Chapter 179: Fifth Life - Stay with Me II

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"I see you two are back to sharing the same room?" Zi Xue teases.

Just swallowing a spoonful of rice congee, I cough nervously and don't answer. Yang Zi Huo hides his face behind his hands, avoiding Zi Xue's presence.

After making the atmosphere so very uncomfortable, she disappears into the kitchen.

I place the spoon next to my lips but can't bring myself to eat any more.

Yang Zi Huo clears his throat, even though he isn't eating and nothing seems to have been caught in his throat.

Sitting across from each other, we can't bare to look up. Even though we came out of the same room this morning, we can't get over the awkward realization of what happened last night.

In a slouched position, Yan sits in between us. He puts his head on the table, groaning in pain.


I take a sip of water and observe his terrible condition.

"Yan, what's the matter?" Yang Zi Huo asks at last.

Yan looks up at him, his puppy eyes glistening. "Da Ge, this headache is unbearable. I'm so nauseous and dehydrated. I remember last night being fun, but this is a terrible consequence from all that. How unfair! I thought I was going to wake up in the arms of a beautiful maiden. At least then this headache wouldn't be so painful. Why'd you have to be the popular one at Xurong Pavilion?"

Yang Zi Huo shoots him a deadly glare. Yan immediately notices that I was sitting right to him, and sits up. "I-- I mean we were out working all night for Wicked Mist, right Da Ge?"

"Maybe you didn't wake up with a beautiful maiden in your arms, but I did." Yang Zi Huo brings his cup of tea to his mouth. His eyes magnetically charges to make my heart flutter.

I make a face at him, wrinkling my nose.

Shut it!

Yan finally laughs, "Ah, you mean sister-in-law?"

Annoyed at both of them, I return my attention to the cup of water. Drinking the rest of it, I set the cup down on the table.

"Last day of playing around and then back to work." Yan sighs, "It really is tiring work to uphold demon justice."

Upon hearing that, it dawned on me that their three days off will be over tonight. Tomorrow morning, who knows where Wicked Mist will send the duo.

"Excuse me," I push the bowl of congee away and stand up to leave.

What if Yang Zi Huo gets sent away to a faraway place? What if it's a dangerous assignment? What if he gets hurt?

I shouldn't worry... He's more than capable of protecting himself. He's a three-hundred years old demon.

But my heart is still heavily weighed down with worry. We've only just come to an understanding and the feelings of overwhelming love is already fleeting.

I don't notice him sneaking up behind me. His hands slides in to complete mine. Perfectly interwoven like a beautiful dream.

Yang Zi Huo lowers his head. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm just worried."


"You going away tomorrow to report back to Wicked Mist."

Sighing, Yang Zi Huo wraps his arms around me. His head lightly placed above mine.

"You worried about me?"

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