Chapter 9: The Not So Perfect, Perfect Night

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I glanced at my date as we drew to Catherine’s house. I was really suspicious about this ball. What if the “Cath” that had been messing with me was the one that prepared this ball? Well, now that I am in Eric’s car there is no escape. Ten minutes later, we arrived to the place. It was a huge ballroom but it wasn’t like the traditional ones. It had spot lights everywhere and there were speakers on the corners of the room, it was almost like a concert place except the slow music and the fancy looking guests. I looked at my dress self conciously, I was wearing a pink long dress that looked pretty much like a princess’s dress. Eric smirked down at me then leaned towards my ear and said:

“I think you look great, undoubtedly better than all of the other girls in the room”. I smiled and leaned towards him. Just when we were going to kiss, a girl at our age came and cleared her throat.

“May I help you?” I said looking at her carefully. Something about her irritated me. Maybe it was the way she looked at me, like she was sizing me up and trying to find any weaknesses. She had big eyes that were like a cats eye. Her hair was blonde but to be honest, she was very beautiful that even I felt uneasy. I looked at Eric but suprisingly, he didn’t look like he was impressed from her looks. He glanced at me and he probably saw the worry in my eyes because he took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. How he managed to read my mind was beyond me but it felt right.

“Yes, actually you can. I was hoping to meet you Amelia,right? I am Catherine Willmore but everyone calls me Cath” she said, even her voice was melodic. Then it all dawned on me when Eric stilled next to me.

“You, you are the one that told Eric that I was dating with someone when I wasn’t. Who do you think you are and why did you mess with us?” I said my voice shaking with anger. I looked at Eric and he was pale white, something was terribly wrong.

“I remember you now, you are that girl from summer.” he said.

“What?” I said confused.

“Well, this summer Eric was in one of my fathers hotel. I must say that we had a great time, didn’t we Eric?” she said smiling knowingly. “If you want to we can go back to those days, I know that this girl is no fun” she said putting her hand on his arm.

“Well, go on you two can have all the fun you want. I am going to go.” I said trying to look uneffected but I knew that I probably looked close to tears. I went out of the house quickly and sat on the benches outside the house. I saw Eric running towards me, he was looking pretty hot in that suit but I tried not to get distracted.

“You need to stop doing this” he said while panting.

“Doing what?” I said.

“Running away like that.” he said while sitting down next to me. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wanted to protest but the position was so comfortable that I couldn’t bring myself to. After all, he had came back for me when he had the chance to have ‘fun’ with Cath Willmore.

“Well then you should choose your friends more carefully” I said saying the word friends angrily. He winced and said:

“I am sorry, you know that I have been a player my whole life. I had forgetten about her and you know that I am sorry about the Jason subject. He isn’t usually that bad.”

“I know” I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. I guess dating the bad boy was harder than I thought.


“As much as I like this position, we need to go back to the ballroom. My parents are there and they won’t be very happy if I ditch them.” Eric said then he kissed my forhead. It was a small gesture but it was really sweet.

“Okay” I said and stood up. We went back inside together. When we came back, a man that had similar blue eyes with Eric came next to us. He must be Eric’s father.

“Finally Eric! I have some clients that wants to meet with you. We didn’t come here just for your fun and who is this young lady?” he said narrowing his eyes at me.

“I am Amelia Campbell, its nice to meet you sir.” I said trying to smile politely. I tried to do “the charm” on him. It was something I always did with parents and elders, I would just say a few polite words to them and smile politely then bam! You have an elder that adors you.

“Campbell? I know your father. I had worked with him before. It’s nice to meet you too, Amelia” he said his mood changing. I turned to look at Eric, he was looking at his father with a look that showed that he was disgusted from his act. I didn’t blame him, it was really annoying that he suddenly acted nice towards me just because he had worked with my father.

“Well dad, Amelia is my girlfriend and I would really appreciate it if you stop acting like crap to the people before you know their surnames and judge them with their titles. Its totally disgusting” he said with venom in his voice.

“That is no way to talk with your father, you ungrateful thing.” his father said while glaring at Eric.

“Whatever, I will talk with your damn clients then you will leave us alone.” he said. For the next hour, Eric talked with some of his fathers clients with me next to him. He sometimes made faces behind their backs and told them sarcastic things that suprisingly they believed. It was weird how Eric could make everything better.


After the talk with the clients finished, Eric took me towards the dance floor where everybody was dancing in a slow way.

“Care to dance, my lady?” he said with a horrible British Accent. I laughed and said:

“Ofcourse my dear lord”. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms aroung his neck. We danced slowly with the rhythm of the music. I putted my head on his chest and felt his heart beat quickly. I smiled and leaned towards him. He captured my lips, it was the best feeling in the world. Sparks flew in the air as we kissed. When I heard noises, I broke up from the kiss and looked at the sky. (   A/N: The ballroom is an outdoors ballroom, it doesn’t have a ceiling.) I smiled when I saw real sparks on the air. They were shooting fireworks.

“Look, there are literal sparks when we kiss!” I said and pointed towards the sky.

“Yes there is” he said and leaned towards me again.

In that moment, I forgot about Jason, Cath, Eric’s father and all those negative things because it was definetly worth it.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I put the Picture of Amelia’s dress, the ballroom and Cath Willmore. I won’t add it in the cast list but Amber Heard is playing Cath Willmore. Make sure to COMMENT, VOTE and FAN!

Love, MelisZrhlolu

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