Broken | 8

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Dylan's lookalike above. ^^


After Miss Miller's long ass class I finally moved on to lunch, hallelujah. For once I didn't have to ask someone where the cafeteria was, I actually found it myself..

Once I'd made it into the cafeteria, though, I had no idea where I was gonna sit.

I simply stood in front of an empty table, contemplating on whether I should sit with Ty or sit by myself.. Suddenly—with a force that just about knocked me down—some douchebag shoulder checked the hell out of me, causing me to lose my balance.

"Ow, fuck." I yelled, stumbling a bit ungracefully onto a table.

"Whoops, my bad bro." Tall Guy snickered, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Haha, fuck you too." I grumbled, flipping him off as I stood up.

He sent me a very hateful glare and continued walking over to his little 'popular' table. I glanced over there and saw Grayson looking at me with uncertainty, as if he wanted to say something but didn't.

I rolled my eyes and headed over to the lunch line to get a tray.

I stood behind someone that looked vaguely familiar, then noticed that it was the cutie that I'd been flirting with in science class. As if he had a sixth sense or something, he turned around and caught me staring at him.

I blushed slightly and ducked my head, hoping that he didn't say anything about my staring.

"You're the new kid, aren't you?"


"Uh, yeah." I stumbled over my words, mentally face-palming myself.

"Hunter, right?" The cute kid asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah." I nodded me head, continuing to move in the lunch line.

"Cool, I'm Dylan." He said, grabbing a tray with some sort of meat and vegetables on it. He made a disgusted face when he looked at his plate and left the lunch line, heading to sit at some table.

I grabbed my own tray, letting out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding in. Alright, I thought, where should I sit on my first day? I scanned the cafeteria in hopes of finding Ty but didn't see him, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Where the hell was he?

I continued looking around and decided to just sit at a table by myself, being the weird fucking loner I am..

I plopped down in an uncomfortable plastic chair and pushed my tray away, seeing that I wasn't gonna eat it anyways.

After sitting there and being an annoyed and moody teenager two people sat down on either sides of me. One of them I recognized to be Ty, but I didn't recognize the girl.

"Who's she?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl sitting on my left.

"That's Hadley. Don't worry, she won't hit on you. She's gay."

"Ahh, I see." I nodded my head, taking a drink of my milk.

Hadley was pretty, with soft colored skin and burnt sienna colored hair. She had full lips and a small facial shape, also not being very tall, around 5'3 or so.

"So, you're the new kid, right?" She asked, studying me up and down.

"The one and only."

"Yeah, I saw you in English class. Nice to meet you, I'm Hadley." She said, holding her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Hunter." I said, grasping her hand and shaking it.

She nodded her head and began eating whatever the hell was on her tray, all I knew was that it was a brownish color.

We all started chatting about random things, trying to get to know each other a little better. All of a sudden the cafeteria got really quiet as some girl stood on top of a table, wearing a shirt that was far too low cut and a skirt that showed some cellulite.

It was quite gross to be completely honest.

"Everyone, my parents are out of town this weekend, party at my place!" She yelled, causing the entire cafeteria to erupt in cheers, except for me. Let's just say, I haven't had the best experiences at high school parties..


"Hunter! Are you alright, man?" My old friend, Jack, asked.

"Yeahhhhh, I'm good, man." My words were slurs as I tried to navigate my way around the backyard, taking another swig of the beer I held in my hand.

I stumbled around, almost tripping over my own feet as I found the pool, beginning to strip down to my underwear. I finished off my beer and threw it on the ground, stepping closer to the pool.

I stepped on a glass shard from my beer bottle and cut my foot, putting me off balance and causing me to tumble head first into the pool. The last thing I remembered was my head hitting the edge of the pool, then I blacked out.


I grimaced at the thought of going to another party, seeing that that was only one of the many memories I had from going to parties. It's like I was cursed with bad luck at the parties I went to. And it wasn't even just high school parties, either.

You don't even wanna know what happened at my mom's work party last year, good god.

"You up for it, Hunter?" Ty asked with a lopsided grin.

"Sure." I shrugged, continuing to sip on my milk, that tasted kind of spoiled by the way.

"How 'bout you, Hadley?"

"I'm down." She said, smirking at a girl that sat at the popular table.

"Is Candace your newest hookup?" Ty asked, glancing over at the dark-headed snob.

"Yup." Hadley nodded proudly, the smirk not leaving her face. If I wasn't gay then she'd probably be my type..

Hadley snapped her fingers in my face, pulling me out of my daze.

"I know I'm hot and everything but I don't swing that way." She giggled, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm gay sweet cheeks, don't worry." I smirked, my eyes traveling over to Dylan, then over to Grayson. I realized that they sat at the same table, but Dylan didn't sit with the football team, he sat with a different group of guys, but he was popular none the less.

Dylan glanced up from his plate and caught me staring again, then he winked at me. I blushed and averted my eyes over to Grayson, who was now looking at Dylan with what looked to be a mixture of annoyance and anger.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, but the bell rang before I could question it any further. I sighed and grabbed my backpack, dumping my tray and beginning to search for my next class.


So, here's another update. I wasn't really sure if I should add a girl character or not since they're usually pretty dramafied and annoying but I decided to go ahead and add Hadley just cause she's cool :3 Btw, Hadley and Dylan's lookalikes will be on the characters list. Hope u liked the update, make sure to vote and comment ❤️

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