Chapter 14: Accidentally Being Heroic?

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The weekend passed by too quickly and Kula was now sitting in her last period of the day, Workshop. It was the Support Course specific class— similar to how the Hero course had their Heroics class.

Workshop was... chaotic to say the least. Kula thought it would be something like an art class at first— they would have a demonstration of a certain item, and then they would work on something similar but with their own twist. That was not the case. Everyone was free to work on their own devices, there was no specific structure at all and that only ended up in a room full of noise, kids running around looking for needed parts, and a pink haired girl— Hatsune— screaming about her babies. All of these different variables ended up making a difficult time planning. Luckily it wasn't complete chaos; there were rules after all, albeit there were only a few of them; No taking projects home to work on, No testing projects on any classmates— there are test dummies for a reason, and under no circumstance is anyone to use their project until it's been proven stable by Power Loader himself.

"Hey, whatcha planning?" A familiar voice asked, making Kula tighten the grip she had on her screwdriver as she looked up to see Kishi looking at her notebook with curious eyes.

"It's none of your business." Kula said, shutting the book to prevent him from looking.

"Aw, But I bet whatever you're going to make will be awesome! I caught a glimpse of what you made during the exams and I thought it was amazing!"

"Go away." She said blandly.

Mika, who was sitting beside the nosy, energetic Kishi piped up, "Kishi, she obviously doesn't like others seeing her work. What did we talk about with privacy?"

Kishi sighed, but he didn't let that bum him out for too long. "Guess you're right, though my project is gonna be awsome." With that, he turned around and started to work on his own project, humming a little tune.

The class period ended way too soon, and it wasn't long before the bell rang to signal the end of the day. All around her, Kula watched as everyone cleaned up their workspaces and put their projects to the side until tomorrow.

"Kula, you have to clean up too." Power Loader said.

"Whatever." She grumbled, starting to clean her own workspace before walking out of the room. She had left her invention, a pair of goggles that she hoped would be able to read a person's brain waves, she just needed to figure out how to make the sensor. As she walked out of the room, Kula knew that she didn't want to go back to her house knowing that her mom and dad were going to be assholes and force her to be their gold ATM. That train of thought lead her to walk along the streets of the nearby city, the sun already going down and the crowd on the streets slowly changing from businessmen and woman to young adults dressed in scandalous clothing as well as the typical teenager hanging out with friends. Kula just kept on walking, her eyes staring blandly in front of her as she maneuvered through the crowd. Everything was going peacefully until a sudden high pitched scream caused her to look towards the streets, where a villain that had just mugged a woman and was now getting away.

Kula pushed through the crowd of onlookers, muttering swears under her breath as she saw that nobody was making a move to help the woman or call the cops and instead assure her that heroes would be arriving. Of course, Kula couldn't of been any better since her original plan was to just watch, until she recognized the villain. He was one of the same ones that was in the USJ attack, one of the ones the cops set free because they had no evidence of past crimes. Fuck it. With that thought, she started pushing through the crowd and running after the villain.

Once she got close enough, she tackled the man to the ground and pinned his hands down, she had noticed that he needed to flick his wrists in order to move something. Though that was just a speculation it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Who the fuck— you, I know you." The villain said, looking at her outfit and a scowl appearing on his face. "You're one of those U.A brats now?"

Kula didn't respond to his question, instead, she kneed the man in the back of his head a few times, an enraged expression on her face. "Hope you rot in jail." She muttered, standing up and dusting off her skirt. She hadn't killed the man, no, she wasn't going to kill again, he was just unconscious.

As she grabbed the purse and waked towards the woman who just got mugged she handed the woman her purse. Despite the words of gratitude from the woman, Kula just nodded with a blank face and started walking away, listening to the chatter from the amazed crowed.

"Is that a U.A. Student?" Someone asked.

"She's wearing the uniform, she must be." Another person whispered.

"Please, step aside everyone!" Someone shouted, and Kula looked towards the now parting crowd to see a familiar detective making his way towards Kula. "I'm glad I was here when I was." He said, mostly to himself. "There are police officers on their way here as I speak." He turned his attention to Kula, who was silently cursing herself.

"Miss Saito." Tsukauchi said, "I'm surprised to see you here, you should be home. What are you doing all the way in the city?"

Kula didn't give him a verbal response, instead she turned away from Tsukauchi as the cops finally arrived at the scene and arrested the unconscious villain.

"Miss Saito! Wait!" There were rushed footsteps behind her and a hand was placed on her shoulder, making her stop. "I don't know what you did exactly, but I know for a fact you played a part when taking that villain down. And what you did was technically against the law since you did beat someone up, I'll let you off just this once and I won't put anything in your report. But even so, don't do that again."

Kula glanced at him before shaking his hand off her shoulder, "Whatever." She grumbled, walking away. I just wanted to beat that guy up. A rush of excitement ran through her as she thought that the villain could of easily killed her if she had made even one slip up. Being honest with herself, dying was much better than the crappy homelike she was living. School was fine, but with the whole staff being suspicious of her and all of them keeping a close watch on her made her feel like she was under pressure to not screw up at all when in the building. Of course, she didn't want to just die, but with a new thought crossing her mind, the gears in Kula's head started working, ideas filling her mind on her walk home.

She could always become a Vigilante.


That night, unable to sleep, Kula had managed to sneak out of her house— surprisingly, it wasn't too hard for her to get out of the front door and onto the street. Adjusting the hood she had to hide her hair and eyes— both easily recognizable traits she had, she headed into the town.

Her plan wasn't really to fight anyone, it was mainly to gather information on the nearby city so she knew where everything was, it had been two years since she had been there after all, and while she had walked through it many times, Kula never actually payed attention to the surrounding city and any places there might be a villian or low-threat criminal.

As she walked, she did get glimpses from passerby's, it was almost as if they had never seen a teenager in a black hoodie hiding their identity— there was nothing sketchy about her appearance. If she was being honest with herself the hoodie probably wasn't necessary, but hiding her identity made what she was doing feel more like a mission.

I'll have to get a mask of some kind. Pretty sure being a Vigilante is illegal or some shit like that. She thought, once again pulling the hood down to hide her eyes from view. As she walked, Kula took mental notes of every alleyway she passed as well as most of the less populated areas. It wasn't long before she had taken mental notes of every alleyway and area where there might be criminal activity. Satisfied with this information, Kula headed back home, easily sneaking back into the house and heading up to her room.

Sitting at her desk, kula opened up a new ideas book— she hadn't filled up the last one, but brining a book full of Vigilante plans everywhere she went wasn't the best idea. I have all the information I need. Now all I have to do is make materials that I need and make an identity for myself.

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