Chapter 11: Plan Nicson

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I saw Alex coming towards us when I was chatting with Tessa.

“Hey! Amelia, Tessa I need both of your help but especially Tessa’s.” Alex said then winked at Tessa.

“Help for what?” I asked.

“Well, both of you probably knows about how Jason wasn’t at the party with Nichole. Well, it wasn’t really his fault. After his argument with Eric, Jason went to his house out of anger. That’s why he wasn’t with Nichole that night but he really wants her. We need to get them together but I need all the help I can get. “ he said.

“I am in.” Tessa said smirking.

“Well, I am in too” I said sighing.

“Here is the plan.....


                                  <3 <3 <3 <3 Nichole’s POV<3<3<3<3

“Nichole wait! It isn’t like what you think.” I heard Jason say for maybe like 100th time.

“I don’t care. Get out of my way. Even if you had showed up, it was only for one night. I don’t date. Especially with boys like you.” I said while glaring at him. I can’t believe I was fool enough to say yes to Jason Chase. He was one of the five for God’s Sake!  I watched as his face turn cold with every word I said. Good, kindness doesn’t look good on him anyway.

“Fine then Princess.” he said. He did a mock salute then went away.

“Good”  I muttered to myself. I started to walk towards the hall but then I saw Amelia running towards me with panic on her face.

“You should come, now!” she said.

“What happened?” I said.

“It’s Tessa, I think she broke her ankle when she was doing cheer practice. Come with me to the gym.” she said. Oh no, the last time Tessa broke her ankle she had a crazy fit for weeks because she couldn’t jump and run. That girl was seriously hyperactive.

“Okay, let’s hurry” I said. When we arrived to the gym Amelia opened the door for me and said that I should enter first because blood made her nauseous. When the hell it started to make her nauseous? The Amelia I know isn’t a girl like that. When I went inside, I heard a click at the end but I was concentrated on finding Tessa. I looked around the room but I couldn’t see anyone. I looked at the door again and saw Amelia smirking at me from the other side of the door. (A/N: It’s a plastic-glass door) . What the hell? I heard a noise from the other side of the room. Jason was at the other side of the room, he was kicking the door while shouting, “What the hell Alex! This isn’t funny!”. I cleared my throat and that’s when he realized that he wasn’t alone in the room.

“Ohhhhh” he said like he understood the situation.

“What?” I said annoyed at the fact that he looked a little bit happier.

“ This is our code red. When one of us has problem with a girl, we decided to do this. I am surprised that Alex thought of this plan. He isn’t usually that much bright but he probably took help from your friends.” he said smirking.

“Yeah, Amelia tricked me. How can we escape from here before I kick the life out of you?” I asked. Being in a room with Jason wasn’t in my To Do List for today.

“Not, now Love. Do you see those cameras over there? Well, believe me or not Eric is a techno genious. He probably hacked them to spy on us. Maybe if you let me explain and forgive me then they would relise us.” he said.

“Okay then, be quick. I hate to be late at my lessons.” I sighed. Here goes nothing...

“Before the party, I had a fight with Eric. I went out from the place out of anger and forgot about our date. I know that it is no excuse but please give me a second chance.” he said.

“I don’t kno-“ before I could finish my sentence his lips were on me. When he pulled away he said:

“Please?” I looked at him for a minute before my senses came clear. Well, as everyone could guess:

I kicked him in the place where sun doesn’t shine. Then I went to the gyms door and tried to open it with my bobbypins. Belive me or not, it worked. When I went out to the hall I smiled to myself. Ahhh, freedom is great.


                                             ***************Amelia’s POV*******************

“She did what?” I shouted when Adam started to watch the video again, again and again. Laughing like a maniac everytime Nichole kicked Jason. Who could have thought that something like this would amuse Adam this much? Jason winced at the video then said:

“She freaking kicked me! God, I need to have this girl. I never met with someone like her before.” Jason said. Wow, he really has a death wish.

“Bro, you have a death wish” Eric said grinning while throwing his arm on my shoulder. How did he read my mind?

“Don’t worry, maybe she won’t date you anytime soon but she surely doesn’t hate you. I know that smile, she is amused. She wouldn’t be smiling this much if she had hated you.” Tessa said. She is too much optimistic but she is probably right. Tessa knows everything about people’s love life. I looked at my surroundings as we sat at the cafeteria. Tessa had her head on Alex’s shoulder, Daniel was whispering to Charlotte’s ear and she was smiling so wide that she could light the sun. Later, it turned out that Daniel had a crush on Charlotte since when they first moved in here. Now, Charlotte was so happy that she smiled to everyone like a lovesick puppy. Adam was still watching the video with Jason. He was laughing while Jason was glaring at him. I looked up and met with Eric’s blu eyes. He was smiling down at me in an adorable way. I sighed and snuggled into him more. Who could have thought that everything would change? That the girl fives would finally find love in a place that they expected the least? I smiled at the thought but as Catherine Willmore entered to the cafeteria with an evil smile on her face was sizing me up, a bad feeling in my gut said that we wouldn’t stay this much happy for long.


Hey Guys! Thank you for reading! I have Jason’s Picture at the side. Make sure to COMMENT, VOTE and FAN!


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