess. Something humans do to their friends as if saying something along the lines of 'Stop it, you idiot!'" Her voice stayed light, trying to explain that she hadn't just punched him because she felt like hurting him.

He thought about her words before shaking his head, "Well we're not friends, so, don't do that. It's weird. Why would you punch someone because you like them? You humans are really strange beings."

Eunha let out an exaggerated sigh, "Well gee, thanks," she answered sarcastically.
"Your kind is weird as well. Why would you shoot an arrow towards someone not smart enough to pay attention to his surroundings?"

Jimin glared at her, not a death-glare, but just sharp enough to show her that he didn't appreciate being called stupid. "It wasn't aimed, at least I don't think it was. There are training fields close to the path we were standing on. It happens more often, someone missing the target. We call it a lost arrow."

Suddenly, the boy stopped walking and pointed towards a big oak tree. The tree had two places between its large roots big enough for them to sleep.

Eunha nodded and followed Jimin towards the tree.
"Is that what happened to you? Is that why you were searching the tree for your arrow?"

Jimin ignored the question, "Let's make a fire. Do you have a lighter?"

Eunha put her bag on the ground with a loud thump. "A lighter? Who do you think I am? The queen? I don't have the money for such luxurious things."

Jimin sighed in slight disappointment, "I forgot that humans still lack a couple of centuries of development. Well cavewomen, how do you want to make a fire then?"

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