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MUSIC blared along to the sound of eight individual pairs of feet shuffling across the practice room floor. All the boys were focused, their feet moving to the same beat and rhythm... all except one. Chan moved distractedly, only coming to a stop when his foot tripped over the other. The male fell straight onto the floor, the younger members trading looks of concern with one another.

Chan snapped back into reality thanks to the stinging from landing on his rear end. He pulled himself off the floor before he looked back towards his members. "Chan-hyung," Seungmin started. "you've been quite distracted today.. what's up?" he asks, resting on his arms as he laid back onto the wooden floor.

    The Aussie male's eyebrow rose up slightly upon the younger's sudden concern. "I'm fine." he simply said, attempting to reassure them. "You guys should take five." He continued, earning quiet nods from the others as a response. Everyone had separated, doing their own things. Chan stood by a small table in their practice room, wiping off the sweat from his practice earlier, when Changbin began to approach.

"Hm.. you sure you good Channie-hyung?" he started, his voice raising slightly in pitch as an attempt to hint towards something. "I'm fine Changbin-ah." The blonde now states, giving the younger a small, annoyed sigh from his teasing. "You weren't think of a certain... YouTuber, ey?" he continued nudging the older male. "Stop that Changbin-ah." Chan rolled his eyes as his feet moved towards the practice room's speaker.

         "Hmm, who knows, maybe she knows that you exist!" he cheekily smiled as he jumped in front of his leader. Chan walked around the delusional member and began scrolling through his phone. "Y'know, I was gonna tell you about something, but if you wanna keep teasing me then I don't know if i should..." Chan trailed off, immediately getting exclaims of multiple apologies and begs from the younger.

        Chan sighed in amusement before pulling the other member towards a discreet corner. "Spill." Changbin said firmly the second they arrived. "Right. The YouTuber.. I think I've found her." Chan finally reveals. "Huh?! How? Do you mean in real life or somewhere on the internet." the younger began to throw questions left and right. "I meant that we've run into her before." the Aussie spoke as he preoccupied himself with something else.

"What? Do you think it's a trainee?" Changbin asked, sitting on the floor with his knees hugged to his chest. "Nope. Don't you remember Chaebyeol?" Chan now asks, his lips curling up into a dreamy smile. "No way! You are so whipped for her." the opposite laughed, causing Chan to laugh along a bit. "That was literally fate. And to think that I thought that I was becoming whipped for her..." Changbin added, his voice softening towards the last part.

         "I know righ- wait what?" Chan's eyes widened. The younger took this as a cue to run away as fast as he could. "IT WAS JUST A PRANK." he voiced, his screams radiating throughout the practice room.

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