Chapter 11: Not a Heart Not a Home

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Once the car had been parked in the driveway of the house, Kula stepped out and looked at the building she had called her home just under two years ago.

"Welcome home, I'm sure you're happy to be back, right?" Mr. Saito asked as he patter her back, slightly pushing her forwards into the house.

"Happy? I'd rather be fucking dead." Kula snapped.

"Watch your language." Mrs. Saito scolded, slapping the back of Kula's head with a gold covered palm. "Now go inside, we don't want to cause any problems for the neighbors, now, do we?"

Kula didn't really have a choice, and if she did she would of run away in a heartbeat but before she could act she was pushed into the house as the door was shut and locked behind the three.

"Like I said before, we have so much catching up to do, sweetie." Mrs. Saito said, moving to stand in front of Kula and presenting the teen a box of cheap silver jewelry. "And I think you know what that means."

"No way." Kula said, moving to walk around her but stopping when a hand grabbed her upper arm and Kula looked over to see that it was her mother who had grabbed her.

"I'm sorry, I must of misheard. You didn't just say no, did you?" She asked.

"Good, it seems that your hearing is working." Kula retorted, "You heard me perfectly. I'm not fucking doing it." She pulled her arm out of Mrs. Saito's grip and started walking away again before she froze feeling a hand grab her wrist and another one slide her glove off of her hand. Feeling her heart rate rise, Kula stared in fear as the older woman gripped her wrist tightly and placed individual pieces of jewelry into Kula's hand, each one turning into stunning golden pieces that people would spend their entire life's worth on.

Feeling Mrs. Saito let go of her hand, Kula was already stating to hyperventilate. As quickly as she could, she grabbed her glove and slid it on she ran up the stairs, not wanting her parents to see any weaknesses that they might be able to exploit— of course, running away probably wasn't going to help that. Once she got into her room, Kula slammed the door shut and slid down with her back leaning against it as she stared at the familiar room she was in.

Feeling rage build up, Kula brought her fist down to the floor, not even flinching as pain shot up her fist to her forearm. Forcing herself to stand up, Kula made her way towards her window. "There's no way I'm staying here." She muttered, walking to the window and starting to slide it open, only to freeze when the window was half open.

"Don't think we'd be so foolish to let you escape again, Kula." Mr. Saito said as he walked into the room.

Damn, this is his quirk, but when did he- Kula's thought trailed off as she remembered him patting her back just outside the house. His quirk allowed him to freeze and unfreeze anyone that he had touched with all five fingers for a day after the first contact. Cursing to herself, Kula felt her muscles relax, telling her that the man had released his quirk's effects on her.

"Now go to bed, it's pretty late and we have a lot to talk about tomorrow." Mr. Saito said as he walked to the window and locked it- a new addition to the window Kula noted, and then walked away, key in hand and whistling a little tune as if he wasn't keeping his daughter hostage in her own home.

He wanted me to know that the damned window was locked. Dramatic bastard. Kula thought as she turned to her dresser, making an attempt to find any clothing that would still fit her, she had grown a bit in the past two years- and not only in height. After she found a shirt and some pajama shorts the were big on her when she was younger, Kula got herself ready and into bed.

"I'll figure out a way to get out, this is not a damn home." She muttered to herself.


The next morning, Kula was woken up early in the morning and ushered downstairs to the dinning room. After a fake hello and 'how did you sleep?' from Mrs. Saito, who was the only one home due to Kula's dad having to go to work, though, it seeed like she wasn't ushered downstairs for no reason, since Mrs. Saito got straight to the point.

"You need to start school. I can't have an uneducated daughter." She said- though Kula knew all too well that the only reason Mrs. Saito wanted her to go to school was because it would look off to the police and her parole officer if she didn't go,  and homeschooling wouldn't work out because she herself wouldn't be able to teach what Kula needed to know. "I'd prefer you to enroll to one of the good schools like Shiketsu or U.A. But there's no way schools like that would actually accept someone like you. After what you did— not even U.A's General Studies Course would accept you."

"Well, you're in for a shock." Kula said blandly, "I was accepted to U.A.'s Support Course." She gave the older woman jazz hands all the while a completely blank expression was on her face.

"Lying is a bad trait, honey." Mrs. Saito said, waving her hand dismissively towards Kula.

"You think I'm lying, fucking call them. I dare you." She challenged— Mrs. Saito might use Kula mainly for her quirk, but Kula knew that the older woman couldn't resist a dare

The older woman stopped for a second before regaining her composure. "Fine, I will." With that, Kula watched as Mrs Saito took out an expensive looking cell phone and dialed a number after a not so quick search online. Kula listened to the woman's side of the conversation- and snidely telling her mom that the name registered was Ito Kula, which her mom explained as a typo over the phone— much to Kula's annoyance and anger— laughing it off with the person on the other side of the phone. After she hung up the phone, she turned to Kula.

"Guess you did tell the truth, this one time. Well, since you've already been accepted, you'll be attending that school. Good for you, they only accepted twenty kids and you just so happen to fill that empty spot to make it a full class. You start next week."

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