Chapter 10: P is for Police

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Guess who finally got a new keyboard with a working backspace button and can ow produce more quality chapters!


It had been a day since the USJ attack and Kula was sitting in a holding cell, handcuffed and waiting for the police to call her in for an interrogation, having to spend the previous night in the cell along with some of the other villains that had participated in the attack. Though at the moment it was really only her and one other petty villain, most of the other villains had either been arrested on sight due to past criminal records or already interrogated.

"Miss Saito." A cop said, getting Kula's attention as she slid open the cell door. "Come with me."

Kula stood up and followed the cop down the hall— she had already registered her fingerprints and had a mug shot so all that the cops needed now was to ask her questions. Walking through a hallway, the cop directed Kula into a room that one person was sitting. Kula had seen talking to the students as she was being walked out of the USJ the day before. He looked mostly plain the only notable feature of him being the detective attire he wore.

"You're Saito Kula, am I correct?" The man asked.

"Just Kula." She said as she sat down, looking at the man lazily and most likely not looking like an innocent little teenager— though she was caught at the USJ, so why should she need to act innocent? If she went to jail then so be it, she's in jail.

"Okay, Kula. I'm Detective Tsukauchi. As you've probably already guessed, but I'm here to ask you a few questions. It would be wise not to lie, I will know if you do. Do you understand?"

Kula just hummed in acknowledgement, staring at her cuffed hands with boredom.

"Alright, then we'll get right on to the questions. During the attack, did you hurt any of the kids personally?"

"Nope." Kula said, and the man nodded, noting something down on the notepad he was carrying.

"Have you had any involvement with the league of Villains other than the incident yesterday?" Tsukauchi asked.


"What was this prior involvement?"

"Oh you know, they raise me, feed me, all that shit— what do you think, fuckhead?" Kula spat. She might hate the League of Villains, but spitting out a few insults to the cops seemed like it couldn't hurt.

Tsukauchi looked surprised at her response before he quickly recomposes himself, "We need to know what exactly your involvement was with them in the past."

"I did things for them and in return they gave me a place to live where villains wouldn't kills me." Kula said.

"And What did you have to do for them?"


"Can you be specific?"

"Am I allowed to say no?" Kula asked, managing to keep her voice neutral.

"Kula, if they did anything to you, you have a right to tell us— even if it's hard to tell somebody else."

It took a second, but Kula realized he was insinuating something and her cheeks turned golden as a blush made it's way to her face as she stood up and slammed her handcuffed hands onto the table. "What the fuck! They did not fucking touch me anywhere, sicko." She said as she rolled her eyes and sat back down, "They just used my quirk for their own gain."

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