Chapter 27: Explosive Determination

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Kula was pacing in the waiting room, mentally writing her last will, Mika watching her as she went back and fourth.

"Come on, he won't kill you." Mika said, "Probably just... lightly maim you."

"You're not helping." Kula said. "Besides, you saw how he fought against Uraraka. It was terrifying!"

"True. You have any last words before you're exploded to pieces?"

"Mika, please!"

She laughed and waved her hand dismissively, "I'm sure you'll be fine! It's not like he'll actually kill you— he's going to be a hero for heaven's sake."

Kula nodded, trying to mentally reassure herself.

"Then again, he could blow you to bits and this is the last time we'll talk."

"Mika! You're really not helping with anything right now!" She snapped.

"Aw, I'm just kidding, I like seeing you mad, it's cute." Mika teased.

Kula's cheeks grew warm and she turned away, jumping slightly when there was a knock on the door.

"Your match will be starting soon, please make your way to the field!" A man shouted before walking away.

"Well, here goes nothing." Kula muttered to herself, and she walked out of the room, too preoccupied with trying to think of strategies to beat Bakugo— to get a scratch on him in general. But all the inventions she had in her bag were close range, all of her long range devices weren't done or already used and not helpful against explosions. The only hope she had for herself was the fighting experience she revived from being Gear Head.

"Alright folks! It's the first match of the Semi-finals! Whoever wins this match will be heading to the finals!" Present Mic announced once Kula stepped out onto the field, the cheering of the crowd overtaking her.

"First up, we have the Explosive Bakugo Katsuki from the hero course! Vs. The unpredictable Saito Kula from the Support Course!"

Once Kula got onto the arena, her eyes met with Bakugo's and fear built up in her as he grinned, sparks going off in his hand. It was obvious that he had been waiting for a chance to fight her. The look on his face was upright terrifying to her.

"Match, Start!" Midnight shouted.

Bakugo didn't waste any time as he lunged straight towards Kula, using explosions to propel him forwards faster. Once he got close to her, Kula jumped to the side, just barely avoiding him as she ran towards the middle of the arena. She looked behind her to see Bakugo skidding to a halt and turning around, preparing himself propel himself towards Kula once more.

He propelled himself towards her once more, letting out an angry shout as he got closer and closer to her. Waiting until the last minute, Kula jumped up into the hair and used Bakugo's head to help her get over him. She landed in the smoke trails left by his explosions.

"You can't run forever!" He shouted angrily.

"I can sure as hell try!" Kula shouted back. The smoke she was in cleared and she saw Bakugo once again lunging towards her, though this time he only used one hand to propel himself and reached his other hand in front of him. Kula watched in fear as it sparked and he set off a giant explosion once he got close enough.

Heat washed over Kula, and she crossed her arms over her face. Her skin tingled in the same way a sunburn would— she wouldn't be surprised if that explosion did end up giving her a sunburn. After the fiery explosion, Kula didn't linger in her spot, and opened her eyes to see that Bakugo was preparing himself to send out another explosion. She would have to act fast if she wanted to land a blow on him.

Reaching her right fist up, she aimed a punch at Bakugo's face, his eyes darted from her to her fist as he moved to block it, though as he was distracted with her right hand, she lifted her left and swiftly landed a blow on Bakugo's gut. He stumbled back and Kula stood still for a second, in slight disbelief that she actually managed to land a hit.

"Look at that, folks! It seems Saito has actually landed a hit on Bakugo!" Present Mic shouted, and the crowd went wilt, their cheers almost overwhelming.

"That was sneaky." Bakugo spat, regaining composure.

"It's a fight, do you expect me to play fair?" Kula asked.

Bakugo grinned, his hands sparking, "That's exactly what I would expect from a villain."

Kula gritted her teeth, she did not like the look Bakugo was giving her did not tell her that he would be going easy on her. She watched as he lunged at her with his hand outstretched and sparking. Almost instinctively she reached forward and reached towards his hand, wincing as he released an explosion right into it, burning off the entire front of her glove and exposing her fingertips. She pulled away from him quickly and made some distance between the two of them. Her hand and arms stung, but focusing on that distracted Kula from her fingers being exposed— not entirely, but the small distractions was better than freaking out in front of thousands of people, plus those watching on TV.

Once more, Bakugo propelled himself toward Kula, tough this time his outstretched hand wasn't in a position to set off another explosion on her face, instead it was balled up in a fist— though before Kula could react, the fist met with Kula's gut. She stumbled back coughing as her breath left her. Though she wasn't down for long, and she was soon running straight towards Bakugo, done with trying to avoid his attacks, she's already had two facefulls of his explosions, why not add a few more?

Bakugo crouched down, and once Kula was close enough, he reached forwards to try to attack her when she quickly jumped to the side, just barely avoiding a large explosion. Staying light on her feet, she kicked the back of one of his knees, making the explosive blond loose his balance, though as he fell, he grabbed onto her collar and used her to regain his balance before adjusting his stance and throwing her over his shoulder.

Kula landed on her back with a grunt, once again her breath being forced out of her. Wheezing, Kula forced herself up, only to be met with a large explosion. Stumbling back, she fell onto her knees, using her fist to hold her up. Her body stung from the extensive heat, her heart was racing from the fact her glove had been burned off and her lungs ached. But she wasn't going down, not yet.

Once again, she forced herself up and stumbled towards Bakugo, gaming momentum the longer she ran. She within arms reach of Bakugo when he reached forwards and touched her the middle of her chest, setting off an enourmous explosion, making Kula fly back, falling back and rolling across the arena. She finally stopped rolling just before she crossed over the boundary line. Her chest stung from the explosion, and on top of her burnt arms, there were small scraped from her rolling on the ground. She tried to get up, but her arms were to shaky and she knew that her legs weren't going to support her weight.

"Saito is unable to continue! Bakugo moves onto the finals!" Midnight announced.

The last thing Kula heard was the deafening sound of the crowd cheering before she passed out.

Alright! The fixed chapters are finished! I personally think these are better than the old ones, and I hope you guys think so as well!

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