Chapter 42: Final Exams

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Days of studying passed and finally it was time for the final exams. After three days of multiple choice, short answer, and written essay hell, it was time for the practical part of the final. It was early in the morning and Kula and her classmates were standing in their homeroom classroom waiting for Power Loader to tell them what they would be doing for the practical.

"You test is going to span over two days." Power Loader started. "I hope you didn't expect for it to be just putting something together— you've been doing that all year. An important part of working in the Support industry is being able to sell what you've made. And so, there's going to be a twist to this exam." Four men walked in, each of them wearing business suits and looking very professional. "Today you will focus on building a support item, tomorrow, each of you will have a chance to sell the item to one of these men. They will be the ones deciding on if you pass or fail."

"So you're not going to be the one grading us?" One of Kula's classmates asked.

"No. I'll only be supervising. Now, you all have six hours to plan, design, and build your final from scratch. Use your time wisely."

"Yes sir!"

He nodded, "The rooms you all will be working in are on the handouts you all received when you all arrived."

Kula looked down at the paper she had been handed and after glancing at Mika, then at Kishi, she headed over to the room she was going to be testing in. She had six hours, and she was going to put them to good use.


About half an hour later, Kula was sitting hunched over a design sheet, her mutters filling the entire room. "If I were to try this... no, there's no way to do that in the time limit." She let out a groan, she had absolutely no idea what to build. Looking down at the multiple balled papers of scrapped plans, she took a deep breath, maybe she was going about this the wrong way.

She was trying to create something that was for heroes to use, but maybe if she were to make something that anybody could use. But what would that be? She looked at the materials she had in her room, scrap metal, fabrics, mechanic components, everything she could need to build something. The only thing missing was a good idea.

Leaning back in her chair, she stared at a blank design sheet on the desk in front of her. She's made plenty of devices in the past, making one more couldn't be that difficult. Thinking about it, she could use something she's made before and improve upon it. She perked up as an idea came to mind, and she picked up the pencil that was laying just beside the design paper. She had gotten an idea.

Five hours later, Kula was sitting at the desk, a mess of metal and tools laying all around her. In her hands, there was a Small ring of metal, at first glance it looked like it was just that, a small ring of metal. But Kula had based it off something she made for her Gearhead mask, though it was more complicated.

It was a device that monitored a person's brain waves. It told them if they were stressed, panicked, sad, angry, happy— it alerted them of any and all emotions, then— if the emotion was life-threatening or dangerous to the person or others, it would send signals to the brain to hopefully calm them down. It could be used by anyone, hero or civilian. In a way it acted as an emotional support device, as well as a more accurate version of a mood ring. Her device, if it worked well enough, would be able to help heroes and civilians alike

The six hours had passed, and Kula had barely just finished building her support device. She wiped her forehead and leaned back, looking down at her creation. She hoped that it would be enough to allow her to pass the practical part of her final.

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