Broken | 22

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A bit different from the songs that I usually attach but give it a listen! ^^


I blinked hard when I felt light shine through a window directly in my eye. My head held a steady throb and I felt a bit nauseous, but other than that, I was alright.

I was trying to bog my memory and remember what happened last night when the events of the party suddenly came back to me.

"What the fuck?" I groaned, leaning up in the bed I was in and clutching my throbbing head. I felt something warm radiating near me and glanced over, seeing a shirtless and very attractive male body lying next to me.

"AH!" I yelled, tumbling to the floor and landing on my ass. "Shit, I must've been a bottom last night..." I sighed, closing my eyes. Let's just say, I was definitely feeling the events from last night, but not in a good way.

The guy jolted up, staring at me as if I had 3 heads.

"What the hell..." he trailed off, glancing around the room in confusion. "Where the hell are we?" He asked, seeming even more confused than ever.

"Some chick's house. I'm not good with names," I glanced up at the guy, raising an eyebrow slightly. I definitely recognized him, and it didn't take me long to realize that he was Dylan's friend; Isaiah.

"Why'd you come onto me last night?" I asked curiously, ruffling my hair.

"Well you were very obviously horny and I know that you're gay, so I figured you'd rather sleep with a guy and enjoy it than have a hard time getting it up with a girl,"

"You are most definitely right, my friend..." I nodded my head, pulling myself off the floor. I was wearing only my boxers, causing me to blush sheepishly. I was skinny from a high metabolism, but I definitely wasn't fit.

And Isaiah wasn't like a huge ass muscle man, but he had to have played a sport or he must've worked out, 'cause damnnnn, he had a very nice body, if you know what I mean...

"You got a little drool there," he snickered, causing me to blush an even darker shade of red if that was even possible.

"I'll just, uh, b-be going now..." I searched around the room for my clothes, snatching them off the floor and attempting to pull my skinny jeans on. Well, apparently it just wasn't my day because I fell face first on the floor.

Isaiah erupted in laughter, not even offering to help me up.

"Goddamnit." I sighed, staying on the floor for a moment before pulling myself up with what little dignity I had left. I finally got my pants on and pulled my shirt on over my head.

I hadn't a clue as to where the hell my socks were so instead I just grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, checking the time. It was nearing eleven, which meant that I needed to get my shoes on, get my ass back to Aunt Tammy's before she slaughtered me, and manage to go unnoticed while doing so.

Let's just say, it was easier said than done.

Once I had my shoes on and all of my belongings with me I left the house, not even bothering to say goodbye to Isaiah. The fact that I barely knew the guy and let him top me was a bit embarrassing for me. I honestly had no idea where I was nor where I was going, so I asked Siri.

If I read the map correctly, I was about half an hour away from my house. Well, half an hour if you were in a car. But ya' see, I rode to the party with Grayson, and seeing our predicament, there was no way in hell I was going to ride in a car with him.

At least, not over my dead body. And I was gay, so my dead body shall rot in hell.

Well, if a ride to my house was roughly 30 minutes, then the walk would be at least twice as long. I let out an annoyed sigh, hating my life decisions at that moment.


My legs felt like jelly when I got home, not to mention I was nauseous and hungry at the same time. I went to open the front door but Aunt Tammy beat me to it.

"Aw shit..." I sighed, seeing that look on her face. The 'I know where you've been but I'm gonna make you admit to it' look.

"Where were you? I thought that boy was gonna bring you back to the house after the party or whatever,"

"Well, you see, the thing is... IdrankmyselfstupidandendedupinanawkwardsituationthatIcouldn'tgetoutofsoIstayedthenightatsomerandomperson'shouse," I rambled, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

Aunt Tammy didn't take too kindly to my sob story.

"You're grounded," she simply stated. "Give me your phone."

"What!? No!"

"It's too late now, give me your phone," she gave me a menacing stare, daring me to argue. I visibly gulped and fished my phone out of my pocket, handing it to her sheepishly.

"Go to your room, I'll bring you up some food in a little bit..." she sighed, sounding tired already. I did as she said and went up to my room, lying down on my bed, bored out of my mind.

I never realized how much I did with my phone until it was gone.

Seeing that I didn't have my phone to preoccupy myself, I sat there with only my random thoughts clouding my head. All I could think about was the position that Grayson and Dylan were in.

I had mixed feelings about the situation, to say the least...

I couldn't tell whether I should've been angry or upset about what happened, but I figured that it was sort of a mixture of both for me. Think about it; I walked in on my so-called 'friend' sleeping with my crush, though it wasn't necessarily Grayson's fault, he didn't exactly know that I had feelings towards him.

I let out a sigh, thoughts racing through my head. I didn't know what to think anymore. I heard a knock on my door and called out a mumbled response, then Aunt Tammy came into the room.

She walked inside, holding a plate of food, along with a glass of water. She still looked a little pissed at me and I knew better than to press her buttons, so I kept my mouth shut and just thanked her for the food.

She grunted out a response and left the room, leaving me alone once again. I learned quickly that I didn't like the feeling of being alone. It felt like old times when I lived with my parents, and those weren't very good times.

All flashbacks aside, I continued to think about my current situation. Should I avoid Grayson and Dylan both, or confront them about it?

Neither one of the two options I liked, but it seemed that I needed to do something, otherwise I would just go crazy thinking things over.

I let out yet another sigh, closing my eyes. I didn't touch the food Aunt Tammy brought up to me, which was probably both selfish and inconsiderate of me. But my appetite was now gone.

All I could think about was the events that took place at the party, which lead me to one conclusion; life's a bitch and then you die.


So I finally updated again! Also, this is a bit of filler but hopefully things will get somewhere soon :D

Also, make sure to vote and comment! <3

Broken ✓ (BoyxBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang