Broken | 4

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Ty above ^^


"Wait, your're gay?" I asked in confusion, scratching my head.

"Well duh. How oblivious are you?"

"Well, I guess I'm pretty dumb, but my sexiness makes up for it."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. I just don't need you making gay jokes around my friends, not that I really want you around at all, 'cause you're like a little pest that needs to be swatted away." He sighed, smirking slightly at me.

I stood there for a moment, not understating what he was trying to tell me.

"Hey! I just got that!" I grumbled, scrunching my eyebrows together.

He chuckled and punched my shoulder slightly.

"Just don't tell anybody, alright?" He sighed before walking off, leaving me standing there, staring after him.

"Huh, the jock's got the big gay, what a twist." I said with a laugh, shaking my head and walking off.

I heard a loud 'clunk' and felt a sharp pain shoot through my forehead.

"Ow, fucking pole." I yelled at the pole that attacked my forehead, rubbing my head slightly to try and ease the pain.

"Last time I checked poles don't talk." Someone said from behind me, crossing his arms in a flamboyant stance.

"Are you gay?" I asked flatly.

"Damn, am I that obvious." He sighed, shaking his head with a snap of his fingers.

"Welp, I'm Ty. Nice to meet ya', Hunter."

"How the hell do you know my name?" I asked with a suspicious look.

"I heard that meat head talking to you." He said, nodding his head towards Grayson.

"He didn't really come off as the jock type when I first met him to be honest. I just thought he was one of those too-cool-for-school-I-did-your-mom-last-night kind of guys.." I trailed off, deep in thought.

Ty just started laughing at my response.

"I think we're gonna be good friends, pal." He snickered, slinging an arm around my shoulder and leading me into the school.

We passed by the jocks and got some vicious looks and sneers. I assume that they don't like gays, oh how cliché, get with the times bro, it's 2019, gays are everywhere. I mean, your plumber might be gay, your brother might be gay and the guy sucking your dick just might be gay too..

"Alright, here's your locker. Ooh, yours is close to mine. Let me go get my books for first hour real quick, brb!" He literally said the acronym brb. Good god he's gay.

I looked at the schedule I was holding and saw that I had science first hour, oh joy. My least favorite class at the beginning of the day. Just the icing on the cake..

I continued looking at my schedule until I felt my body flying forward and my face connecting with the floor.

"Ow, fuck!" I yelled, earning the attention of just about everyone in the hallway. "What the hell was that for?" I exclaimed, wiping the blood from my lip.

"Sorry, I tripped." Tall Guy snickered, leaning against my locker.

I flipped him off and stood up, dusting my pants off.

"Asswipe.." I grumbled, picking my bag up off the floor and slinging it over my shoulder.

Tall Guy's lip curled and it looked as if he was about to lunge at me when Grayson walked in, getting his attention before he could hurt me any further. I felt something warm drooling down my arm and looked down, seeing that one of my cuts had busted open.

I groaned internally and kept my arm from touching anything, making my way towards the nurse's office. I knocked on the door with my good arm and heard a muffled "Come in!"

I opened the door and set my bag down on a chair, continuing into the nurse's office.

"My cut started bleeding." I sighed, plopping down in a chair.

"Oh my lord sweetie, what'd you do to your arm?" She asked, coming closer to me to get a better look at the gash.

"I used to cut." I shrugged as she inspected my arm.

She gave me a disapproving looked mixed with pity and said, "I'll get some antibiotic ointment and clean it out for you."

She went over to her drawers and began shuffling some stuff around, eventually finding a small tube and some q-tips.

"Alright, this might hurt a little." She said as she squirted some of the cream onto the q-tip, getting ready to clean the cut.

"Shoot, I forgot the alcohol pads." She sighed, walking back over to her drawers. She walked back towards me and opened the container, getting some alcohol swabs. "Alright sweetie, this is gonna sting pretty bad." She said.

Without warning she began cleaning the cuts, causing me to let out a hiss of pain.

"Fuck." I whisper-yelled under my breath, attempting to keep my arm still as the nurse cleaned my arm.

"Alright, let me dry this then I'll put some ointment on it and bandage it up for ya'." She said, drying the wound with a paper towel. She threw the paper towel in the trash can and put some more ointment on the q-tip, then rubbed the cream on my cut.

It didn't sting as bad as the alcohol pad but it still hurt a little bit.

"Alright, let me get a bandage and I'll wrap it up." She said, heading back over to her drawers and getting some bandages.

She came back over to where I was sitting and wrapped my arm, then pat me on the back and said, "Alright, you're free to go. But please, don't be hurting yourself anymore." A sad look adorned her features as she ruffled my hair.

I nodded my head and grabbed my backpack, leaving the nurse's office.

"Hey Ty, what time does the bell ring." I asked, jerking Ty to the side once I'd found him in the large crowd of people.

"In about 5 minutes, follow me, I'm in your first hour class." He said, motioning for me to follow him. I nodded my head and let him lead the way, eventually arriving in front of a room with a big ass sign that said 'SCIENCE' on it.

"Alright, time for my first day at Wilburn High School." I sighed to myself walking into the classroom and taking my seat.


Whoop whoop, another update! 💕🙌 I love this story so that's why I keep updating so much, and honestly I like Hunter's new little friend too. He's just a cute lil gay boi. 😂❤️ Tell me what you think about Ty and vote and comment!

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