Broken | 10

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Throwback 2000s ^^


I jerked my head up as my alarm blared in my ear. Already annoyed, I karate chopped it off my nightstand and sent it flying across my room, then it slammed into my wall and knocked a picture off.

"Whoops." I laughed slightly, not even bothering to pick the picture up off the ground.

After laying down for an extra 5 minutes I finally stood up, then changed into a black button down shirt and some black skinny jeans.

Gotta look good for Grayson...

I grabbed my Converse high-tops and slipped them on, well, more like stumbled around my room hopping on one foot as I tried to get my left shoe on, but I got them on none the less..

Once I was fully dressed I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and my teeth. I attempted to fix my hair but it wouldn't cooperate with me, so I was dressed all nice and my hair looked like a damp mop, but it's all good.

Once I thought I looked good enough to go to school I ran into my room and grabbed my phone, then headed downstairs.

I grabbed a granola bar and shoved it in my mouth, then grabbed my keys and backpack and headed out to my car.

I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat, then finished my granola bar. I revved the engine to my car and pulled out of my driveway, quickly making my way to school.

Since I still had some time to kill so I pulled into the McDonald's drive thru to get some breakfast.

I ordered a sausage egg McMuffin and a coffee, then I hurried and ate my food as I arrived at school.

I stepped out of my car and checked the time, seeing that it was only 7:45. I grabbed my coffee and phone and headed inside, making sure that I locked my car.

Once my coffee was cooled off I began sipping on it, seeing Ty and Hadley by their lockers.

"Sup guys." I said, going in for a very awkward fist-bump with Ty.

"Hey Hunter." Hadley said, smiling slightly at me. Her gaze was focused on someone behind me though, it was that popular snob, Candace I think her name was.

"Who're you all dressed up for?" Ty asked, raising an eyebrow at me and very openly checking me out.

"Every hot guy in this school, but mostly Grayson." I smirked, feeling Grayson's stare. I glanced over to the popular kids and saw none other than Grayson staring at the three of us.

He quickly looked away when he realized that he'd been caught staring and continued talking to Tall Guy. Tall Guy was smirking and he kept glancing at me, making me a little antsy.

Why did he keep looking at me like that? It was giving me a bad feeling..

I shook it off and told Ty and Hadley that I was going to the bathroom, then headed that way.

The whole way it felt like someone was following me, then I eventually turned down an empty hallway.

Right when I was about to turn into the bathroom a pair of hands tugged at me from behind, slamming me into a row of lockers.

I dropped my coffee and it landed on my foot, soaking my shoes and burning the shit out of my foot.

"Ow, what the he-" I was cut off when someone put duct tape on my mouth, forcing me to stay quiet. The guy grabbed my backpack and flung it across the hall, then pinned my arms above my head so I couldn't move. Suddenly, I felt something slam into the back of my head.

That was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.


I woke up with my hands tied together and my feet dangling. It didn't take me long to realize that I was hanging off the basketball goal in the gym.

I attempted to let out a sigh but my mouth was duct taped still, which meant that I couldn't call for help.

I wiggled around, trying to get myself free, but to no avail. My hands were tied hella good so there was no way I was getting down any time soon..

I glanced around for anyone that could be my lord and savior but saw no one, not even the gym teacher. I began moving wildly in an attempt to get free but the knot was too big, my hands just wouldn't come free.

Man, I bet Grayson knew this was gonna happen. Wait, he did know it was gonna happen! Last night he texted me saying that the football team had something in store for me, but the dang bastard didn't even try to stop them!

I glared at the gym floor, wallowing in my own self pity. Life sucks sometimes.

After a good 10 minutes of me swinging back and fourth the first bell rang. Kids filed into the gym, not noticing me swinging for a moment.

Then a kid looked up and saw me hanging from the basketball goal, looking confused and entertained.

One of the brats finally told the gym teacher and he came back into the gym with a ladder to get me down.

"Man, it's about damn time. I've been hanging up there forever!" I yelled once they'd ripped the duct tape off my mouth. Some of the kids started snickering and I glared at them.

"You wanna be the ones up there next?" I growled, raising my fist as if I was going to hit them. They all stopped laughing and backed away, apparently taking my threat to heart.

"Who did this to you, Gambling?" Coach asked, throwing the rope that was used to tie me up onto the ground.

"Well I'm not for sure, but I think I've got an idea of who did it..." I trailed off, deep in thought.

"Well who was it?" Coach asked, seemingly annoyed.

I smirked and said, "Do you know Grayson and Andy?"


So here's a new chapter.. Can you believe what the football team did to poor Hunter!? I had to make something dramatic happen though, thought it'd be funny. Also if you enjoyed the chapter then make sure to vote and comment.

Broken ✓ (BoyxBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin