Chapter 7: Friendships and Misunderstandings

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After the class that day, Adam came next to me. He stared at me with wide eyes for a few minutes then said:

“You did not...” in a very slow voice. He definetly talks about what happened at the morning. Great, now Eric’s friend knows that I kicked his ass too.

“Actually, I did. That jerk had to know that he isn’t the only Queen Bee in this school.” I said. Adam started to laugh hysterically and after a few minutes I laughed with him too. At that moment I understood that judging a person before meeting with them properly was a wrong thing. Yeah, maybe The Five of the school has jerks in it but Adam is definetly not a jerk. Sometimes our friends personality can tell a lot about our personality but after all we are our own person, our friends doesn’t define our personality, they define what we are going to do with that personality. Not who we are.

“I really judged you wrong, didn’t I?” I asked Adam.

“Well, I judged you wrong too.” He said looking down at the floor with shame. Judged me wrong?

“What do you mean? You acted like we are best friends the minute you saw me.” I said trying to understand what was Adam trying to say.

“Well, I did that because I didnt want to be like Jason and fight with Eric... I thought that you were just a Queen Bee” he said still not looking at me. Me? Queen Bee? Maybe the five wasn’t the only ones that didn’t look like what they really are from outside. Maybe we are like that too.

“Hey, its ok. Maybe both of us judged each other wrong but we know the truth now.” I said lifting his chin up so that he would look at me instead of the floor. He looked at me for a moment before smirking and saying:

“Nah, I still think of you as a Queen Bee. Maybe a more annoying one but still a Queen Bee”.

“Well you better run because that bee is going to sting you” I said before chasing him off. I thought that this was the start for a good friendship.

After school, I found a fuming Eric coming towards to my locker. Oh no! Maybe he is just coming to his own locker. Act like you didn’t see him, act like you didn’t see him.

“Amelia, I know that you saw me.” He said. I will never be good at hiding my emotions...

“Hey, Eric. Nice to see you. What are you doing in here?” I said nervously. What are you doing here? Seriously!? This is his damn locker Amelia! Ofcourse he would be in here. I can feel my confidience slipping away.Dont go confidience! I need you. I am getting more stupid every single second.

“I came here to talk with you and if you remember it correctly this is my locker but you probably forgot it because you probably have ‘classes’ that are more important than me, right?” he said shouting a little at the end. He is angry. I don’t know why but I don’t feel happy about it.

“I am sorry Eric, I just-“ I said but he cut me off.

“You just what! Here I was always acting careful around you, not kissing you when you were drunk, thinking about your feelings when you obviously didn’t care about mine!” he said shouting. His feelings? Oh God, Ofcourse his feelings. I did this to him right after the day that he confessed liking me.

“Y-yo-your feelings? “ I said. I was so shocked that I couldn’t even talk.

“Yes! My feelings, I like you Amelia and it scares me because I have never felt like this! All the walls that I was building up for years and years are cracking because of you and I feel shieldless around you. Do you know how it feels when you obviously don’t feel the same” he said his voice cracking at the end. I looked at him for a minute and saw how vulnerable he looked. I leaned up and kissed him, he first didn’t respond back but then his shoulders relaxed, he pulled me into him and started kissing me back.

“I like you too, I just never felt like this before. That was the reason why I acted like I didnt care, I do care. “ I said looking at his beautiful blue eyes. I was very stupid to push him away.

“Amelia, I want to ask you something...” he said looking down nervously while scratching his neck.

“Tell me” I said encouraging him to continue.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he said.

“You did what?!” screamed Alice when I told her and the other girls what happened. We were in a sleepover at Tessa’s house.

“I ran away from him after he asked me to be his girlfriend” I said. Yeah, I have a new record folks. This is the stupidest thing I had ever done... I think. Now everyone will think of me as a coward and I may look like I don’t give a damn about other peoples opinion but in reality I do care about other peoples opinion about me.

“God, Amelia even I wouldn’t do something like that and you know that I love torturing boys. Poor Eric.” Nichole said. I have the best friends ever, look how they soothe me and help me with my problems! Note the sarcasm.

“Poor Eric? What about me? He will probably laugh at my stupidty with his so called gang.” I said. I glanced at Tessa, she was red. Like the color of tomato. I don’t know when she will explode but I know that I won’t stay alive after it.

“POOR YOU? YOU BROKE THE BOYS HEART TWICE THIS DAY AND HE IS LIKE THE HOTTEST BOY IN SCHOOL. YOU FREAKING REJECTED THE HOTTEST BOY IN SCHOOL. After Alex ofcourse, Alex is the hottest one.” Tessa said. I could feel the capitals in her voice as she was shouting at me. Seriously, I could literally feel the capitals in her voice.

“Actually, I think Eric is hotter” I muttered, scared from Tessa. That girl can be really feisty when she wants to be. Before Tessa could say anything else, my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey Ams! This is Adam.” Adam replied through the phone.

“Hey Adam! Why did you call me? You probably know that Tessa has a sleepover. Didn’t Alex tell you about it?” I said. Since Tessa and Alex started to date, Alex had started to say anything and everything we did to the other guys. I can’t even understand it, they had been dating for only 2 days for God’s Sake!

“Yeah he told me, that boy can’t shut up talking about Tessa for a minute. I called you because this is important.” He said seriously.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You know if you had said to Eric that you have a boyfriend rather than kissing him and running from him, things would be easier. Eric is a little bit... devastated right now.” He said.

“What? First, I don’t have a boyfriend and secondly why is he devastated?” I asked.

“Maybe you think that he is a heartless person Amelia but he has a heart and it is broken right now. Also Cath told us that you have a boyfriend.” Adam said sounding a little bit confused.

“Cath? Cath who?”

“Catherine Willmore”


Hey Guys! Sorry that I updated it late. I had a lot of work at school this week. I hope that you had enjoyed this chapter. Who is Cath Willmore? What will happen to Eric and Amelia? You will learn it in the next chapter! 


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