Broken | 25

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~*Grayson's POV*~

I wasn't really sure what to think. I honestly hadn't realized how much pent up anger that Hunter had after the party. He didn't speak to me for two weeks after he walked in on Dylan and me, which was probably for the best.

If he was still this mad now, there's not much telling how pissed he would've been two weeks ago after it'd just happened. I let out a sigh as I saw the nurse coming back.

"He left, he said he feels alright now," I said, waving at her and leaving the office. I needed to clear my head a bit. How was I supposed to fix this? This is what one would call a major fuck up.

First things first, I needed to sit down and talk to Hunter about what he saw. In all honesty, I couldn't even remember how Dylan and I ended up in bed together at the party. I could remember a drunken Dylan coming onto me, then we started a sloppy make-out session, and the rest after that was a blur.

Even if Dylan and I were drunk, that didn't make it okay. I could've pushed him away and told him to fuck off, but no; I had to roll around in bed with him just long enough for Hunter to walk in on us.

Either way, me being drunk still didn't make it right. As the saying goes, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts or something like that. And I'm sure that even though I couldn't remember anything, words were probably said last night.

I strolled around the football field, eventually making it back to the locker room. I made my way inside and saw that it was mostly empty, aside from a couple of guys sitting on the benches and pulling their shoes on.

I went over to my locker and got my clothes out, then began taking my gear off. Once I was naked I grabbed my stuff and got a towel, then went to the showers. I quickly washed my hair and body and then headed back out to the lockers where my clothes were.

I changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a tee shirt, then hurried to put my shoes on. Once I was completely dressed I grabbed my bag and left the locker room, heading to the parking lot.


Mom wasn't very pleased with what happened. I'd already told her what happened at the party, which got me grounded from my PlayStation, but that was beside the point. She was mad about the argument Hunter and I had in the nurse's office.

She said, and I quote, "That boy has every damn right to be mad at you! He likes you and you went and tried to sleep with his friend! Now he feels betrayed by his friend, and upset because his crush doesn't like him back!"

Oh, if only she knew. I'd liked Hunter since he came to our school! I thought he was cute then and wanted to get to know his personality. Sure, at first I just had physical attraction, but soon after he was someone I would consider an actual friend.

Someone that would be there for me when others weren't, and someone I could hang out with, or just talk with. He was a friend, and someone that I'd managed to catch feelings for, and now he hated me.

Rightfully so, but still...

I was a bit surprised that he hadn't snapped sooner. I didn't make an effort to talk to him at school and I was a dick to him in front of my friends. All of that came back to my social status, which wouldn't matter at all in about two years.

But me being the idiot that I was, thought your social rank at school was the most important thing in the world.

And even if Hunter had a good reason to hate me, that didn't stop that shit from hurting. He admitted that he liked me and I fucked it up, and now I had to try and find a way to fix it.

~*Hunter's POV*~

I really needed to blow off steam. That argument with Grayson just kinda made me go off on him. It felt good to get that off of my chest but at the same point in time, I was blaming myself for what happened.

I'd already told Aunt Tammy to give Mrs. Jackson a call, so I was going to see her for an emergency appointment later tonight. It was already 5 o'clock and the appointment started at 6:15, so I was gonna go ahead and get going soon.

My wrist still hurt a bit from falling off of the bleachers, but luckily any cuts that had been there had healed already, so it didn't cause any real damage. It still hurt, though.

Aunt Tammy told me I was being a little bitch about it, but she wasn't the one with a sprained wrist either, so she had no room to judge. And god, I remember when I was still staying with my mom and dad when Aunt Tammy came to visit, I didn't hear the end of her fucking ingrown toenails and her bunions.

Like bitch, I don't care about your damn feet! Give it a rest already!

But anyway, my point is that she doesn't have a high pain tolerance either, so she has no room to judge here. I looked in the bathroom mirror and let out a shaky sigh, pushing my hair out of my face.

I looked like shit; there were dark circles under my eyes, my lips looked chapped and my eyes were red and puffy. I'd probably started crying and hadn't realized it. But trust me, the way my face looked made it painfully obvious that I'd been bawling my eyes out.

I rinsed my face with some cold water and fixed my hair so that I looked half decent, then I left my room and headed downstairs. I saw Aunt Tammy sitting on the couch, watching some Gordan Ramsay cooking show.

"Alright, I'm gonna head to my therapy session. Later," I said with a wave.

"Okay, bye Hunter. Get home at a decent time!" she called back, giving me a small wave. I nodded my head and opened the front door, making my way over to my car.

I unlocked it and got in the driver's seat, sitting there for a moment as I mentally prepared myself for therapy. Once I'd given myself a one-sided pep talk I revved the engine and pulled out of the driveway, heading to Mrs. Jackson's office.


Woohoo, another late and very shitty update! Ik this chapter probably sucked but hey, you finally got to see Grayson's perspective of things! If you liked it then make sure to vote and comment! <3

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