one | start.

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A/N: hello from the future lmfao, i would just like to say a huge thank you for the support for this book, i didn't think it would reach that far. however, please keep in mind that i wrote this a while back when skz first debuted and that it is extremely outdated now when it comes to inside jokes used within the stay and skz fandom. though it has been altered to fit within ot8 skz. lastly, the writing and plot is a complete mess so read at your own discretion lol


          LEE CHAEBYEOL sat back in her chair, comfortably propping her feet onto her desk. Her head bopped along to her latest cover, 'Get Cool' a playful song originally by StrayKids, a group that she had not been familiar with. The cover had finally ended, causing the girl to sit back up. Clicking the refresh button, the video that was at seventy views, now quadrupled to over a hundred thousand views in only a span of five minutes.

          "Holy shit." she gasped as she stared at the numbers. Smiling proudly, she scrolled through the comment section. It was full of positive comments and the occasional hate ones. Chaebyeol didn't care though. She was a college student. Nothing like a few mean comments couldn't hurt her as much as her grades had already.

         Chaebyeol's success came only last year. After getting into a decent college, she had a whole lot of debt to pay. With her aunt being her only family left, she also was in a bad place and couldn't afford a lot. The fact that both didn't have a job at all definitely didn't help. When one of her best friend's suggested the idea of YouTube, she gave it a chance. Soon, her cover of an Ailee song attracted the attention of both Western and Asian audiences. Now, she was at over two million subscribers on YouTube, making a great profit off of it.

       A catch to her whole YouTube persona, however, is something that Chaebyeol preferred. Her privacy. For as long as Chaebyeol had been on YouTube, she has never shown her face. All the rush about trying to find out who she was often amused her. Her videos would simply just include some aesthetic background with the song title written boringly in the middle. She had covered her tracks well, making her fully anonymous on the platform, only being known as her user handle, Chae.

        Yawning, she got up to stretch. She then reached to turn off her monitor. Finally, she left her apartment to grab dinner.

— ???'s 3rd POV —

          The brown haired Aussie boy sighed loudly as he crashed onto the studio floor, exhausted from their grueling nine hour practice session. He laid, arms and legs sprawled out comfortably as his eyes had shut in attempt to rest up. Following after the boy, were two of their group's older members, Jisung and Changbin. They had soon crashed onto the floor together, leaving these three to be the only ones currently present in the studio.

          Suddenly, coming in were the group's maknaes. "Hyungs! Check this out." Jeongin exclaimed, Chan's phone suddenly in his hand. The three on the floor now sat up, chugging down their water bottles. The brown haired male's ears perked up at Jeongin's voice. Once he finished his water bottle, he threw it into the trash bin before giving his attention to the younger member. "What's up?" he asked as he leaned back on the support of his arms.

        "We came across this really good cover!" Seungmin now spoke, his voice speaking with a tint of excitement. "What song?" Jisung questioned as he wiped the drips of water from his mouth. "Get Cool." Felix responded, before the three maknae's sat next to their elders on the floor. They scooted closer as Jeongin began to play the video on his phone. The familiar playful intro began until the cover artist's velvety vocals greeted them. While Jisung and Changbin nodded their heads impressed, the brown haired Aussie, Chan's,  jaw dropped in awe.

         He never knew that he could fall in love with one's voice until now. As the cover artist sang, Chan could tell how much fun she was having with this song. Though her simplistic video didn't include much to it, her effortless attempts to hit high notes and her playful, yet swaggy, rapping and adlibs made this cover stand out to the original artists.

        Once the cover began to fade to an end, Chan had stayed jaw dropped since the beginning. Noticing the older member's unconscious state, Changbin snapped his fingers in front of the Aussie male's face, causing him to come back to reality. "Woah." was all that came out of his mouth. The rest of the members laughed at their leader's reaction to the cover.

        "What is this I see? Heart eyes coming from our precious leader?" Changbin teased, the rest of the members (with the exception of Chan, of course) following after to do the same thing. Chan shook his head and quickly denied of Changbin's claim. "Tsk, stop." he scoffed, nudging the rapper's arm. The rest of the members broke out laughing.

        Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Hyunjin. "Yo, second batch has to go now." he simply said before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. The said group whined before lazily getting up from the floor. Chan took the opportunity to tease his younger ones back as his revenge. They frowned as they slumped their way out of the room. Chan was now left alone for the rest of the day.

Taking his phone back, that Jeongin left next to him before leaving, Chan opened it to find the video they watched earlier still there. He smiled to himself before pressing the subscribe button next to her channel. Finally, he got up and left for the day.

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