Chapter 6: A Strange Morning

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 When I woke up the first thing that I realized was that I wasn’t alone but my parents were at the vacation, so why was I in someones arms? I turned my head and saw Eric sleeping. With his arms around me! I quickly looked down and saw that we both had our clothes on. I sighed in relief, then looked at Eric again. Why was he in here? Then he snuggled closer to me, if that was even possible. His head rested on my neck, close to my breasts. Thats when I started to panic. Then I decided to wake him up.

“Eric! Wake up” I said as loud as I can.

“No, its very comfy in here” he said nuzzling his face in my neck. That wasn’t a comfortable position for me.

“If you put your head a little more downstairs, I will kill you.” I said through my gritted teeth.

“What are you talking about?” He said opening his eyes. Then his eyes opened wide when he realized what was he doing.

“I..I- I am so-sorry.. I didn’t realized I was that uhm..close to you” he said pulling away.

“If you had known that you were ‘that’ close to me, you wouldn’t be alive now.” I said standing up.

“What the hell happened?” I added.

“Well, the good girl swears now, how sweet.” He said sarcastically. Definetly  not a morning person.

“Really, why are you in my house, on my bed with me?” I said saying the “my’s” louder. I was starting to get angry.

“Well, Princess. Your welcome for saving your sorry ass” he said smiling at me. Ugh! Not that cocky smile again.

“What do you mean?” I said curiously. I didn’t kiss him, Did I?

“You got drunk last night then fell asleep on me. I got you home then fell asleep” he said. That was it? Probably it was. He wouldn’t ever leave me alone if  I had made a move on him. Hmm, I am improving at this being drunk thing.

“Thank you” I said as politely as I can.

“Your welcome... Locker Buddy” he said exaggeratingly.

“Why did you have to remind that to me?” I said then fake cried.

“Haha,funny. Most girls would kill to be in your position” he said.

“Well, I am not one of the most of the girls now. Am I?” I said. I screamed I am back inside my head. Really? I was scared that this boy would effect my confidience. Heck no! I am Amelia Elena Campbell, well most of the people dont know the Elena part but still.

“No youre not” he said looking at me with an amused glint in his eyes. I think my mental dance wasn’t so mental. Was I dancing by myself? I dont know if I can seem more like a loser. Good job Ams, good job.

“Well, I don’t know you but I have to go to the school so bye!” I said waving my hands.

“I don’t think so... You have 20 minutes to get ready, I will ride you to the school” he said more like commanded.

“And what are you going to wear? I don’t think the almighty Eric Steel would go to the school with the clothes that he wore yesterday” I said hoping that he won’t take me to the school. A ride would be fine but I don’t want rumors at the second day of the school.

“I always have extra clothes with me, you know I have to go to school after se-“ he said but I cutted him of and said:

“If you finish that sentence I will kill you”.

“Sex, I was going to say after sex do you have anything else to say?” he said. Right, ofcourse the star of the school wouldn’t care what I say. I won’t let him walk over me, if he is the star then I am the freaking whole galaxy. I will show that boy who I am!

“Ok, wait for me.” I said. My master plan is on... That boy won’t understand what hitted him. After he went, I got up and dressed in the second dress that I had choosed for the school week. It was a short blue dress with a white belt on it then I wore my white heels. Time to take a little bit revenge.


When we came to school I could still feel Eric’s gaze on me. Good, now I have to make my last move. Just as I was about to open the door, Eric opened the cars door for me. I looked at the school garden making sure that everyone is here. I leaned up then kissed him, after a few seconds he started to kiss me to while wrapping his arms around me. I pulled I away then smiled at him. He look at me in shock and muttered:

“Amelia, I-“ I cutted him of and said:

“That was fun but I have better things to do like lessons now I will be very happy if you get out of my way” then smiled fakely at him making sure that he understood that it was fake.

“What? I..ok.” he said confused then pulled his arms away from me and said:

“Go to your little class if thats so important for you”. I made him mad, good. I don’t care anyway.

“Yeah, I will.” I said then pulled away from him and went to my class while Eric and the whole school stared at me. It was scaring me that the only stare that I cared was non other than Eric Steel’s.


When I went to my class the first thing that I noticed was that Nicole wasn’t there. I had the first period with her and Alice. I found Alice and asked her if she had seen Nicole.

“I didn’t its very weird. She usually comes to the classes first. I heard that Jason dumped her last night the second she came. If I find that boy I will chop his head off.” She said angrily. Jason dumped her? What is this boys problem? I understand that he doesn’t like me but he had no right to do something like that to Nicole. The Nicole that never trusted a guy.

“I will go and find Nicole. Are you coming with me?” I said to Alice.

“No, I will find John and tell him about what happened with Jason and Nichole. I don’t have a strong twin brother for nothing, its John’s time to kick some ass for me.” Alice said. I don’t even know how she threatens John to do these things for her.

I went to the back of our schools garden where Nicole usually goes when she is upset. We had been going there since we met, it was our little hiding place to share our secrets. I saw Nicole sitting at the grass in there.

“Hey” I said sitting next to her.

“Hey...” she said looking sad.

“I know what happened with Jason and he isn’t worth it” I said to her trying to make her happy. Nicole could be happy, Nicole could be angry but Nicole is never sad. Maybe that was the reason she hated boys so much, she never wanted to be sad. She looked at me for a minute, her eyes landed on my dress and heels then she grinned at me and said:

“You kicked Eric’s ass didn’t you”.

“How did you understand it?” I said looking shocked. I knew that rumors spread fast in our school but not this much fast.

“You wear the I am going to kick someones ass while paralyzing them with my beauty heels and belt.” She said grinning at me.

“Well, what can I say? I did.” I said laughing with her. This is what are friends for and I couldn’t be more glad that I had real friends like Nichole.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. The dress that Amelia wore is at the side also I dedicate this chapter to Leah Walker for the amazing trailer that she made for me. Make sure to watch it, its at the side :) PLEASE, COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN!


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