Chapter 118: Fifth Life - Blessings of Qi Xi III

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"I'm sorry, Rong Xin."

"I love you."

For some reason, those are the words plastered in my mind as I awake.

A minor headache strikes me as soon as I open my eyes.


I don't like how bad my hangovers are when I drink. Nevertheless, I'm to blame for consuming too much wine last night.

I got myself ready with the water basin in my room. I've been wearing the same dress these two days, I make a plan to go to the village today and see if they have anything durable to wear.

Stepping out into the living space of the hut, I don't see Yang Zi Huo nor hear the clanking of utensils from the kitchen. He is gone.

"Oh, thank the heavens."

Truth is, I don't remember much of last night. Something happened, I know for sure. Something that makes my stomach twist and turn with shame. Something I probably shouldn't have done?

Oh, well. No reason to fret since I can't remember. But then again maybe I should be worried since this involves Yang Zi Huo.

There is a clear stream a mile away from the hut that I can dip in for a refreshing swim. I make my way there.

The walk is pleasant and soon I reach the flowing water. The rush of skipping water sounds pleasing to the ears.

Looking around, no one seems to be nearby. I quickly undress and toss my yellow robes aside. Submerged in the water, the cool water is much colder than I anticipated. I force my hands to move and clean my body.

I clearly hear rustling coming from the bushes on my right. Defending my body from this lurker, I cover my chest with my arms.

"Who's there?!"

Stepping out of the wilds, I see Yang Zi Huo's shocked expression. His hair is riddled with leaves and grass.


"Aaack! Get out of here!" I turn away while screaming.

"I'm so sorry! I'm leaving!" He races out of sight and back into the forest.

Over my shoulders, I yell after him, "You pervert what were you doing here in the forest anyways?! Trying to peek at me..."

With Yang Zi Huo disturbing my bath, I quickly got out and put on my clothes. I have no desire to return to the hut, and begin the journey into the village.

It's early afternoon and the town is in a festive mood. I forgot. It's their Qi Xi festival celebration today. Good thing is I can buy what I want and get the hell out of here.

I enter a small store selling cloth and sewing equipment. The village is so small that this is the only store with fabric.

I guess they don't have clothes ready for purchasing. I don't have the time to sit down and sew anything either.

"Young Miss, looking to make a handkerchief for tonight?" The store lady asks.

"What? Oh, not really."

"You already have it ready?"

"No. I'm not staying for the festival."

"Aren't you worried someone will propose to Young Master Yang?"

I snicker, "By all means, if they're looking for their end."

"Such anger for a young lady! We all saw that act in the marketplace yesterday. Don't act like you and Young Master Yang are not involved."

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