Chapter 48: Why Climb to Heaven when you Can Drive to Hell?

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The group had stared heading up the stairs, stopping at the 30th floor for a small breath break.

"Melissa, what's the top floor?" Midoriya asked.

"The 200th floor."

Kula felt dread rising in her chest as she worked to catch her breath.

"We have to climb that much?" Mineta asked.

"It's better than running into villains. Now come on, we don't have a lot of time to waste." Kula said, and with that they all continued to head up the stairs.

Just as they got past the 80th flight of stairs Iida, who was in the front of the group, stopped. Kula turned the corner to see why they had stopped moving forwards. Looking up, she noticed that there was a shutter preventing them from going up any further.

"What should we do? Break it?" Todoroki asked.

"If we do that, then the security system will react, and the villains will notice us." Melissa spoke up.

"Then can't we just go from here?" Mineta asked, reached up towards a door.

"Mineta no!" Melissa shouted as the small boy opened the door.

Kula's eyes widened slightly when she saw a red light flash, Damn. Opening that door must of notified the people at the security system about where we are. That moron. Kula thought. "Well, the doors already open and our other way is blocked off, so we might as well just head through. Be prepared to fight if we have to." She said, walking through the door.

"To fight?!" Mineta squealed. "We- we can't!"

"Oh can it, Grape head." Mika snapped.

With that, they were off again, running through the hallway kula turned to look at Melissa, "Is there any way we can get up?"

"There's another emergency staircase like this on the opposite side."

"Hurry!" Iida exclaimed, moving faster.

Though once again their advances were blocked as another shutter closed not too far in front of them, followed by a few more, each of them getting closer to where they were. Though it wasn't just in front of them, there were shutters behind them that were closing as well.

"Todoroki!" Iida shouted.

"Right!" Todoroki answered, ice immediately spreading out from his foot and stopping the shutter in front of them from closing. Immediately, Iida activated his quirk and sped through the opening, and turned towards a door that was just beyond the semi-closed shutter. With his momentum and strength, the door crumbled down.

"Let's cross inside here!" Iida shouted.

"Right! Good thinking!" Kula said, and went through the gap in the shutters, walking over to where Iida was and waiting until everyone had joined up with them before continuing on.

"Wh-what is this place?" Midoriya asked.

"A plant factory. They research how Quirks influence plants here." Melissa said.

"Wait! Look at that!" Jiro shouted, holding out her arm and stopping the group. "The elevator's coming up."

"Are the villains following us?" Mineta asked.

"Let's hide and let them pass us!" Midoriya said.

With that everyone headed over to a patch of bushes and crouched behind them, looking through the leaves to keep an eye on the elevator.

"I wonder if we can use that elevator to get to the top floor?" Kaminari said.

"No, only authorized people can operate the elevators. And it's made as study as a bomb shelter, so we can't destroy it." Melissa said.

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