Chapter 33: Applesause Packets

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Waking up in a new room that she was not used to is disorienting at first for Kula. Until the events of the past few days flooded over her. Her running to U.A in desperation, her parents getting arrested, and moving into Aiazwa's Apartment.

She sat up in her bed, still feeling exhausted. After Aizawa had gone to bed— or to his room, she had hidden her mask in a shoebox she had for metal scraps, placing the mask at the bottom and the metal scraps on top. It's not unusual for a support Course student to have random scrap metal in her room. She pushed the shoebox under her desk, somewhere obvious enough that he wouldn't think to look, but hidden enough so it wasn't in plain sight.

Some scratching at the door broke Kula out of her daze and she looked toward the door. Standing up, she walked towards the door and opened it, Nugget running in and jumping up onto her bed, curling up and purring.

Adjusting her gloves, she walked over to where Nugget was curled up, placing a hand on his head and stroking his head with her thumb, his purring getting louder.

"You're up." A voice said at the door and Kula looked up to see that Aizawa was standing at the doorway. "Good. Get ready for school quickly or I'll leave you behind."

"Oh, yes sir." Kula said as he disappeared from view, his footsteps receding down the hallway. Kula stood back up and stretched, hearing her back pop. She waked over to her closet and grabbed her uniform— luckily she had been given a new one since the old one had gotten ripped up and stained with her blood.

She got changed quickly, and stepped into the bathroom that was just across the half rom her room. Looking at her reflection, she reached up and traced the scar that started at the bridge of her nose and ended just under her left eye. It looked badass, but the reason as to why she had it was way less than badass. She wouldn't be surprised if Mika or Kishi asked about it once she got to school.

"Hurry up, I'm not going to be late for the first time ever because you." Aizawa called.

"Right! Sorry sir!" Kula shouted, quickly brushing her teeth and trying to tame the tangled mess she called her hair. She stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed her book bag that was leaning on the wall just inside the door. She walked into the kitchen, looking to see Aizawa filling Nugget's food and water dishes.

"Get something to eat."

Kula shook her head, "I'm good. I normally don't eat breakfast in the morning—" she cut herself short when Aizawa's gaze shot towards her, and she took a small step back, a tight smile on her face. That was not the right thing to say, was it? She watched as he straightened up and walked to the fridge, grabbing a packet of something and tossing at Kula, who caught it.

"Eat. It's not rational to go to school on an empty stomach."

Kula looked down at the packet that was in her hands— a squeezable applesauce packet. "Thanks?"

Aizawa just grunted as he grabbed a yellow sleeping bag and walked to the door. "Let's go."


The two of them had been driven to U.A in a cab and dropped off at the front gates. Kula walked a few feet behind Aizawa, planning on going to the lab and working on some new support gear. She just hoped Power Loader wouldn't mind.

Aizawa turned into the teacher's lounge and Kula kept walking, stopping in front of the door to the lab. From inside she did hear clanking metal that told her that someone was inside. Slowly opening the door, she saw that Power Loader was walking around the room with gears in his hands and boxes laid out in front of him.

"Mr. Power Loader-?" Kula said, getting the hero's attention.

"Miss Sait- Miss Ito. Why are you here?" Power Loader asked.

Kula let out an internal sigh of relief. From the correction of her name, Kula assume the staff had been notified that Kula did not associate with her parents anymore, therefore she had requested to go by Kula Ito for the time being, and to ditch Saito all together.

"I got here early today, and I was wondering if I could work on some of my projects from Workshop." She said, placing a hand on the back of her neck as she looked toward the ground.

Power Loader glanced at the the boxes, "After you help me organize the new materials."

Kula looked up at him, her eyes widening as the corners of her lips twitched upwards. "Of course, sir.


Organizing the new materials didn't take as long as Kula thought it would, and eventually she was sitting at a table sketching up a new hover board prototype. She wanted to make a new once since she had to dismantle the old one during the Sports Festival. Hopefully this one would work much better than the last one.

She didn't realize how long she had been working until she heard the bell ring.

Sorry for not updating everyone!
It's been a busy past two weeks, and school started last week so I don't know how much I'll be able to update!


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