Broken | 23

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I love Bazzi ^^ ❤️


I chose to ignore them. I was two weeks into being grounded and it sucked ass. I strictly associated with Ty and Hadley, that was it. I didn't even acknowledge Dylan or Grayson's existence.

That also meant that I ignored Dylan while working on our group project in Creative Writing, which was a little hard. I only talked to Isaiah, and that was a bit awkward, seeing that we fucked and didn't talk after that.

Grayson seemed annoyed and a bit sad about me not talking to him, but Dylan didn't seem to care. Talk about Mr. Steal Yo Mans.

I was still grounded, Aunt Tammy said after a month I could have my phone back. It sucked, but I was only grounded from my phone so I still got everything else. And that meant that if I ever needed Aunt Tammy then I had to use one of my two friends' phone.

That was a bit embarrassing, but Ty and Hadley both knew why I was grounded so they understood. Therapy was even more awkward than before now that Mrs. Jackson found out about Grayson and I's falling out.

She started bringing it up during therapy sessions and I didn't even know what to say. If I blamed Grayson for it then I'd look like a jackass, so I blamed Dylan since she didn't seem to know who he was. She also said that since I've been doing better in therapy that I'm gonna be seeing her only once a week from now on.

Thank god for that, 'cause I hated going twice a week. It took time out of my day that I could be at home eating, or watching Netflix, or being a typical white boy. Anything along those lines was better than going to therapy sessions.

Mrs. Jackson did prescribe me some medicine for depression, though, which was probably good after the shit that went down with Grayson and Dylan.

Neither of them had tried to talk to me at school, which was probably for the best, considering that I'd been a bit on edge after the party. The smallest things people said made me snap, so people started calling me Hunter from hell.

I didn't think it had much of a ring to it but Hadley and Ty thought it was funny. I was currently lying in the grass next to Ty and Hadley, the three of us watching the sunset. School had let out a few hours ago, but we were all bored so we just hung around the campus, cracking stupid jokes and just hanging out.

We also witnessed a bitch fight go down with some popular girl and some fat white chick. Not trying to be mean, but that was really the only way I could describe her.

"That cloud looks like a penguin," Ty said, pointing up at the sky.

I tilted my head slightly and looked up at the sky, an array of white cotton candy fluffs flying around.

"Nah, I don't see it," I replied, eyeing the cloud that Ty had pointed at.

"Then you're blind because that's clearly Chilly Willy from the old cartoons."

"Oh yeah, obviously..." I rolled my eyes playfully, a small smile forming on my face. Ty was such a moron sometimes. It was quiet for a moment and then my belly decided to make itself known, letting out a loud growl.

"Sounds like we should go grab something to eat," Hadley suggested, sitting up in the grass.

"Hell yeah, I'm hungry," Ty agreed, sitting up as well.

"Alright, where are we going?" I asked, pulling myself off the ground and knocking the grass off of my butt.

"Let's go to Golden Corral," Hadley said, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"What the hell is Golden Corral?" I asked, pulling Ty off the ground.

"You've never been there?" Ty asked, shaking his hair out of his eyes.


"Well it's a very fucking good buffet, you'll see," Hadley said, standing up and heading to the parking lot. "Just follow me, I'll lead you there."

I nodded my head and pulled my keys out of my pocket, unlocking my car and sliding into the driver's seat. I revved the engine and turned on the radio, listening to some random pop song talking about someone's American Apparel underwear.

Once I'd buckled up I backed out of the parking spot, following Hadley and Ty to wherever this 'Golden Corral' was.

As long as it was some good food I was all for it.

After getting stuck in traffic about six different times we finally pulled into the parking lot of a building with a huge Golden Corral sign on it. The place seemed nice enough, I guess.

I parked my car and shut the engine off, then unbuckled and stepped out onto the pavement.

Hadley and Ty were both in the parking lot already, the two of them leaning against Hadley's little white car. 

"We ready to go eat?" I asked, heading over to where they were standing.

"Yeah, let me grab my wallet," Hadley said, opening her door and grabbing her wallet out of the seat. "Alright, let's go."

I nodded my head and the three of us headed inside. Once we'd paid and gotten our drinks we headed over to the buffet, me grabbing whatever looked good and edible. To be honest, most of the food there looked good, so it was hard to decide what I wanted to fit on my plate.

I ended up with a huge pile of food and a few mashed potatoes falling off of my plate. Once I had my plate I sat down at the table, waiting for Hadley and Ty to finish making their plates. Once we all had our food we began eating, talking about unimportant things.

"So how long have you been grounded?" Hadley asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"Two weeks. And dear god, it's been the longest two weeks of my life. Do you know how hard it is for a gay guy to live without Instagram? I need my daily dose of Colton Haynes!"

Ty laughed while he was getting a drink and choked on his Dr. Pepper, causing me to laugh as well.

"I mean, you're not wrong, he is pretty hot..." Ty laughed, wiping the soda off of his mouth.

"Nah, Halsey's hot," Hadley said, taking a bite of whatever the hell it was that she was eating.

"I don't know, I just can't really find women attractive the same way I find Colton Haynes attractive..."

"He's a good looking guy, but I wouldn't smash. Now, Halsey, that's a different story..."

I snickered as Hadley continued talking about how attractive Halsey was. I was glad Hadley and Ty were my true friends, unlike Dylan. True friends were all I needed. Well, and my phone, once I finally get it back...


So it's been almost 3 weeks... I apologize for that but tbh I'm just lazy and can't keep an updating schedule. Sorry for the wait, make sure to vote and comment! ❤️

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