Chapter 10: Relationships in Highschool is Never Easy

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I woke up in the morning with a big smile on my face. If I hadn’t looked at the mirror I could have thought that I looked like girls from the movies. They always wake up with the perfect hair and make up. Sadly, I hardly looked like one of them with my hair sticking in everywhere and my “cute” pijamas. I looked at my phone there was a text from Eric:

-Goodmorning beautiful

I laughed at the screen. When did he change the contacts in my phone?

-By the way, I changed your contacts-Handsome Beast(Eric)

-Yeah, you could say that I noticed that :) Good morning to you too- Ams

I shoved my phone in my bag and started to get ready for school. I wore a red dress that I adored and decided to wear boots underneath it. I curled my hair and decided to wear a scarf for the last touch. I looked at the mirror and muttered “Perfect as always”. Then started to walk towards my car until I saw Eric. 

“What are you doing in here?” I said trying to not grin like an idiot.

“Don’t you know that taking their girlfriends to the school is a duty for boyfriends?” he said smiling that cute smile of his.

“Yeah well, yes but not for you.” I said.

“Oh, why not?” he said trying to look like he was offended but by the grin that he was failing badly to hide, I could understand that he was joking.

“It’s just, I heard that the Almigthy Eric Steel wouldn’t do such thing. “ I said trying hard not to laugh. I was pretty sure that I looked like a tomato at the moment.

“The Almighty Eric Steel never fell in love before.” he said. I looked at him in shock. Did he just declare his love for me? I probably heard wrong...

Eric scratched his neck nervously, a habit that I discovered he did when he was nervous or worried. He glanced at the rode, cleared his throat then said:

“We should get going.” he said.

“Yeah, yeah we should.”

                               $$$$$$ Alex $$$$$$ (Probably didn’t expect that)

I looked at the mirror as I perfected my hair. I took a deep breath. Just a girl, a damn girl Bright. I am freaking Alex Bright, I can do this.

I went to school. When I arrived the first thing that I saw was Eric and Amelia in hand in hand, that boy is really lucky but he was truly brave so he deserved it. No man would have the guts to date with Amelia, that chick was really smart and could play with you like a toy not in a bad way. From the way she smiled at everyone and helped to everyone without looking at their titles, I could understand that she was a good girl. I took a deep breathe when I saw Tessa (Link for Tessa’s outfit: ) she was wearing thight grey jeans with a white shirt and a jacket thingy. You could judge me form my lack of knowledge in girl outfits but I am a guy and I don’t understand why girls have one bazillion different types of outfits. Us boys only have a Jean and tshirt and we are happy with it. 

“Hey Alex, were you searching for me?” she asked in an innocent voice while batting her eyelashes at me. 

“Yes, I actually was.” I said. God, this girl will be the death of me.

“Well, you found me. What were you going to say?” she asked while smiling.

“Will you be my official girlfriend?” I asked her. She will probably start screaming and will throw herself on me after all I am Ale-

“I don’t know, can you really handle a girl like me? After all, I am the cheerleader captain” she said while walking towards me. She came near to my ear. “Also everyone knows that I am a one hell of an emotional ride.” she whispered. She backed away a little and tilted her head in a cute way. “What do you have to offer to me” she said smiling. Don’t lose your courage Alex. God! This girl was playing with me like a vampire who played with its human prey. 

I came near to hear ear just like she had came near to mine.I breathed in her parfume. “You are underastimating me, love. Who wouldn’t want the football team’s captain? Also you know that we would make the best couple ever. “ I said. She looked at me for a minute then said:

“We have a deal, Alex Bright.” Then she kissed me and skitted down the hall. I touched my lips while still smiling. I ran to find Eric and the others to deliver them the news. I am dating with Tessa Bell and I couldn’t be more happy.


I found the guys in the cafeteria. I found them sitting on our usual table. As I came towards them I heard Eric saying:

“Maybe we should create a new table so we could sit with the girls? Also it will be very cool if the male five started to sit with the female five. The whole school will start talking about this” .

“It’s a great idea” I said as I sat next to Adam. When I said this, Jason turned towards me and started to glare at me. Ouch.

“Didn’t you and the other two Romeo’s gave them enough gossip?” Jason said.

“What do you mean?” I said. I was truly confused.

“Don’t you know it? Eric is dating with Amelia, Daniel is dating with Charlotte and I am sure as hell that you started to date with Tessa. Am I not correct?” Jason said.

“Yes, you are correct.” I said smiling. Then I turned towards Eric and Daniel. “Congratulations man!” I said happily. Don’t muttered Daniel while warning me with his eyes but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. “How is it going with you and Nichole, when will you start dating with her?” I asked Jason. He slammed his fist at the table, threw a nasty look at the guilty looking Eric and went out.

“What is his problem?” I asked. Eric winced and said:

“In the party, after our fight over how Jason acted towards Tessa Jason left the party and forgot that Nichole was going to be his date. Now Nichole ignores him and he doesn’t know what to do. I learned this today too, if that is going to make you feel better. Daniel knows because it was his house and Adam knew before because unlike us, he wasn’t with girls all night. “ Eric told me still looking very guilty.

“Hey man, it wasn’t your fault. If you hadn’t started a fight, I would had started it. The way Jason acted was unacceptable and it isn’t our fault that our girls are very hot.” I said smiling then grinned towards Adam and added, “Also, Adam wasn’t with girls all night because he is the dictionary definition of forever alone.” I said while laughing when Adam smacked me on the head. Adam was a cute guy (for the girls ofcourse) with dimples and light brown eyes but he was usually the good friend who always stayed behind and did the jokes. When I first met him I thought that we should find a girl for him and that he would hate us if we got all the girls while he was always there for us but after a while I understood that Adam was waiting for his love to come and he wasn’t very eager on searching for her himself. 

“Now, what are we going to do about this Jason and Nichole situation?” Daniel said.

“Well, lets start the plan Jachole or Nicson. I am not very good at doing ship names” he said grinning.

“Hell yeah!” I said. while laughing. Jason and Nichole will be together even if they don’t want it but I was sure that when we were done with them , they will be very thankful. Now, all I had to do was take help from some certain brunette who was my girlfriend.


Hey guys! In this chapter I focused more on the other characters because unlike most of the stories in Wattpad, my side characters are important for me and they will have a big role in this story. This is the first time that I wrote over a boys POV so I hope that it was good! I added Amelia's outfit on the side.Thank you for reading! Make sure to COMMENT, FAN and VOTE!


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