Chapter 17: The New Year's Party

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After the breakup with Eric, something weird happened. Cath suddenly stopped messing with me. It was like the silence before the storm and honestly, I was very curious about what she was planning so I did something I thought I would never do: I went to talk with Cath.

When I went to talk with Cath she was surprisingly kind.

“Why are you acting kind to me suddenly?” I asked her.

“Why shouldn’t I? You broke up with Eric so I have nothing against you anymore.” She said.

“It doesn’t make any sense. You did everything you could to be with Eric but now you don’t even make a move on him.” I exclaimed.

“I didn’t want to date Eric. Sure, he is hot and all but he broke my heart and I kinda hate him now. I saw the way he looked at you. He cares about you so I wanted revenge and I got it.” She said.

“Our break up had nothing to do with you and I don’t think Eric cares about me anymore.” My voice cracked a little at the end and I hated myself for it. I wanted, no I needed to be stronger than that.

“Whatever, I have a new prey now.” She said with an evil smile.

“And who is that unlucky guy?” I asked.

“Alex Bright, he is cute isn’t he? And what is more fun than breaking the cheerleader and the popular jock?” she said and went away laughing to herself. I didn’t have a good feeling about this. I decided to go to my and Nichole’s place at the back of school. No one really knew there so I could be alone for a while. I went to the place at the back of schools garden and I saw a brown haired boy but I couldn’t recognize him. When I got closer, I realized that he was Rider.

“Hey, whats up?” I asked him. I thought about my decision back in London. I had wanted to stay away from Rider so that things wouldn’t get more complicated but a friend wouldn’t hurt.

“You don’t need to talk with me. I am the weirdo new boy that broke up the it couple of the school and I am sure that you ask me that out of kindness” he said in an irratated voice. Probably the jocks that wanted to support their captain Aka. Eric , went harsh on him.

“Let me guess, the jocks?” I asked him.

“Yeap. I had wanted to enter to the football team but it is probably impossible now.” He said.

“Don’t worry, they will forget it in a week and Eric is not a bad guy, if you want to enter you should go to the tryouts. Also, How can I make it up to you? I probably ruined your first days in here.” I said feeling guilty.

“Well, I heard that there was a New Years Party made by one of your friends and that the whole school was invited. Do you want to be my date?” he asked.

“Ofcourse, who’s party is it?” I asked.

“Someone named Adam, I heard that you two were good friends.” Rider said. I was glad that Rider reminded me that. Adam had told me about the party a week ago but because of the drama with Eric I had forgetten it.

“Yes, we are.” I said smiling. I was glad that our breakup with Eric didn’t change my friendship with the others. Well, except Jason. He probably hates me even more right now. After the plan Nicson, Nichole had to go to France for one of her relatives wedding. Ofcourse, Jason didn’t take it well because he was planning to  make a move on her so he was avoiding his friends and Eric feels guilty about it. Unlike other girls, I don’t like to cause drama after breakups so we still talk with Eric, just like friends do.


I arrived to Adam’s house with Rider. When I entered Alex looked in our way and raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged and walked towards them. I saw Eric with Daniel next to Alex, Tessa and Charlotte. When Eric first saw me he smiled at my way but then he glanced at Rider and frowned. I didn’t want to think about the possibilty of Eric still liking me. He probably got over me already.

“Where is Alice?” I asked when I approached them.

“She is celebrating New Years with Spencer’s family.” (A/N: For the ones who don’t remember: Alice is one of the five, she is the one with the twin. Spencer is her boyfriend but he doesn’t go to the Riverroad Highschool.) said Tessa.

“Okay, I will dance with Rider. Let’s get this party started.” I said. We went to the dance floor and started to dance but it didn’t feel right. I felt a gaze on me and when I turned around, Eric was staring at me. I looked at my clock and it was 11.50 pm, I have ten minutes to talk with Eric before the new years starts. I nod my head towards the door hoping that he will understand and then excused myself from Rider. I went to the garden and when I around, Eric was there.

“This doesn’t feel right” I said to him finally.

“What doesn’t feel right? Being friends with me and talking to me? If you want me out of your life just say it Amelia. I won’t force you to talk with me. I care too much for you and I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” He said, I could see the hurt in his eyes for a second before his face became emotionless once again.

“No, the thing that doesn’t feel right is being apart from you. Maybe I am too late and too stupid to realize it now but I love you.” I said in one breath.

Before I could understand what was happening, his lips were on mine. I held on to him, too scared to let go. The relief flooded inside me as every second passed. When I pulled away, I heard sounds of cheering from inside.

“Happy New Year” Eric said and leaned towards me once again.


Hey Guys! I had originally planned to post this chapter in the New Year’s Day but I had a huge writers block so I needed more time. Because of the requests from most of the fans of the story and to be honest I am a huge Eric&Amelia shipper too so they are back together but who knows if they will stay that way or not? Who do you ship Amelia with? The cute, perfect boy Rider or the bad lover boy Eric? Comment it down below or message it to me! The video at the side is the Mistletoe by Megan Nicole, I thought that it suits this chapter. Make sure to VOTE,COMMENT&FAN!


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