Broken | 6

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Listened to this while I wrote this chapter, make sure to check this song out. ^^


My feet echoed on the gym floor, causing many heads to turn my way. Most of the guys were already dressed, so they were sitting out on the bleachers and waiting for instructions. I hurried into the locker room, only seeing a couple guys still in there getting dressed.

But let's just say, those dudes were hella fine. Gotta keep this PG clean for young viewers..

I took my clothes off and changed into some sweats and a loose white tee-shirt, making my torso visible through the thin material. I walked out of the locker room and sat on the bleachers next to Ty, both of us chatting about random shit.

"Alright, we're gonna play basketball today, shirts and skins. Jackson, Andy, you're team captains."

They both hopped off the bleachers and stood out on the gym floor, both of them contemplating on who to pick.

"Xander." The hot kid named Jackson said, pointing to some hot blonde headed kid.

"Jason." Tall guy spoke, nodding his head towards a short black haired guy.

They continued back and fourth, picking teams for basketball. Not surprising, Ty and I were the last two picked. Lucky me, I got skins, but sadly I didn't get Jackson the hottie on my team. Definitely wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless..

"Alright, pick who's jumpin'." Coach said, spinning the basketball on his index finger.

"Definitely not me, I'm like the shortest fucking person on the court." I mumbled more to myself than anyone else, but Ty heard me and started snickering.

"Boys, what's so funny over there?" Coach grunted, glaring at Ty and me.

"Oh, nothing.. Just complaining about how damn short I am.." I sighed, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Watch your language in my gym. I don't cut new kids any slack, take a lap, Gambling."

I let out a mixture of a groan and and a cry for help and took off running, sprinting as fast as I could to get my blood pumping. Everyone in the gym watched me run, they all looked surprised at how fast I could run..

"What?" I asked once I'd finished running.

"You can run pretty fast there, kid." Coach pointed out.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You think you'd be interested in track or any other sport?" Coach asked as he quit spinning the ball on his finger.

"Possibly. I don't know, probably depends." I shrugged.

"Alright, I'll talk to you after class. Shirts and skins, who's jumping?"

"Andy, you jump." Some kid on my team said, giving Tall Guy a really gay pat on the back. Some other tall kid on Jackson the hottie's team was picked to be their team's jumper and stood up, then we all got in our positions. Coach threw the ball in the air and Tall Guy got the jump, hitting the ball backwards towards me.

My eyes widened and I hurried and caught the ball, quickly beginning to dribble down the court.

"Hunter, pass!" Ty yelled. "You don't know what you're doing!"

Except I did know what I was doing from years of playing basketball with my cousins during the summer. I made it through to the lane and hurried and shot a layup, easily putting it in the basket.

"Hot damn, Gambling. You should sign up for basketball this year." Coach yelled as we were running back down the court.

"I've been thinking about it, coach." I called back with a smug grin.

Our game continued until coach blew the whistle, then we all had to go change. We all ran into the locker room and stripped down, beginning to change back into our regular clothes.

My eyes traveled around the room as I openly checked out every guy in the locker room, seeing flabs and abs, but I was mostly focusing on the abs if y'know what I mean..

Someone let out a fake cough and mumbled 'fag', causing me to turn and glare at the culprit.

"What'd ya' say?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a bit of an attitude.

"I said you're a fag. Whatcha gonna do about it?" A tall African guy said, a small smirk on his handsome ass face.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a rock. I occasionally kept rocks in my back pocket for assholes that liked to start shit, and it seemed that today I just so happened to have a rock in my back pocket...

Without another thought I pelted the rock at his head and jolted out the door, quickly grabbing my stuff off the ground.

I hadn't even put a shirt on, and my boney frame was visible to anyone who looked at me as I dashed through the halls.

I had the smallest trace of abs that was just barely visible and a small torso, which made sense since I was short as hell and skinny as fuck.

"Hey, what are you doing out in the halls!? The bell hasn't even rang yet!" A teacher yelled at me as I rushed to find an empty classroom. I ignored her and hurried to find a room to hide in, turning every doorknob until I found one that was unlocked.

Except there was a slight problem, the classroom I rushed into wasn't exactly empty—and Grayson probably thought I was the biggest moron to walk the earth when he saw me standing at the front of his history class without a shirt on, my bags slung lazily over my shoulders.

The entire classroom burst into laughter when I started flexing, pretending I was in a photo shoot and that I actually had muscles.. Pfft, as if.

"Excuse me, what are you doing in my classroom without a shirt on, you're violating the dress code and I don't see a hall pass." The teacher scolded me, an annoyed glare on his face.

"Well ya' see, I was having a quickie in the janitor's closet and had to take a big shit, so I was trying to find a bathroom.. But some how I ended up here, so yeah.. That's the tea on that.." I said with a nervous laugh, not acknowledging the fact that I made every bit of that up.

The class erupted in laughter when they heard my excuse, finding my sarcasm funny..

"Principal's office, now." The teacher growled sternly, slapping a ruler down on his desk. I let out an annoyed sigh and nodded my head, saluting the class as I swung the classroom door open, heading for the principal's office.


Sorry for the hella late update, I've been working on losing weight and stuff so I was trying to find time to write in between, plus I've been playing roblox lol. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, vote and comment? :D

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