Chapter 6: First Life - First Farewell

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"She is my wife." Yi Huai didn't care to lie to me. He really did marry someone else.

"So... so is she smart?"


"You wouldn't marry me because I was stupid..." I said as my face got really hot, "So did you marry her because she is smart?"

Sighing loudly, Yi Huai said, "Yes."


"Yi Huai, I--"

"You should't have come here. Go back to the village," he ordered. Just like that he turned his back on me. He really was abandoning me like I was nothing. I didn't matter to him. My eyes could no longer hide the waterfall that was coming. I just felt sad and grief. I lost Grandma and now I'm losing Yi Huai. 

"Yi Huai, please. I don't have anyone left in this world... only you. Can I please stay by your side? I promise, I won't come in between you and your wife. I can do anything. I can cook, clean, and look after your children with her. Please don't leave me by myself."

"Don't say those things to me!" Yi Huai yelled so loud that I stopped talking.  He never yelled at me before. He stared into my eyes almost like he wanted me to disappear.

Taking in a deep breath he said, "Do you know how my wife would feel if she knew I took in a woman who used to be my fiancee? How uncomfortable she would be? Use your head, Chen Mu Dan."

I didn't say anything. What more could I say? 

Not wanting to look at me, Yi Huai turned around and said, "Return to the village. Mother and Father left enough money for you to use for awhile. If you really want to get married, I will have a suitable person in the village take you in. Don't come looking for me anymore."

He went back inside, and ordered servants to close the doors. The loud creaks of it closing haunted me. I had no energy to stand and fell onto the ground. How can I live without Grandma and Yi Huai?

I must had stayed frozen to that spot until nighttime. I cried and sobbed until there were no more tears and my voice no longer made a sound. Standing back up, I dusted dirt away from my clothes. My legs were sore that I could almost not stand to support my weight.

I just started walking. If Yi Huai wanted me to go back to the village, then I guess that was were I had to go. I walked and walked without direction and ended up in a grassy field. 

I suddenly saw a shadow from behind. It scared me.  I started to run but someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. 

I thought I was going to die.

Two men starting laughing when they saw that I was scared. They were going to do bad things to me. 

Grandma, help!

"Think you can just leave your debt at Lonesome Moon Pavilion? Little lady, you shouldn't have ran away."

The other one said, "We looked for you all day. Now, we're gonna have some fun with you before we take you back."

No! No! No!

I kicked the man holding me in the area between his legs and started running. It was too dark. It was too scary. It was a rock. 

A big rock that I tripped into. I tripped over myself from running and dived head first into a sharp rock that cut into my head. 

Feeling intense pain, I felt the opened wound on my head. I finally saw that the wetness I felt on my hands was blood. My vision started to blur, and I just wanted to close my eyes for a second.  

"Save me, Yi Huai..."

I blinked and then when I opened my eyes, I was standing in line behind a lot of people. Just where was this place? I hit my head and was in pain. How could I have ended up here?

Tapping the shoulder of the man in front, I asked, "Excuse me, scholar, where is this?"

He gave me a confused look, "Is this your first time or something? Everyone knows this is the afterlife."

The afterlife?

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