Chapter 12: I Don't Need Friends. They Disappoint Me

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Walking through the halls of U.A. Kula remembered back to when she had snuck into the school to steal the files, and a mixture of fear and regret swirled in her chest. The principal and the teachers knew that she was involved in the USJ incident and just for that the staff was going to keep a close eye on her if they found out she had broken into the school, Kula didn't even want to know what would happen to her. Taking deep breaths, Kula focused herself on memorizing the route to her classroom, distracting her from any of her previous thoughts. It wasn't long until Kula arrived at a door and  she looked up to see a sighn above that door that said '1-H' in bold white letters. She had made it to her new classroom.

"You must be Miss Saito, right?" A voice said and Kula looked behind her to see the familiar pro hero Power Loader standing behind her.

Kula just nodded, looking at the hero with a lazy look— she didn't want to use the effort it took for him to call her Kula

"Welcome to U.A. I saw your potential during the entrance exam, and I look forwards to see what improvements you'll make." Though even with the encouraging words, he looked at Kula with a certain intensity, "Though just because I see your potential does not mean I'll forget that you were a part of that attack."

"Of course not." She knew she wasn't going to be trusted, after all she was involved with villains— villains that attacked the USJ and U.A's very own Hero Course students. Only my first day and my homeroom teacher already hates me. She thought as the bell rang above them and Power Loader moved to head inside, telling Kula to wait until he had settled the class down, which took longer than Kula expected— and it left her a bit confused afterwards due to someone screaming out about her babies or something.

"All right, now that you all have settled down. I have an announcement. We'll be having a new addition to our class. Miss Saito, please come in."

Kula opened to door and stepped into the classroom, walking up to stand next to the podium and looking over the kids who were going to be her new classmates. She recognized two of them, both of them being in the same exam room as her.

"Miss Saito, please introduce yourself so we can get on with class."

"Call me Kula." She said simply, the short introduction followed by silence. "Don't talk to me."

"If that's it, you can sit in the empty seat on the last row." Power Loader instructed.

Last row? Am I some kind of anime protagonist? Kula thought as she walked through the rows with a tough expression on her face and ignoring all the stares she was getting from her new classmates. Once she sat down, the lesson started and eventually the class moved their attention from Kula to Power Loader.


After the first few classes ended, Kula was ready for lunch. Though just as she was about to walk to the cafeteria to get food someone confronted her. It was the boy from the entrance exam.

"Hi! Welcome to U.A! I'm Hoshiko Kishi, but please call me Kishi! Why'd you enroll late? What's your quirk? Are you excited for the upcoming Sports Festival thats in a few weeks? Do you need help finding your way to the cafeteria?" The boy, Kishi, barraged, asking Kula question after question and not giving the poor girl a chance to answer a single one— not like she was going to answer any of the boy's questions.

"None of your business. To all of those questions." Kula said blandly, pushing past the excited boy and walking into the hallway towards the lunch room.

"Wait! Can I at least know your quirk, I'll tell you mine!" Kishi shouted, running after Kula.

"I don't care about your stupid quirk, just leave me alone." Kula snapped, walking faster to loose track of the boy who was still hot on her trail. Gritting her teeth, she shoved her hands into her blazer's pockets and sped her pace up, turning random corners and walking down unfamiliar hallways. After speed-walking through the halls a little longer, Kula looked behind her to see an empty hallway and let out a sigh of relief. "Now I just have to figure out where the fuck I am."

"You're in a school. Watch your language." A voice from in front of Kula scolded and the girl looked up, freezing as her eyes grew wide when she saw who had just spoke.

A man covered in bandages was looking down at her, but the intense stare wasn't what made her freeze, it was the fact that the man standing in front of her was her favorite Pro Hero, Eraserhead, he was her favorite not only because he was an underground hero known for being able to take down villains with ease, but because he almost always looked like he could care less and all he wanted was a nap, and that was a big mood for Kula, and the teen decided that he deserved some respect from her.

"You should be in the cafeteria, not wondering the school." He said, his voice bland— though Kula could of sword she heard an undertone of suspicion in his voice.

Right, it was his class that the villains attacked. Kula thought before turning around. "Whatever." She muttered as she walked away. She knew it shouldn't bother her, but knowing that her absolute favorite pro hero was skeptical about her made her heart slightly ache— of course she wasn't going to show it. I guess I shouldn't of expected any other type of reaction. Making her way to the cafeteria, she quickly bought some lunch and sat down at an empty table, thankful that she didn't have to pack anything from her house— which mainly consisted of 'Power foods' and protein bars, good for your health, but not something Kula wanted to be bringing to school.

"Found you!" Kishi shouted, and Kula looked up to see the pale blue haired boy smiling excitedly at her with a familiar blonde teen beside him— she was also in the same room for their exam. "You did't answer any of my questions I asked you before you ran off!" He sat down across from her the blonde sitting down as well.

"I'd answer his questions if I were you." The girl said, "Oh, and I'm Kajiwara Mika. Feel free to call me whatever." She leaned back in her chair, blowing a bubble with the gum she was chewing.

"Alright, I'm going to start off easy! What's your quirk?"

That's not really easy... ah, for me I guess. Kula thought, the expression on her face not changing. "Like I said before, it's none of your business." She stated blandly.

"Aw, come on!" Kishi pleaded, "Here, if it helps, Mika and I will tell you our quirks! Mine is called Projection! Pretty much I can create a projection of any image I can think of!" He reached out his hand, a pale blue light started to glow out of a minuscule camera-like lense in his palm before a projection of an apple appeared and started moving around. "It's really useful when building stuff because then I can change the angle and see how something would work if I made it! Pretty cool, right?" He squealed, the projection shutting off. "And Mika's quirk is-!" He started off, only to have his mouth covered by Mika who now held an annoyed expression on her face.

"Let me explain my own quirk, damn it!" She shouted before removing her hand and looked towards Kula. "It's called Pyrotechnic. Basically, I can generate fireworks out of the tips of my fingers. She raised her hands, showing gloves that looked similar to the ones the Pro Hero Thirteen has in that they had tiny lid-like capsules on the fingertips. "And I'm not giving a demonstration."

"All right, now that you know our quirks, you can be more relaxed and tell us yours!"

"No." Kula said blandly, picking up her tray and throwing the food scraps away— luckily she had eaten most of the food she had paid for during their explanations and she hadn't grabbed a lot of food in the first place, so she wasn't wasting anything. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked at them with narrow eyes. "I'm not here to have friends. I'm here to learn." And with that, she walked out of the cafeteria.

Besides, once they find out about my quirk, they'll just want to use me like everyone else does.

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