Chapter 33 • Wings

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Warning: This whole chapter is one big fight. I'm not that good at writing scenes like this, but I would still like to warn you that if you're sensitive to violence and/or cursing, read at your own risk. Thank you!
(Also maybe grab some tissues, like I'm so sorry for what I'm about to put you through)

Now let's proceed with the cringe-ass battle.


The might-eater closed his eyes in concentration, his curled up hands glowing a hot pink as he used his god-like powers. The group of eight watched with caution, their eyes widening in surprise when from out of nowhere an army of mutant guards filled the room. Morphed human bodies with the beak, claws and wings of a giant crow.

He was really going ham on the bird theme.

Their eyes were a charcoal black and completely void of any kind of emotion; they were in Jaehyun's control, his minions.
The man's lips pulled into an evil smirk, thoroughly enjoying the surprised looks on his opponents' faces, "Let's start, shall we?"

The might-eater moved his hand in Eunha's direction and as a puppet being played by its master, the minions followed. Two of the creatures let out an awfully high-pitched shriek, their eyes glowing a hot pink. They reached out, both gripping one of the girl's arms in their sharp claws, pulling her backwards to give the others more room to fight.

More minions let out those ear-piercing screeches, as if someone pressed their 'on' button, moving to attack the target closest to them: Jin. Surprised by the sudden fist that was swung his way, the prince duck just in time, quickly reaching for his sword and pulling the shiny metal free from its scabbard.

"You almost scratched my handsome face, you filthy beast! Die!" Letting out a war cry, Jin twirled around to dodge another punch thrown his way, before burying the tip of his sword deep into the minion's heart.
The creature let out a final shriek, dramatically falling to the floor. It's body stiffened as if turning into stone. Then it vanished, a sign that it had died.

Eunha wanted to cheer for the prince, but didn't as she saw a new minion being summoned almost directly after.
The fight continued, minions hitting the ground and flying through the air as the seven stood strong, but just like they had seen earlier, every time one of them died, a new one would be created. It was useless, and Yoongi was the first who realized this as well.

After killing four minions at once, the doll threw his next ball of fire at the might-eater. His action payed off, though Yoongi did get punched in his delicately pretty face, not having enough time to defend himself from another crow-mutant.
Jaehyun let out a scream of pain, desperately slapping at the fabric of his sleeve that had caught on fire. Distracted by the burning of his shirt, the number of minions lessened.

"Target the might-eater! He's the one summoning these things!" Namjoon yelled, having seen Yoongi's plan work.

Yoongi grabbed one of the minions by the hand as if initiating a handshake, setting the cursed thing on fire in process. Having burned one of them was not enough however. Jaehyun's attention was back on the fight and he was angry at the doll for throwing that ball of flames. He swatted his hands at Yoongi's figure, a flood of crow-mutants following suit. They tackled the man, making sure his hands were trapped and mouth was covered so that he could no longer use his magic.

One man was down.

Letting out an angry grunt, Hoseok flew into the air, beams of sunlight leaving his palms. He targeted the might-eater like Namjoon had suggested, momentarily blinding the man by shining the bright beams into his eyes.
Jaehyun let out an irritated yell. He moved his arms in a cross, a red shield flying from his limbs and hitting Hoseok's body. The angel fell down from the sudden blow, body shaking as if electrified. Once the convulsing stopped, the minions were there to take over the torture. Slapping and kicking at the man until he stopped fighting, keeping him to the floor after.

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