Chapter 32: He Loves eating Chicken Nuggets

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It wasn't long until Kula was able to leave Recovery Girl's office. After leaving, she had gone with some police officers to her old house, where she was to grab whatever she needed to bring to wherever Aizawa lived. She was allowed to go into her room by herself— though there were cops just outside the doo in case something were to happen.

Being completely honest with herself, Kula was relieved she was able to go into her room alone. There were a few things in here she did not want the cops to be seeing. Not drugs or anything of that sorts, but building support gear in your room is, technically illegal. Also being the owner of a rabbit-like vigilante mask would not end well if the cops were to see it out from under her bed.

She didn't take long to pack up everything she needed. A few outfits, her school bag, the few inventions she had started, and finally she slipped in her mask, making sure to wrap it up in some clothes so it wouldn't break if that bag was knocked against a wall. Taking one last look at the room, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I'm ready to go." She said, surprising the two officers by her sudden appearance.

"You didn't take long. You sure you got everything?" One of them asked.

"Yeah. I didn't have much of importance here. Everything I need I have in this bag. Now can we leave? I don't want to be in this house any longer."

The two nodded, and Kula was lead out of the house and into the back of a car. She didn't even glance at her— the house as she was driven away.


"This is my apartment, and where you'll be living." Aizawa said, unlocking the door and walking into the apartment.

Kula followed after him and looked around. The apartment wasn't small, but it wasn't too big so that Aizawa would feel too alone while at home. Though with teaching and hero work, Kula assumed that the hero was barely ever at home. She still found it difficult to come to terms that she was free from her so-called parents and was now living with her favorite Pro-Hero.

There was a soft thunk from one of the rooms and a brown tabby cat ran up to Aizawa, pressing it's head against his leg.

"I hope you don't mind cats." He said crouching down and stroking the cat as it purred. "This is Nugget."

"Nugget, huh? Not a bad name." Kula said, watching as the cat, Nugget, looked up at her with wide blue eyes.

"His full name is Chicken Nugget."


"Come with me, I'll lead you to the guest room." He straightened up and watched as Nugget ran to the cat tree in the corner of the living room and perched himself on top, watching the two through calm eyes.

"Right. Thank you."

The two of them walked through a short hallway before stopping at the last door on the left. kula followed Aizawa into the room and she looked around.

The room was simple. A bed was against the left wall, a desk was in the back center of the room and there was a window to her right. The room wasn't decorated, but Kula couldn't of felt more at home.

"I'll leave you to settle in. I need to go take a nap." Aizawa said dryly, walking out of the room with a loud yawn.

Kula walked over to the bed and placed her duffle bag and book bag down. There was a second door in the room that when slid open revealed itself to be a closet.

It didn't take too long for Kula to put all of the stuff she brought away. She unpacked and put away her clothes, put all her inventions and materials for inventions in one of the larger drawers of her desk, and made sure to hide her mask under her bed. Once she was done, the room looked to be more lived in.

There was a small mew at the door and Kula looked over to see Nugget staring at her with wide eyes. Crouching down, Kula reached her hand out, her palm facing Nugget. The brown tabby glanced from her face to her hand, and slowly creeped into her room, keeping low to the ground.

When he got close to her, he sniffed at her hand before hitting his head against it, his eyes closed happily. As Kula stroked his back, there was a low sounding purr coming from him.

A smile made its way to her face as Nugget's purrs got louder. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

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