Chapter 16: Saving Eric

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Eric's POV

I went out of the school, I no longer wanted to be there. I didn't want to see the looks of pity they gave me or the looks of hatred they gave Amelia. Amelia was right to be angry with me, after what I said to her it would be a miracle if she ever forgives me. I sighed and kicked a rock. I remembered the words that she said to me as I walked. She had said that she doesn't love me. She probably said it out of anger I thought to myself but it felt like I was just reassuring myself. I heard foot steps behind me, it was probably one of the boys or a teacher that would scold me for skipping school. Just then, I felt a blindfold covering my eyes and someone putted something inside my mouth. Before I passed out, the voice that I heard was my fathers voice. Andrew Steel.


Amelia's POV

"Amelia!" I heard Adam shout my name. I wiped away the tears on my face and turned to Adam.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Did you see Eric?"

"Didn't you hear the news?"

"Yes, I heard but did Eric tell you about what his father said to him a week ago?" Adam said. I remembered it, Eric had told me that his father had threatened him.

"Yes, he told me." I said.

"Well, we can't find Eric and he is not answering his calls. If I know Andrew Steel enough, I think it is his fault." he said seriously. I watched Adam's face, waiting for the time he will say that he was just joking but that moment didn't come and the realisation hit me hard.Eric was kidnapped by his father. A wave of guilt hit me, if I hadn't broken up with him maybe he would be safe with us now.

"What are we going to do? We have to find him." I said panicking.

"I don't want to interrupt but I accidently heard your conversation." I turned around and saw Rider in there.

"I think I can help" he added.

"How?" I asked him.

"My father is a police, he and his friends can track him from his phone signals. I already feel sorry for breaking you two up, let me help you with this." Rider said.

I hugged him and whispered thank you a million times while he rubbed my back in a soothing way.


Two hours later, Rider's father found the signals. They were in London. I remembered Eric's fathers request to him. Maybe Eric went to London by his own will. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked at Adam.

" I know that you broke up with him but Eric would never do something like that. He won't give up without a fight and he wouldn't leave his home." Adam said.

"Is it even his home anymore? He switched to a new family, had a fight with one of his bestfriends (Jason), his girlfriend broke up with him. Why wouldn't he want to leave?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Because he is Eric." Adam said. I thought about how Eric never left me and always came after me. Adam was right.


The flight to London was silent. I didn't want to speak so it was awkward between Adam and Rider.When the flight ended, we headed towards the location Rider's father gave us. His police friends from London would help us. We arrived to the Andrew Steel's house in London. There were two guards outside of the home. I looked at the bushes outside the house, one of the policeman was hiding in here. The man gave me a nod, obviously telling me that it was the time.

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